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  • “Humph! Watch where you’re going, peasant!”
  • Landon winces, rubbing his arm. He looks at the woman he ran into.
  • It’s a pale, dark haired young woman in an elegant dress and elegantly brushed long hair
  • She looks fairly “above” him as it were, staring daggers at him.
  • Landon blushes intensely and looks away, glasses dipping down his nose. He can’t really look her in the eye without feeling embarrassed. Then again, he feels very awkward around anyone who stares at him for long.
  • The young man had just left the game store in the mall, picking up some games he had on order that he couldn’t get until after his late shift.
  • He admits to himself his head was in the clouds thinking about the fun night ahead of him, so he wasn’t looking when he left.
  • “S-s-s-sorry…” he whimpers out to the woman.
  • The woman brushes her hair back and accepts it, but reminds him to be careful. The next person won’t be as accepting. “Thankfully, someone of my societal standing is.”
  • With that, she struts off, walking with purpose and flair, her high heels click and clacking on the floor.
  • Landon sighs. He thinks she has the feel and aura of a woman from one of those dating sim games or animes he’s seen.
  • He winces again and looks at his arm. It looks like it was scratched a bit. Her nails must have gotten him when he walked into her.
  • There appears to be no blood at least so he decides to hurry on out so he can get home, careful this time not to walk into anyone to avoid anymore confrontations
  • -Cut-
  • Landon is outside the mall now and is walking to his car. He lets out a sigh and rubs his forehead. He’s feeling sweaty.
  • Maybe he ran too much to get out? Though, it does feel warm outside too. He didn’t think it was that warm of a night
  • He brushed his forehead again, body feeling warmer.
  • Across his body, blemishes and hairs vanished. His pale skin lighted a bit. Now smooth, dainty white complexion
  • Landon sighes, stretching his arms as he walked. Should just get home and relax. Everything will be better.
  • Short messy brown hair turns to blond very slowly, starting at the roots.
  • As he walks, the area begins to brighten. The moon appears as the clouds part.
  • His hair turns golden blonde now.
  • Looking up, its a full moon tonight! It looks so big as he stares at it.
  • Eyelashes lengthen. He still stares at it, thoughts slowing.
  • Lips plump and slight makeup with eyeshadow and lipstick appears
  • Eventually, he snaps out of it, realizing he’s standing around awkwardly. Imagine if people saw me like this! So undignified
  • He frowns, confused by the thought and moves along. His clothing feels looser on him.
  • His body is thinning to a fitter build. Fat from arms, legs, and belly going away.
  • His shoes feel a tad uncomfortable due to that as well, but he ignores it.
  • Landon reaches his car and unlocks it, putting his bag away it.
  • Something feels off, noticing his hand grabbing to the door handle.
  • He pulls it closer, noticing how daintier it looks. He blinks a few times, thinking its a trick of the light.
  • That’s when his fingernails grow out to a professional manicure length with pink nail polish
  • Landon stumbles back against the car behind him. What the hell!? What’s wrong with my hands?
  • …does this nail polish go well with these clothes? This style doesn’t-
  • He shakes his head. His mind feels blurry and confused now.
  • His thighs and hips began to expand and widen to a curvier form. His pants no longer feel as loose, but rather tight in some spots.
  • They get tighter as his rear grows, getting more bubble butt firm shape.
  • Landon pants, fanning his face. Oh, how I wish I had a proper paper fan to… ugggh, my head!
  • His face softens and thins, turning cuter in some ways. A gentle bit of blush comes to his cheeks.
  • He stands up straight and pants some more, trying to focus his mind. Something is happening, but what? I’m changing… I’m…
  • I’m becoming beautiful. His eyes weakly open, looking brighter. His hair looks more brushed and neat, longer in the back.
  • Beautiful… why does that sound nice? It feels nice to think that, to be something better than before
  • His chest inflates, giving him a small set of breasts that gently push against his baggy shirt. He trembles at that, the area feeling hotter
  • His waist gets thinner and tones for a fitter shape, torso numbing and off for a bit as it does
  • “I’m not beautiful! What is going on with my-Ooooooh!” The bump in pants vanishes as his voice changes to a higher pitch, girly tone.
  • He breathes deeply, rubbing his face. He looks down at himself. His breasts expanding, standing out further.
  • His heart aches. “I’m… I’m so… oh my goodness, I must look!”
  • He gets out his phone and checks himself out in the camera. It’s a bit difficult to see given the darkness.
  • Turning on the flash, he snaps a picture. His face fully changes and feminized.
  • I’m so pretty. He shivered. My makejob is dazzling! No… I am dazzling!
  • Thinking that makes her tremble again, her figure getting a bit fitter and firmer like a swimmer or a ballerina with longer legs and more tender thighs.
  • Landon gulps and admits she likes this. She can’t explain it, but she does like the image she sees in her picture. She’s never looked so good or felt so right.
  • Oh my, how did this ever happen? She gently strokes her face. She can’t really think of anything, but perhaps it will come to her?
  • Breasts grow one last cup size and rear firms up a bit more to fit her figure, clothing tight on her.
  • The clothing tightness does capture her attention and looking at it, she feels… embarrassed by it. She normally wore such clothing, but now? It felt… so pedestrian and not fitting.
  • And that doesn’t bother her. A small smile crosses her lips. Well, I am different. I’m… better? She smiles more. I’m a whole new person. I don’t know how long, but I shan't misuse this time I’ve been granted!
  • She lets out a haughty laugh as her hair turns into curls along the sides of her face. She blushes. That came out of nowhere, but it felt natural. A new quirk of hers?
  • Landon laughs again. A stunning voice and refined laugh for such a woman as herself now. It just works and she likes it.
  • She looks back to the mall and smiles. She does have a bunch of money saved up. Why not splurge on something nice, pretty… and expensive! Only the best for her!
  • She strolls off back to the mall with an elegant strut. Time for another round of shopping! She felt the need to look like royalty now. It was a whole new her and she wanted to make the most of it.


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