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Emiko Urasawa lifted a foot and slowly sunk it into the bubbles. She yanked back carefully when she felt the water on the sole. It was needless. The water was just right.

With a smile, she stepped into the bath and slowly slipped in. Her skin tingled under the heat but quickly adjusted to it. Easy, easy… She let out a low, pleasant sigh as her rear hit the bottom. That's gooooood.

The bubbles encased almost all of her, filling the gap from where she sunk through. Only her head was visible now, resting nicely against the far end of the tub. She felt her body relax, sinking further and limbs drifting to the side. She never realized how spacious her bathtub truly was, being a shower kind of gal.

The extra room would be very useful for her.

So warm… Emiko’s eyes started to droop, but she fought to keep them open. Can't drift off now. Need to… focus and pay attention.

First things first, feeling.
She focused on her body. The tingling sensation had returned, though it felt distinctly different from the touch of hot water on her skin. It wasn't bad, but perhaps a bit more numbing and odd.

Her feet, and especially her toes, felt it the most. This must be it. Let's check.

She adjusted her position and slowly rose a foot out of the water. Breaking through the dense layer of bubbles, she gave her foot a good shake to remove any suds that remained. She had a clear picture of it now.

Her foot looked grayer, bluish gray. It could've been just her imagination, but the fact that she had four toes said enough to her. Her toes were missing toenails, but were still pointed. They were stretched into natural claws almost.

Her foot was bigger and heavier as well. She let it sink back into the water and brushed it against her still sunken foot. She could feel it had four toes as well, pointed at the ends. Her skin felt rougher as they brushed against each other too.

It's started. Emiko trembled, biting her bottom lip. G-good. She shifted a little and began to rise higher out of the water, her shoulders breaking through. However, she wasn't trying to sit up. Her body was growing, widening, especially seen in her broader shoulders.

Changes definitely are a g-go… Emiko’s breathing grew deeper. Whether… whether it's the amount of soap used that determines the speed of growth… she snorted, cheeks reddening, it kicks in right away and fast. It's quite… quite…

A low moan left her. Her loins felt hot, very hot. They felt tingly, wanting, needing. She grinned, baring her impressively sharp, vicious teeth. So hot…



If this is just a preview, then I'm SUPER excited for the full story. I love sharks. Never read a shark TF tho...