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  • Mouse click noise
  • Rachel appears with a smile, sitting at a white table with a blank wall behind her. Hands and arms on the table, hands held
  • “Hello! This is Rachel Groves here with another episode of The Transformative Chew. No corporate overlord sponsors today folks! No need to skip ahead this time!”
  • She casually brushes some of her long blue hair behind her ears and flashes two peace signs. “Today, my hungry, hungry viewers, I got something scandalous, something those stuffy suits out there don’t want you to know about! In fact, if not for my lovely Patron, Danuki, I may have missed out on this secret!”
  • “If you ever walked down the snack or cereal aisles in your grocery store, you’ve probably seen the countless food tie-in products.” Flashes images of Pokemon Cereal, Trolls gummy snacks, etc.
  • “This is all food that tastes pretty much the same as any other food products, but it’s more “fun” as it were when it has your favorite character slapped on it.”
  • “All of that stuff? Approved by higher-ups in some stuffy boardrooms or over phone calls with other stuffy lawyers.” Rachel smacks the table. “But! What if there was something put out onto the market that wasn’t approved by those suits? What if it was something sneaky and had a bit of a twist in it.”
  • “In this case, what if stars a scaredy-cat dog?” A melody of the Scooby-Doo theme plays lowly in the background.
  • A picture of Kellog’s Scooby-Doo Cinnamon Snack Bones appears. “No! That was approved! What I’m talking about is-”
  • Cuts back to Rachel holding a box. “Ta-da! We have Ruh-Roh Bites!”
  • She shakes it as it cuts to the box on a rotating pedstal. Box is green with orange lettering. A very crude, clearly off-brand image of Scooby is on it holding dog collar shaped crackers in his paw.
  • Rachel’s voice off screen: “That’s right! Named after his catchphrase, or whatever, these mysterious, thicker cinnamon treats are a real mystery. Last Spring, these appeared on random grocery store shelves in Oregon. There only seemed to be a limited amount of these at stores and no one seems to know how they ended up there.”
  • Rachel appears again, holding the box. “But once their effects were known and Warner Bros. caught word, these were quickly pulled from market under threat of lawsuit and copyright violation! By then, it was too late. They were all bought out and have been bouncing around online ever seen!”
  • She grins and shakes the box. “And now, I have my own! Cost a little bit, but we all know that this stuff is well worth it from experience!”
  • She pops open the box and pulls out the bag. “And now, we begin with the patented sniff test!”
  • She opens the bag and sniffs its content. The camera zooms in.
  • Her nose turns black. She sniffs more. It grows bigger and thicker at the tip. She pokes it and sniffs harder. Nose swells and balloons out into a big, bulgy, cartoony dog nose.
  • Rachel giggles, her eyes narrowing in as she feels her snoot. Camera zooms back out “Looks like we got changes confirmed from just sniffing. Always fun, even though this took a bit more than usual. I guess to get more potent effects…”
  • She pours a few pieces in her hand. “...you got to eat them obviously!”
  • She pops them into her mouth and starts chewing. She nods and quietly tastes them out.
  • She remarks that the cinnamon needs to be balanced between with the cracker part, but says its still good. Her speech pattern starts to resemble Scooby
  • She snickers, even doing the paw to face thing Scooby does, remarking on how fun her voice sounds. Also, if its too difficult to understand her, she’ll provide captions.
  • Now she wants more! She pulls out a few more pieces and chomps them down. There’s a low gurgle sound, but she doesn’t react to it.
  • After finishing, she sighs happily, before licking her fingers and even paws with a long, cartoonishly pink tongue with SLURP sound effects
  • Grows thick black paws, fingernails turn stubby dog claws, and grows chocolate brown fur over them.
  • She remarks with a snicker that the food tastes veeeeeerrrry tasty now and she really doesn’t want to leave any crumb behind.
  • Rubs her face, her cheeks looking a little chubby and says she needs to eat more. She feels so hungry and needs to indulge!
  • She eats more. Wearing her spaghetti string top, black fur spots appear on shoulders and near chest
  • Licking and sucking fingers, fur patches appear randomly on her, around the black spots.
  • She smiles, revealing canine teeth. She remarks that food isn’t particularly amazing like some other products, but its just so darn tasty that she can’t help but want to eat more
  • She jokingly wonders if there’s more left. She holds up the box away and shakes it.
  • Ears turn into Scooby and she remarks there’s still plenty left to eat
  • She takes more out and eats faster.
  • She sighs, licking crumbs off her face as her arm thicken. She remarks how soft they feel, yet feel heavy and strong.
  • She’s interrupted by some ripping noises. She looks underneath her table and shakes her head
  • She lifts a leg up and puts it on the table, revealing how chunky it was and her fuzzy, four toed dog paw. She remarks she shoulda had put up the paw cam. It seems so obvious now
  • Putting leg back down, she goes back to snack with bigger hand/pawfuls.
  • As she eats, there’s a louder gurgle now and she shifts a bit in her seat. She says maybe she should actually should the results more.
  • Getting up reveals how wider her body is now and pudgier her stomach is pressing against her shirt. She takes the box and walks off camera
  • Cut to a new area that off all of her. She’s definitely bigger now
  • She gives a thumbs up and goes to have more. Her body is getting taller and wider, fur sprouting everywhere.
  • Her clothing is looking tighter and tighter, her pudgy form pressing against it.
  • After finishing two handfuls of snacks, she turns around. She reaches behind her and adjusts the back of her pants
  • Pop! Out comes her scooby tail.
  • Her rear also widens and inflates with furry butt cheeks popping out the top
  • There’s a snap and she turns back around, her belt have burst
  • However, she doesn’t seem to notice. Her expression is dazed and foggy, but she looks in bliss and happy. “Mmmm, rum-rum!”
  • Caption appears below: Rachel at this time was in a pure, eating bliss. Hopefully, the results speak for themselves for the rest of the change.
  • Hair shortens as fur more pops up in the biteful
  • Eats more and more, the camera slowly zooming in how her torso, which is shaking and bubbling
  • FWOMP. Big belly pops out from underneath her top with brown fur growing over it.
  • Her torso gets wider, breasts much smaller and saggier
  • Shirt breaks as the whole thing heaves through, revealing a thick, chubby brown gut. Arms and legs look a bit denser and more powerful
  • Rachel doesn’t notice, shaking the box and looking glum. She mutters about there not being much left.
  • She holds it up high and turns it down, her mouth opening.
  • It opens and stretches into a full muzzle, fur covering her face.
  • She chows down on the rest of her pouring food as her head fully converted into Scooby’s own, losing hair and human head shape.
  • Rachel finishes and sighed happily, rubbing her stomach.
  • BURP! Bulge appears in crotch, though its not too noticeable
  • Rachel-Doo looks in a daze, looking at the box. He then looks at the camera and sheepishly grins, remarking in a deeper voice now that he got distracted.
  • He smiles and pushes out his gut, saying he does like the changes. He flexes, some notable bicep bulging back. He says he’s so soft, but yet so strong. He loves it.
  • He walks off and the screen cuts back to him at the table, his belly squishing tightly against the edge
  • He gives the review of Ruh-Roh Bites a big daddy doo (he winks) out of ten. He thought the results would be more normal dog something thinner to match the cartoon. However, the musclegut aspect was very appreciative and fun! He feels like a special kind of dog
  • Arial Font appears below Rachel Doo. He gives the recommendation of Soft Chewification. If you could afford to get it or ever see a box, he would recommend a try, but says that the box is a one time use since you’ll just want to eat through it. There’s not enough to share with others and musclegut doo maybe not be the Doo for you.
  • Stomach gurgles and he snickers one more time, saying he’s feeling mighty hungry now and wants to go match a quadruple decker sandwich to fill him up.
  • “This has been Scooby-Doobey-Doo!” He chuckles and laughs, belly and body jiggling. “Thanks for watching this Transformative Chew! See you next time for hopefully another big episode. Follow me on Twitter at @TransformativeChew” Text appears for that. “Or become a Chewer at my Patreon: Transformative Chew Show” Text appears for that
  • “Hit that like button and be sure to subscribe, if you haven’t already, to get more daddy content like this! Every little bit helps! Have a changey, feely day!”
  • He gives a wink as the video fades, a commercial playing.
  • “At Emberstone Wheels, oil changes are necessary and an important-” Click.


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