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It doesn't matter the nature of what we tackle, the real question is "Can it shag Erica?" (usually the answer is yes, as you can see. One of the scenes here will be "coming soon" for a while, since it's tied to the final quest in Golden Leaf, but I had the idea for it already, so it got some art now. Stan is my artist as per usual, so make sure to check him out if you like his style and need something done.


Captain, my captain...!
Captain, my captain... Again?
Maid cleaning duty at the club.
"You'll dance for us, won't you?"
Listening to Catherine is always the BEST idea.
The queen and her toy.



It's been awhile but where to get the orc strap-on and the invisible hands scenes?


The ogress is the one scene I refer to as "coming soon". It's going to be part of the final quest for Golden Leaf, so it might not be available right away, but I was struck by inspiration so I commissioned it a bit earlier. The invisible hands are from a new encounter you can have in Rahib at night (at the statue near the Red Dune). P.S. This reminds me that the scene in Rahib needs a slight tweak, to make it easier to avoid for players.