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“Still, he was right.” Justin sighed. He looked far more tense, hunching over. “This is pretty good, but I think it could be better. Mind if I kick it up a bit?”

“Go for it.” Justin got up and went over to a tightly closed box near them. He opened it up and pulled out a few pieces of coal. However, they were quite odd from the looks of them, being both red and white instead of black.

Justin seemed to agree, looking at them as he closed the box. “Can coal be red and white?”

“I dunno,” Jacob answered honestly. After a bit of staring, Justin shrugged and placed the rocks with the rest in the room’s center. He picked up a bucket nearby, carefully pouring some of its water onto them.

The steam began to thicken, the room growing warm and obscuring vision. The heat was wonderful, Jacob letting out a sigh and sinking into his seat. So good… feels so good. He smiled. His body truly felt wonderful and almost lighter.

It felt so much lighter that he looked down at himself. Sure enough, his belly and moobs were still there. He chuckled and went back to leaning back, closing his eyes. Being silly… but would’ve been nice. Just relax and enjoy it.

It was such a pleasant feeling that made him wiggle in his seat a little. The sudden movement caused his towel to loosen up. It dipped down his hips, showing the top of his rear.

There, his skin bulged. Right at the base of his spine, just above his crack, a nub popped out. It started small but slowly grew longer and longer. Hairs sprouted from it, growing just as long. They were thick, fluffy, and creamy yellow.

His body stopped wiggling. Instead, the new growth shook, wagging like a happy dog’s tail would.

Jacob noticed not a thing. His eyes opened and looked across the way at his friend. Justin seemed to be doing better, sitting back down. He was no longer hunching over, leaning back in his spot and his shoulders drooping. It was nice to see him not as tense anymore.

Though, squinting at him, something seemed off. Perhaps it was the steam obscuring things or the heat playing with his mind, but there appeared to be something on the bench beside his gym rat friend. It was deep, dark ocean blue and rather glossy with the way the light was on it. It seemed like a tail, almost as long as half his leg and with a large, arrowhead fluke at its end, a tannish brown frill in its center.

Said tail seemed to be coming from Justin himself. That can’t be right… Jacob cleared his throat, looking at his friend. “Hey… Justin?”


“Are… are you-” A cold chill went up Jacob’s back. In such a hot room, the sensation was beyond peculiar and weird. The chill went straight into his mind, things becoming hard to focus on or think about.

The man groaned, hunching forward. His short brown hair ruffled about, like a breeze had suddenly blown through it. Rising from its roots, a rich, creamy yellow washed away its original color. Locks became fuller and thicker, growing puffy and wild on his head while more flowed down the back of his neck and onto his back.

“Are I what?” Justin asked, curiously looking at his friend.

“I… I…” Jacob rubbed his face, sitting back up straight. After a moment, he looked at his friend again. He saw the tail, still there. Part of him wanted to say something, to point out the odd addition to his buff companion.

However, he couldn’t. Confusion and bafflement were gone, as if the steam and chill had made them vanished. Jacob eventually just settled on a shrug and leaned back, his own tail still wagging. “Nevermind. It’s nothing.”


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