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...Grab it while it's hot (or not, it's your time after all)!

I corrected the following issues:

  •   Fixed issues with exorcists temple, including stairs being unavailable at night and scenes freezing;  
  • Fixed freezing scene with outcasts (I had placed a temple on the Outcast exit... -_-);
  • Fixed passability of certain tiles in Rahib's new area;
  • Fixed High priestess of Rahib's dialogue loop;
  • Fixed Queen of Hearts stripper changing looks when you talked to her;
  • Fixed floating head in one of Sonya's dialogues (also, centered an image properly);
  • Fixed an issue with the Fish TF (it used the spell to revert back to human used by the mouse TF, causing all sorts of troubles);
  • Special dialogue with the armourer now requires low inhibitions, as opposed to high (this scene won't be available unless you talk to a certain NPC while having a big bosom, anyway, so don't freak out if you can't trigger it anyway! :p);

This should be everything (although I have the nagging feeling I fixed something else, and forgot to add it to the list...). I also introduced a script to the game which *should* fix some of the problems when using old saves, or getting crashes when variables aren't initialized for whatever reason. This isn't a 100% guarantee of retrocompatibility, but hopefully it will make it more likely we can continue our old saves even if I add some scripts in the future.

The poll ended a few days ago, and as always, it looks like we desperately need more random events and job events! XD I'll probably focus only on one job (so I can flesh at least one out properly), and I'll try to add a few random events here and there, while I tackle some of my "to-do" list. Carla did get second place, so I might add at least a scene for her, since the path is only one scene deep right now.

I believe this is everything for this week, but as always, feel free to remind me if there is something I forgot, otherwise, see you next week! ^_^


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