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The next few minutes, Melissa Perez spilled herself to the toon. She told him everything. She told him of her life of studying and hitting the books. It had been all about working through school, hoping to reach a good enough job that could provide for her and for family. It was all for a better life than she had.

However, all the work, all the effort and singular focus had come at a cost. She had forgo any chance of a social life or making many friends. She experienced the difficulty of it when she first got to college, not prepared to handle new social situations and such. It was all too new, all too much, and it left her anxiety ridden.

"I just think… think I would be better behind the scenes here. I'm sure I would be no good out front with… everyone and having to deal with so many people."

"Surprise ya would wanna work with toons den given… yah know."

"I know, but you all just seemed so nice, friendly, and understanding but…"

"Wells, I's understand!" Roy nodded, folding his arms. "Social anxiety is ah total pain in da bum! I's totally get why youse interested in da backend stuff here."

Then, the beaver smiled brightly. "But dontcha worry a ding! Wes can fix dat easily! Howse 'bout ones of ours special meals ta get ya started?"

Melissa knew what this entailed. She had heard all the stories about the place and their transformative food during her research. She already expected this would happen if she was to work there: to become like Roy and the others, another toon.

She had tried her best to mentally prepare for it, for when that moment would come up. After talking to Roy for a bit now, she felt a tiny bit better about the whole situation. However, she still asked, "Will… will this actually work?"

"Mhm!" Roy nodded, picking up his walkie-talkie, "You'lls be just fine ands if youse ain't, we's cans talk 'bout workin' back here."

Melissa nodded back. Roy smiled and started talking to someone on his radio as she thought. I… I'm not sure. She looked at her hands, still clenching tightly and shaking. Will this actually help? I… I feel like a lost cause.

She took a deep breath and released it. I… I still gotta try, if only to at least see what I'll be like for this job. See what I'm like as a t-toon and-

The door swung open as a new toon strutted in, a hippo far larger than the beaver. He strolled up and placed a slice of pizza on the desk before them. Then, without a word, he gave them some finger guns and strolled on out, shaking his booty from side to side.

Even before the toon set the slice down, Melissa could smell it. It wasn’t the normal scent of garlic and onions, but the strongest, most powerful, and smelliest of scents the two had ever produced. Her eyes almost started watering the first whiff she got of the toppings.

Roy, however, didn't seem to notice or even react to the scent, not even seeing the obvious, brownish fumes rising from the slice. He smiled, inching it towards the edge of the desk closer to her. "Here ya go! One slice is alls yah needs! Eat on up, ands you'llse be ready!"

Melissa stared at the slice and then back at Roy. Her toes were clenching now, hairs standing on end. G-guess… guess this is it!


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