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As in: development has been kind of slow. I did churn out 3 new scenes for the inn job (one involves getting intimate with the drunken sailor on the ground floor, first), and I am almost completely done with the ghost quest (I was expecting to actually be finished a while ago, but for some reason I kept double guessing certain ideas I had for it, so I ended up not making much progress, which was kind of frustrating). At least certain scenes are quite hot, so it should prove to be a nice little quest. :)

Aside from that, I did add the image I shown yesterday to the game (and also to the picture gallery), I did some work on the temples to implement a "fast travel" option back to the world map (and I also have been adding horse carts for fast travel between cities), but no big content additions, much to my chagrin.

I'll keep this short, because it's getting a bit late in my country, and I need the sleep, but as always, do let me know if I am forgetting something, or if you have any questions for me. See you next week! ^_^


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