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  • “That Goomba looks so serene.” “…well then.”
  • Mei giggled, shaking her head. No matter how many times she watched, it seeing Elephant Mario kick that sleeping Goomba made her laughed.
  • She sighed and leaned into her sofa, relaxing blissfully. It had been over a week since the trailer for Super Mario Bros. Wonder came out.
  • She had just finished watching the trailer on Nintendo’s YouTube channel for the fourth or fifth time. She loves it and can’t get it out of her mind.
  • So much fun! She thinks. I can’t wait to play!
  • The college girl had already preordered the game and was looking forward to it come October. However, part of her nagged about playing the game and balancing college work
  • I’ll figure it out later…
  • She went into the YouTube comments for the video, looking to see what others were saying.
  • As she scrolled through them, her eyes hit a comment from “Nintendo of Amerca” that had a link. “Click the link to get new notifications on the game here!”
  • Sweet! She clicked on it…
  • …and then immediately regretted it. Crap! That’s not Nintendo!
  • The name of the user was just slightly off of America and she instantly felt like a fool. She should’ve realized that instantly.
  • The moment she clicked, a white screen had opened up, something loading. She tried backing out of it or closing the tab, but it refused to go away.
  • Stupid stupid! I’m an idiot! I can’t believe I fell for-
  • Bzzzzzt. Her phone buzzed and the screen vanished. She just got a text notification.
  • Text: “Thank You for subscribing to our premium service! We’ll be sending you hot photos of the new Mario until the game’s release!”
  • Mei just groans, rubbing her face. Just grreeeeat. Just wonderful. I screwed up badly. How many viruses or spam will I be getting daily now?
  • She sighed, thinking about blocking the number right away and hoping that works.
  • Just as she’s about to, her phone buzzes again. She has gotten a picture. It’s a screen capture of Elephant Mario from the trailer.

TF Picture Order & Outline:

  • Elephant Mario Screen Capture
    • Mario Hat appears on her
    • She’s annoyed. Is this what I’m going to get? Just pictures of the game I can find in the trailers. Yep, definitely gonna block you.
    • Goes to try again but is interrupted by another buzz
  • Elephant Mario focused in one from the Game Box
    • Thicker eyebrows as they arch
    • Still finds the image amusing, but her mind lingers how big and girthy he is. She’s quiet at the thought, a creeping warmth hitting her cheeks until its gone
    • Still, nothing I haven’t seen before. Better just block before-
  • Official Looking Elephant Mario
    • Mei is more impressed by the official image. How did they get the image or did they make it? It’s impressive regardless
    • Broader shoulders, some grayer complexion
    • Bright blue eyes
    • Next photo comes in before she can think of blocking
  • Elephant Mario stuck in the pipe. Looks fatter. Almost looks official but not there
    • Okay, this is fanart. Are they taking fan art?
    • Weight gain. Going from scrawny to thicker limbs and pudgy tummy
    • This is probably furry fan art too. Just look at the way they draw the belly stuck in the pipe. It’s just so big and wide compared to the game. So big, plump… thick…
    • Tail nub
    • Stares longer at his belly. Knows it isn’t accurate, but finds him chubbier to be cuter and… more attractive
    • Coughs, thinking the fan art isn’t bad, but she really should-
  • Elephant Mario smiling and holding Elephant Fruit from trailer
    • He’s definitely looking cuter, her cheeks blushing as they get bigger and wider and grayer. Her thoughts are more quick and less trying to hide it.
    • Toes change to three hoof-like light gray stubs.
    • Feet enlarge and stretch sock
    • She’s thinking she’s being silly and should really block the number… but kind of wants to see more Elephant Mario pictures. Her heart beats harder at that.
  • Elephant Mario Pinup, Flexing and pushing his gut out. Bulge in his pants
    • She blushes hard. The bulge is so lewd! She almost regrets thinking she wanted more
    • Hair shrinks and shrinks, disappearing beneath her hat. Head and scalp are mostly gray
    • However… she can’t look away. Why does it look… good on him? So attractive and stunning
    • Pants slightly bulge and stomach grows
    • Instead of thinking to block, she starts to wonder what she’ll get next
  • Close Up of Elephant Mario Winking. Chest looks heavier and clothing tighter over it.
    • She’s thankful its less lewd, but she feels oddly down. There’s almost a touch of disappointment in it
    • He’s so… handsome.
    • Hairs growing over upper lip as she wants to kiss him
    • Breasts deflate
    • Ears start growing, pinkier on the inside and smoother
  • Art of Elephant Mario in only Overalls, showing broader, fat pecs. Bulge looks bigger
    • Her heart is racing. Much lewder… but her concern is fading. She can’t look away from how attractive he is
    • Her eyes on his chest, breasts fattening up and getting wider and squarer. Hairs start sprouting
    • She is getting taller and wider, clothing feeling rather tight
    • Her hand unconsciously moves towards her bulge, which had grown, but she pulls it back, realizing what she’s doing.
  • Art of Elephant Mario turned around, showing his rear. Rear looks fat and wide in overalls
    • Mei moans. She can’t help it anymore. She’s turned on and is loving it
    • Her ass widens and fattens, hips and thighs matching
    • Her eyes are on his fat cheeks in the overalls. So handsome!
    • Her pants start merging with her shirt, both turning to denim. Buttons appear on shirt
  • Art of Elephant Mario with one overall straps lowered, groping his fat pec
    • Mei starts to smile. Yeah… yeah he should do that. She can’t blame them. Feeling up such a handsome, hot bod like that…
    • Her hand starts moving up, white glove appearing on it and gropes her breast through her shirt
    • She moans as breasts fully turn into puffy, thick pecs.
    • Shirt’s collar dips and sleeves shrink, clothing shifting appearance
  • Overalls down, showing off his gut. Shot from belly up of him groping it
    • Mei loves it, licking her lips. Mustache fully grows out
    • Weight increase significantly, belly and waist expanding to a thick gut, pushing hard against her clothes, which turn into overalls
    • He’s so thick! I love it. I love him so much. I… I want to press myself against him.
    • Socks burst open for elephant feet
  • Nude shot from behind, showing his fat rear
    • Eyes widens as ears grow.
    • Rear expands and widens more, sofa groaning.
    • Fuck me, I want that. I want that all!
    • Tail sprouts out.
    • I want… I want that bod. I… I would look so good with that.
    • The thoughts are wild and out of nowhere, but she can’t deny it. She wants to be him. Be that big, thick, horny elephant man.
  • Pinup front on with dick and balls out
    • Her eyes glue to his huge dick and balls, his rod erect. Hers tents and bulges hard, zipper forming in her overalls near them.
    • One more growth and size increase
    • The hand holding her phone shifts it into the gloved one as her hand goes to her zipper, gaining its glove
    • Package grows and bulges further
  • Pinup of masturbation
    • Unzips as that last picture comes out. Huge elephant balls and dick pop out.
    • Mei starts jacking off and pumping her rod. Fuuuuck, does that feel good to do.
    • Skin fully turns gray as nose twitches
    • Gut grows once more, arms and legs thickening and gaining just a bit more muscle to make them look bulkier.
    • She pumps and pumps and eventually cums.
    • Eyes go cross and her nose stretches out into full elephant trunk, letting out a powerful triumphant
  • Final Pinup of Regular Elephant Mario Back in his Clothes, looking completely innocent but with a cocky smile.
    • Mei notices the final picture after laying out on the couch, scratching her tummy. He’s so cute and handsome! The perfect man!


  • Mei looks down at herself. Fat, gray, manly mass everywhere, stuffed into some iconic blue overalls
  • Looking at her arms, she feels her face and notices her mustache.
  • Her heart began to race and she turns on her camera app, seeing her new face. It’s elephant Mario’s.
  • Feeling her fat cheeks and trunk, she begins to smile. She can’t believe she hadn’t noticed this sooner! Was that lust just so overwhelming?
  • She’s elephant Mario now, the big, charming pachyderm of a heroic beast! She has all his bulk, girth, manly charms, and more.
  • This… this is awesome! She gropes her belly, quivering. I’m so thick and fat! I love it! I LOVE IT!
  • Cheeks red, she chuckles in her deep voice. Heh… guess I’m not Mei anymore. I’m just a big, fat elephant guy now! I can live with that.
  • He ponders if his acceptance and such is being influenced by whatever changed him in the first place, but he doesn’t really care or think to much about it. He’s just happy
  • He stands up and stretches, putting his junk back into his overalls. The ceiling is much closer now and everything seems so small compared to him. This would take a bit to get used to.
  • Bzzt. The phone shakes and he grabs it from the couch, wondering what new photo he got.
  • However, it’s just a new message. “Photos will be sent bi-daily from now on. Enjoy your new hot Mario look and the changes that come with it!”
  • Bzzzt. “Check your closet for details.”
  • Curious, he strolls into his bedroom and opens it up. All of his clothing is now bigger… with lots more red, blue, and overalls in it.
  • “Sweet! Saves money on getting a new wardrobe.”
  • He could wear all of his old clothing no problem!
  • However, his eyes linger on the red, big shirt. He smiles. Can’t beat the classics though!
  • Life was going to be fun! Though, attending classes in the Fall might be a challenge. Hopefully they can handle the big elephant on campus~


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