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All rolled into one. First things first, here is the hotfix:


And this is the changelog:

  • Fixed all issues with unapproachable noble at the party (if you have a save, make sure it's from before you started interacting with the women in front of him);
  • Fixed game freezing if you approach the butler from the left;
  • Fixed bug in the alchemist quest if your intelligence is equal or higher than 90;
  • Fixed Eric's package always being a topic of discussion for the shopkeeper.

With this out of the way (and hopefully with no further need for bugfixing the current version), let's move on to the weekly report. I wrote two scenes for the vampire (since the winners for the last poll were hypnosis and corruption, separated by a single vote), so I can move toward finishing another path, while still doing right by the votes (this also buys me time to figure out what I might do for corruption-themed scenes ;p). The scenes aren't in the update, because I hadn't quite figured out yet how I want to start them (if I want to have them start at night like her other scenes after you go asleep, or if I'd rather have a different approach, especially since we'll be seeing some other vampires this time around, and the scene won't be at your house), so I cut them out before uploading the file. Other than that I didn't do much (I decided to rest a bit more than usual this weekend), although I ended up sleeping just a couple of hours yesterday (I guess it might be a lesson on how the best plans can go wrong anyway XD).

Sorry if I rambled a little (I tend to do that when I am sleepy), enjoy the hotfix, and as usual let me know anything you are thinking in the comments, otherwise see you next week! ^_^


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