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Twilight wanted me here so it must be important! She gulped and started approaching again. Okay, Flutter, you can do this! You can enter this mysterious building by yourself and meet your friend! St-stop overthinking it!

Reaching the door, she took a deep breath and released it. She grabbed the doorknob and turned it, stepping inside.

The place certainly looked like a restaurant. There were plenty of tables and booths set up all over, one of the walls on the far right having a window into a kitchen-looking area. The walls and flooring had a fine wood aesthetic to it, giving the place a cozy feel.

But after that look, Fluttershy realized something. She was alone; no one was around.

“H-hello?” There was no response. She spoke louder, as much as her gentle voice could allow for it. “Tw-Twilight? Anyone?”

Still nothing. “…oh well!” She started to turn. “No one’s home. I’ll just-”

“Hey there, broette! Leavin’ so soon?”

A deep, warm baritone voice echoed from deeper in the restaurant. The sudden sound made Fluttershy squeaked and caused her to jump. Her wings flapped, pushing her a bit higher up on the leap.

She quickly spun around once on the ground, seeing a new figure step out from one of the rooms in the far back. It was a tannish-yellow stallion.

What a stallion it was at that, her face instantly going red and heart beating fast. The pony was impressively built with incredibly defined musculature that was both bulky and bulgy. He reminded her of Big Macintosh the one time she embarrassingly saw him without a shirt on.

This pony did wear a shirt of sorts, along with shorts, but it might as well have been painted on. He wore a white top that only covered his chest and a little above his navel, chest fur/hair sticking out the neckhole. Written across it was the name “Ballers”. His orange shorts hugged him tightly as well, showing off the outline of a fairly large package.

Fluttershy tried her best not to stare at anything that would make her squirm, directing her eyes to his face. He had a brilliant red mane with striking sun yellow streaks that ran through the stylish, short mop. Across his muzzle was a finely trimmed red beard.

It was strange. Looking at him gave her a sense of nostalgia, as if they had met once before. Maybe it was because he had the same fur and mane color as Sunset Glimmer? Perhaps it was that? It made a silly thought cross her mind that he was her brother, but she didn’t recall her having a brother.

Maybe it was Sunset Glimmer? Again, a silly, even more easily dismissible thought.

Either way, her eyes remained locked on him, eventually drifting from his muzzle to the rest of him. She couldn’t help it despite how hot her body was feeling. The beefcake of a unicorn was so eye-catching.

“Something wrong dudette?” the stallion spoke away, snapping her back to Earth. “Oooh, I get it! Sunset Glare’s hot bod is too much for ya, huh?” He chuckled, flexing one of arm’s and making it bulge impressively. “I get ya. A bod this hawt is, like, totally hypnotic, ain’t it?”

The brief thought that this was Sunset Glimmer felt even more ridiculous. There was no way a former student of Celestia was this… “broey”.

Regardless, Fluttershy found her voice again. It was still all flustered, and she was completely red in the face, but she managed to talk. “Well, ah… I’m Fl-Flu-Fluttershy an-and I-I’m h-here to mee-meet Twi-Twilight Sparkle.”

“Twi?” Glare stroked his chin and rubbed his forehead, looking like he was deep in thought. “OH! Yeah! Big boss bro!”

““Bi-big boss bro?””

“Ahhh…” Glare bonked his head. “Right! Dat hot princess, right? Yeah! The babe is upstairs waitin’ for you, cutie! I’ll take you there.” With that, he took her hand and led her away. The pegasus was putty, dragged along as her heart continued to race. She barely kept herself from being fully limp and sliding along the ground.

After a flight of stairs and a bit of walking, the two came up a door. On it, the words “Manager’s Office” were emboldened. Glare let go of Fluttershy’s hand, the mare feeling sense come back into her, and knocked.

“Hey, bro!” Glare called out. “Dat hawt babe you wanted is here, bro!”

“Well, send her in, bro!” A voice called. It sounded like another stallion, his voice less deep but far richer and more enticing in a way.

Glare opened the door and stepped to the side, signaling for Flutter to enter. She looked at him, which he returned with a wink and thumbs up. She blushed more and hurried inside.

The door closed behind her as Fluttershy got a good look at the room. It was a spacious, nice-looking office, though with a large mirror and set of gym equipment in the corner. She saw their owner behind the desk and then all of that workout equipment made a lot of sense.

They were an equally… no, slightly buffer stallion than Glare. He casually read a book titled “Proper Muscle Care for Bros”, holding it in the air with a bit of magic from his unicorn horn. He placed the book down on the counter and turned to the mare, smiling. “Sup, Flutter! Glad you could come, dudette!”

If the last pony felt familiar then this one somehow did even more. The fur, mane, and eye colors were all Twilight Sparkle’s. It was remarkably uncanny, but it couldn’t possibly be her. Again, it was the dudebro attitude, physique, thick beard and body hair, and the whole being a total stallion thing.

The nostalgic confusion was interrupted for her when the stallion got up and walked around to meet her. He had on a similarly tight uniform as Glare. However, that bulge in his orange shorts was much bigger. Very much so, every inch of it highlighted in the spandex material that it nearly gave the shy pony a heart attack.

Desperately, her eyes flickered all around the room to look anywhere but there. Eventually, they fell on a curious sight behind the purple stallion. He has wings… and a horn.

“You’re an alicorn?” Fluttershy blurted out. She felt embarrassed, but admittedly, the realization caught her by surprise. She had only ever seen a few alicorns in her life and none of them had ever been a stallion before.

The male alicorn chuckled. “Umm, yeah!” He shook his head and looked deep into Fluttershy’s eyes amused. “I’ve been an alicorn, like, for a while, dudette! I’m, like, pretty sure you were there when it happened fosho!”

Fluttershy went quiet. Despite the stallion’s sultry, smug gaze that made her squirm, she stared into his eyes as well. Gears in her mind were turning. Those words he had said set something off within her.

There… I was… wait. Fluttershy twitched, her eyes widening. WAIT! Her jaw dropped, unintelligible noises and sounds stuttering out of her maw.

Eventually, they came together to form English, letting her finally say, “N-n-no! It… It can’t be!! Twi-Tw-TWILIGHT?!”

The purple stallion laughed. “Yep! Sup, broette! You finally got it!” He patted her gently on the shoulder. “But, please, call me Dusk Shine, Flutter! It’s, like, totally more me, ya know?”


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