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(NOTE: I released a hotfix. I will update the link down here, but make sure you have the 0.45a version!)

Here is the link:


And here is the changelog:

The cowgirl path is now complete! Two endings + the possibility to continue playing as a slave to the Zanti family. There are several new scenes, including some minor randomization in the text, and interactions with the denizen of the farm. I could still expand this further with more content (and I still need to write scenes for the "slave path", so you can have some fun with the workers around the farm). The slime girl quest also has a different "shape", if you are a slave of the Zanti family (but I guess it's unlikely for people to postpone the quest for that long);

I also enhanced the bath house sex scene (this also uses audio cues again, I hope people will be kind enough to test it for me, and if people like it, I might have to modify all sex scenes to include audio as well);

There have been a few changes to the UI. A lot of it works using scripts, and do require a fresh start so no backward compatibility, sorry. The main changes are:

Battle UI (please, let me know if you like the new look);

Picture gallery (now you unlock the CG when you first see the images, but I have yet to find a way to make the mouse compatible with it (it might be impossible without significant changes, so I hope you don't mind it too much);

The personal info menu has a new page (but it's still incomplete, I left it in so you can get the general idea, feel free to give me feedback on the layout);

A fast travel system (not available in-game yet, but it already works, so I just need to decide how to handle it, if make it available through the mage guild portals, horse carts, both, or even more options).

I did some more work on mini-games and game mechanics. I have a nice system for a dancing mini-game, with the protagonist dressed as a dancer, which falls as you fail the QTE, applauses if you do well enough, etc. It's not an original script, but I had to work on it quite a bit to make the UI fit my requirements (credit go to Sixth, which I sadly forgot to add to the "Credits" before uploading this version, so I'll have to fix it later). I also worked out another nice spell for puzzles and more, it should be nice to play around with it once it's done! ^_^

This will probably need quite a bit of bug testing: these are a lot of changes, after all, and I'll admit I have been lagging behind as far as testing go. The cowgirl stuff should be fine (most of it is straightforward), but the rest is going to need some time from the players to get adequate feedback. By the way, I also slightly changed how the mouse works: now you can select from menus even if the mouse isn't hovering over an entry. This means you can easily pick whatever choice is already highlighted even when the cursor is off screen or isn't on any of the entries, but it also means missclicking is a bit easier (since you get a valid input no matter what). Do let me know how it works for you.

Anyway, I might be forgetting something, but this is the basic rundown. Do let me know how things go, and have fun! ^_^


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