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Well, a bit of boost and change never hurts. The witch nodded to herself, reading the page of the book again. Why not try something new? Let’s give this a shot!

It was so silly to be doing this, a moment of girlish, childish weakness. However, she was allowed one of those every so often, right?

Cassidy reread the page again. She had to do it a few more times. It was a very old book, only held together by the magic within it. She had found it in the basement storage room where all of the coven's oldest grimoires and tomes were kept. It was all some of the most serious and oldest magic, mostly locked away for safekeeping from humans.

The book was written in Latin, very old dialectic Latin. She was versed in it and was able to tell the book was about changing one's appearance, but reading the pages was difficult. Her Latin was still rusty from lack of use, and the text was often faded or missing letters.

Still, the one she landed on was what she wanted. It was about growing one's beauty. She could not necessarily make out what Libidinis meant, but it wouldn't be an issue for her. She was a powerful witch after all. Any issue could be fixed if she suspected something was up.

Satisfied that she understood the spell, she approached the bathroom mirror. She studied her appearance one last time. She had the pointed chin, long nose, and mole or two of a proper witch. It was a classic look, timeless.

Maybe it was too retro. Sure, the other witches maintained their green complexions and dark hair, but their noses and chins weren't quite as long as hers nor did they possess the same kind of moles she did. Cassidy did love her looks, but perhaps it really was time for an update.

Well, goodbye old me! The coven leader took one deep breath and released it slowly. Her hand clamped down onto the sink. Hello to a new Cassidy.

Staring deeply into the mirror, she spoke the words, her tone slowly turning into a soft, warm coo. “Incrementum Pulchritudinis et Libidinis, Incrementum Pulchritudinis et Libidinis, Incrementum Pulchritudinis et Libidinis.”

As the last “Libidinis” came out, Cassidy quaked. She thrusted her chest out, hands digging into the porcelain. Ooooooo, now that's a beauty spell with a kick!

Cassidy stared intently into the mirror, watching for any sign. At first, she didn't see anything different in her face. Then, her hair shook gently as if a breeze had entered the room.

Her eyes locked onto her short bowl cut. It grew, her mop looking thicker and denser. The bangs grew out, a thick lock of it falling between her eyes while another casually swung and covered a cheek. The style became wavier, longer in the back so that it reached her shoulders. Bringing it together was a glossy shimmer, like she only used the same products and conditioner.

The witch smiled. Her hair was thicker, longer, and fuller, but yet still her familiar style. Different, but still her. She liked it.

Her eyes squinted, and she leaned in. There was something else, more subtle in its adjustments. She usually had high cheekbones, rather prominent with how hollow her cheeks appeared to be. It made her witchy appearance pop even more.

Now, the cheekbones were a touch less pronounced than they were. Her cheeks were fuller, more lively. It made her face cuter and less gaunt to the eye.

Curiously, she reached up and stroked her cheek. It felt plump and smooth, just heavenly softer. Not bad either… oh!

Reaching up, she noticed her fingernails. They were usually dirty, brownish green, filed down significantly to hide her chewing habit. Now, they were an inch long and dark emerald green, manicured to perfection.

Her other hand was the exact same way giving it a quick check. Staring at her hands, she smiled. Cute. I never really thought about doing my nails before but… they do look nice!

Cassidy looked back to her face, catching in time to see more changes come to it. Her eyelashes grew longer and thicker, giving each blink a more sultry flutter. Eyebrows were tweezed down to sharp, thin shapes. Her eyelids gained a dark green hue to them, along with her lips, the lighting of the room making them look so glossy.

She reached and tapped her bottom lip and even pressed down on her eyelid. However, checking her finger, there was no makeup, no eyeshadow or lipstick. The dark green of her eyes and lips were all natural. She wouldn't need to bother with cosmetics if she didn't want to.

Cassidy could feel her heart race. So beautiful… I look so beautiful…


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