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“Heeeeeeey!” the raven called, waving him over, “Come on over! You look like you need some help, sir!”

“Oh, ah, I suppose.” It didn’t really matter if he saw her booth originally or not. He decided to approach her. “Yeah, I do have an issue. My trunks have a big hole in them and… I don’t have any spares on me.”

“Oh, that is a problem!” she said with a nod. Her smile grew wider. “Well, lucky for you, my booth just so happened to be near that stall, eh?

A soft giggle left her as she bowed. “My name is Shade, proprietor of this lovely stand. I run it every year at this time. After all, it’s that special time: hot bird summer.”

Shade teasingly winked at him, the man blushing embarrassingly. She went on, “So, swim trunks? I have what you need, hun. One size fits all.”

She bent down below the counter and came back up with something, laying it out for him. It was a pair of faded red swim trunks, rather similar to his from a glance. “Here we are! Give them a try and if you like them, we can discuss payment.”

Seems fair to me. Bryan thanked her and took the pair back into the changing booth. Putting his bag to the side, he shimmed out of his shorts and slipped the swim trunks on over his underwear.

Bryan smiled, adjusting them. They fit perfectly. Hey, these work after all! I can definitely use them. He stretched his arms. Glad that worked out. Thank god, she was here, eh?

He chuckled softly. Real good luck. It was almost like she was here on purpose.

The smile faded from his face. Wait… nah. He shook his head and rolled his eyes. I’m being weird here. Better go let her know I’m taking these.

Bryan grabbed his bag and started to turn toward the door. As he did, he suddenly shivered. A delightfully odd, internal warm feeling began blooming. It felt… good.

Shivers turned to trembles as the sensation grew. What’s… that? The feeling was emanating from below, bringing his attention downward.

He flinched. His swim trunks were bulging. It wasn’t the usual kind of bump he had below in his crotch but something else. It was bigger, much bigger with the fabric gently conforming to part of its shape.

What the hell? He wasn’t always that big. Now, he never really paid attention to his dick size before. That kind of thing was pretty silly in his mind. He wasn’t self-obsessed or egoistical to think about. Still, he was sure he wasn’t that packed down below.

I must be imagining it. Bryan rubbed his eyes. Just imagining it. It’s probably- “WHAT the fuck?!” His trunks were physically shaking and vibrating on their own now.

And as they shook, they began to shrink. The shorts legs pulled back up into the body, the string laces merging into the nylon material. The stretching hemline and pockets vanished as it continued to compact further. He could briefly see his underwear as his trunks shrunk before they were suddenly pulled in and absorbed.

Once shrunken down enough, the material transformed into a stretchy polyester/elastane blend. The sight of his newly changed swimwear made Bryan blushed. A speedo?! I’m wearing a speedo! What the fuck is going on?!


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