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Hey folks! I'm opening up again to take on some nice story slots! We're wide open for almost anything and everything (be sure to check my Do's & Don'ts). You can also snag a Christmas slot for a discounted price now if you want!

Timeframe for completion on the stories will be:
Regular Story: September to February 2024
Christmas Story: By Christmas or end of December 2023

Slots are open and I'll pick from the list of which I liked. You have until August 25th at 10pm CST.


Firingwall Story Commissions

Hello! I'm Firingwall and I offer story commissions for those interested the theme of transformation! I am currently opened, so if you are interested in a story, do fill out and answer the questions below! I'll get back to you as soon as I can. I'm also offering Christmas story slots for those interested!


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