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Just as Masao approached, the dog turned and saw him. Her tail started wagging eagerly. “Oh!” Her eyes sparked, dropping the bell into the cart. “Oh, oh! I know you!”

“H-hi, Jess!” The man smiled awkwardly.

Jessica was a ray of sunshine and not just because she seemed to literally radiate light as a cheery toon. Her bubbly personality and helpful nature was always a lifesaver whenever she was around. Her joy and energy was almost infectious.

“Didn’t expect to see you here.”

Jessica giggled, fiddling with her long, fluffy lock that laid on her chest. “Wellll, Rach says a good way to move more food is to go to the hungry workers and their, potentially, hungry customers. Instead of some random corner or in some park, I should just go to some workplace where I can legally set up! I’m setting my paws on a potential dinner rush!”

She rested her head in her paws, leaning over the food cart. “Sooo, you hungry, Masao?”

“Among other things,” Masao admitted with a sigh. Suddenly, his legs wobbled. He reached out, grabbing hold of the cart to hold him up.

Jessica looked at him, her head tilting. “Oh dear! I can tell! Your energy levels are, like, suuuuper low tonight! Everything okay?”

“No, not really.” He shook his head and explained everything to her. She was easy to talk and admit things to. She listened closely as he described his hectic day with the utter exhaustion and repetitiveness of it.

Once he finished, she gave him a simple nod. “My! That does sound very stressful and really ruff on you! You poor guy!”

Masao smiled, blushing and sheepishly looking away. “W-well, things are better now. You’re here! You probably have something that can help, right? Something that can help me with energy, mood, and… well, this.” He poked himself in the tummy.

Jessica scratched her chin, letting out cute squeak sounds. “Welllllll, that’s a lotta things instead of just one thing like I usually do.” Masao felt a cold, worried chill start to rise. “That’s a real biggie, and it’ll need a special touch and effort!”

The chill went away to his relief. “Well, that’s good! So, what do you recommend then? Any particular ice cream or-”

“Nah-ah!” Jessica wagged her finger at him, stepping out from behind the cart. “Silly! I said speciaaaaal touch! Mere food isn’t gonna do it here! You need the Pupper Touch, something I’ve been working on!”

“Ah, okay?” That was a new one to him. “So, what is-OH!”

The toon’s paws snapped forward and latched themselves onto his face. They felt so soft and fuzzy, like furry marshmallows. They pressed tightly against his mug, but due to how light and soft they were, Masao barely felt a thing.

“Jess! Wha-wha-what are you doing?!” He stammered.

“Rejuvenating you! Just relax!” The dog winked and began to massage. She dug her squishy, puffy paws into his mug and rubbed away. She particularly worked his jaws and cheeks, carefully getting every point.

As she rubbed, something changed. His skin grew coarse and rough, its texture scaly rather than soft. Colors began to come to his jaws. A deep purple over his top jaw and cheeks while the front of his bottom gained a reddish hue. Even the little she touched with his nose brought a similar change, though the color was a warm yellow.


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