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So, this week I worked some more on the red dress content: I wrote 3 smaller, repeatable scenes (you can select one each night) and I fixed a few things, making sure that picking the dress while in Golden Leaf would still make sense. The scenes will all take place in Tarkas, regardless of where you dress up, to keep things simpler, and this wraps up the red dress content nicely, I think.

If you saw the hotfix release, you can probably figure out I was busy with some bugfixing as well. Sometimes I forget how easy it is to get blindsided by issues if you aren't careful when using VX Ace.

I did some work on the new quest, although not as much as I hoped (thanks to the bug hunting). I think once I wrap this quest up, the game will be more or less finished: I am trying to remember if there is anything left blantantly incomplete, and I am coming up with a blank. I might sneak in a couple of small quests (just to beef up chapter 5), some more scenes, but that should be it, unless I am forgetting something.

If I am, let me know. I understand asking you guys is a bit "unprofessional", but honestly I have been working on Caliross long enough now that it's getting harder to keep track of everything, and I don't exactly experience the game the way players would, so sometimes things get blurry.

Anyway, see you next week for another recap! :)


Graeme Cracker

Are we ever gonna see the inside of the circus' main tent?


It's in my bucket list, although I am having a hard time thinking of something good enough to be a worthwhile addition to the game. I guess the easy way out would be to add some hypnotist triggers if I want some sexy content, but I am unsure what I could do about the "regular" show.