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  • “Sup bros and broettes!” Air horns blare as an image of a golden retriever anthro in a tight sleeveless shirt appears what is inside a van. “Time for another radical episode of…”
  • Title appears in goofy font. “You’ve Been Good Boyed!”
  • “I’m your one, your own, best boy, Leo! I’m here with my fellow best boy crew, Shawn and Lizzie!” A female springer appears waving, saying “sup” as an off screen voice is heard barking in delight.
  • “We’re lookin’ to give out another radical Good Boy treatment today! Liz, who is gettin’ it?”
  • Lizzie looks out the window, her tail wagging. “Oh oh oh oh! That girl there, bro! She’s standing outside sum store, lookin’ totally bored!”
  • “Not for long, broette!” Leo howls. “Let’s give her a taste of a true “good boy” fun!”
  • -Scene cut-
  • Scene is normal now as Rachel waits outside a store on a street. JD has went back inside to buy one more thing. She sighs, stretching her arms, sitting the bag down on the bench nearby. “Hope he hurries before I fall asleep here.”
  • As she sits there, a white van comes to a screeching stop in front of her. It catches her off guard enough that as the side door opens, she takes a step back.
  • “Sup broette! Time to get Good Boyed!” Three anthro dogs pop out, one of which is holding a video game.
  • Wait… what is… she thinks
  • The golden retriever hurries up and puts his arm around her shoulder, pulling her in. “Hey, honey, what’s your name?”
  • Rachel is confused. “Ummm, Rachel Groves?”
  • “Rachel Groves, the Good Boy of the Day everybuddy! Let’s give her the collar!” The other dogs bark, tails wagging and cheering.
  • They attach the collar around her neck. Instantly, white fur sprouts from under where it was put, crawling up and down her neck
  • Rachel tries asking them what they are doing when she notices her voice deepened, taking her by surprise.
  • “Good Boys need Good Boy voices, bro!” The golden retriever said.
  • “Well, I can’t argue you with your logic, but I don’t think-” Trembles, finding her top tighter on her shoulders as they broaden and gain fur.
  • Her long blue hair shrinks up her back to her neck.
  • “No thinking! Good Boys don’t need to think about anything other than how to be Good Boys and be called Good Boys!” The lady springer declared, poking her nose.
  • Rachel’s nose inflates into a dog snoot, lips turning black and gummy as fur grows across her face and head
  • Rachel tries to say something, but her voice is jumbled and slurred.
  • Her teeth turn canine, tongue gets longer, and muzzle grows out.
  • Rachel blinks and feels her new snoot. “Oh wow, that is cute.”
  • “Darn straight! Good Boys are handsome and cute!” The golden retriever explained, tail wagging.
  • Rachel’s head numbs and feels off, things hard to focus on.
  • Skull and head fully reshape to a dog’s with cheeks, brow, dome, and such changes. Ears change as well.
  • “Whoooooooaaaa, my head is all weiiiiird there…” “But it isn’t weird now! It’s totally Good Boy approved!” The springer holds up her phone, showing it to her.
  • Rachel gasps, seeing the dalmation dog head looking back. Her hair turns fully black, shorter, and scruffy with some streaks of blue in it.
  • “Well, I’m all for random TFing, but I don’t think this is all appropriate right-”
  • “See that folks?” The goldern retriever declared, looking into the camera. “She loves it! Leo always finds the right ones!” “Ummm, I don’t think you’re listening-”
  • Leo pets her on the head. “Ain’t that right? Rachel Groves is a Good Boy, ain’t ya? You’re a very goooooood boy!”
  • Rachel trembled, eyes twitching. Face stretches into a smile, tongue hanging out as she pants.
  • “Yeah… Rachel is a good boy…” Her hips shake from side to side before stopping at the sound of a rip. Dalmation tail pops out.
  • “Rachel is a good boy, but maybe not a perfect good boy yet!” The springer says, inching up closer to her.
  • “I’m not?!” She gasps, placing her hands on her face, hands turning into paws with stubby claws
  • “Yeah! You’ve been Good Boyed, but not all the way! You’re not totally lookin’ all Good Boyed, ya know?”
  • “awwww, but I wanna be a Good Boy ‘cause I am a good boy!” Fur crosses over her arms and down her torso.
  • “Hmmm… maybe you are, maybe you aren’t!” Leo strokes his chin. “Say it!”
  • “Rachel is a Good Boy!” Arms buff up and chest & torso widen.
  • “Say it again!” Rachel does, her D-cups turning to Bs, fur covering her navel.
  • “One more time!” “Rachel is a Gooooood Boy!” She barks, breasts vanishing and forming into pecs. Her spaghetti strap top’s straps break, everything else looking tight
  • “Yeah! Now you’re looking like a good boy!” The dogs all lean in and ask at the same time. “You are a good boy, ain’t ya?”
  • “yeah yeah yeah! Rachel is a Good Boy!” She pants, tail wagging harder. Hips flatten and rear tightens up to something more athletic
  • Thighs and legs turn more musculature as she grows taller
  • The straps rip on her sandals as her feet turn into dog paws. “Aww, there goes my shoes.”
  • “Good Boys don’t need shoes or sandals! They just need their good paws, right?”
  • “Oooooh, right!” Rachel barked. “That makes sooooooooooooooohhhh!”
  • She chuckles as her eyes go crossed, black spots appearing of her white fur body
  • Her pants bulge greatly in the crotch, the button popping open to make room.
  • “Awww yeah, now you’re a truly Good Boy! All good boys are big everywhere!”
  • One more muscle growth as her top rips off, revealing her toned pecs and abs.
  • Rachel chuckles, feeling her muscles pecs. “Y-yeah… good boys are big everywhere! Big muscles and big bumps!”
  • “Mhm! And Good Boys also have good names!” The springer added. “I say… you’re more of a Rex than a Rachel!”
  • “Yeah yeah yeah!” Rex nodded eagerly. “Rex is totally that!”
  • “Then let’s give it up for Rex, Our Good Boy of the video!” All the dogs bark and howl with delight
  • “Yeah yeah, Rex is a Good Boy! Best boy!” He flexes and shows off his pecs. “Get my good boy best side!”
  • “It’s all your best side!” the springer sighs, rubbing her face as she ogles him
  • The door to the store opens and JD steps outside. “Sorry it took me so long! took forever for the guy to find the book in the back, but I got… what?”
  • He looks at the scene and at Rex, who smiles and pants. “JD! Guess what? I’m a Good Boy! Your best boy!”
  • The dalmation hugs and licks his face
  • “...I can’t look away without you transforming, can I?” JD mumbled. He looked at the other dogs. “Hey, did you do-”
  • “Oh! It’s time for us to jam!” Leo declares to the camera. “This has been another hype episode of “You’ve Been Good Boyed!”, my handsome bros and broettes! See ya next time!”
  • The dog quickly pile into the vehicle and speed off before JD could say anything.
  • “Well that happen…” JD looks at Rex, who is wagging and panting, hugging him. “So… what now?”
  • “Let’s go for a walk!” Rex declared. “I’m a Good Boy who deserves walks and treats.”
  • He smuggly chuckles. “Then you can take me home and pet and rub me all over. Your Good Boy deserves all the looooove you can give him.”


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