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The human lady quickly headed over to the open spot at the counter. The dog smiled. “Welcome to Doggo & Pupper Employment Agency. How may I help you? You look rather lost over there.” Her voice was a little gruff, but the dog extruded such a positive, kind aura.

“Sorry.” Bri awkwardly looked away for a moment. “I… I haven’t been to one of these places in years. So, I’m… ah, not sure what I’m supposed to do. I just knew that I had to show up though.”

“Well, that’s always a good start!” The dog leaned in. “Are you here to help find a new line of work, dear?”

“Yes!” Bri was confident in that at least. Thinking about swiping another heavy object over a scanner made her ache, especially her wrists.

“Then we can most certainly help you. Let me set you up with one of our job trainers right now!”

Job trainer? Bri’s thoughts wandered. Shouldn’t that be job counselor or… oh! Duh. Probably a pun on dog trainer or something.

The dog lady typed something into her computer and started talking into her headset microphone quietly. There was a pause, some nodding and responding from her. Bri waited patiently, wondering where this would be going.

After a moment, the dog woman smiled. “Okay! Someone will be along to meet you shortly! If could just take a se-”

A door not too far from the counter opened, a rather large golden retriever man in a nice polo and pants combo stepping out. His tail wagged, his head looking around. “Hello! I heard there was someone out here who needs my help!”

“Oh! He’s already ready!” The receptionist barked, “Lucky you!”

Bri flinched. That was indeed fast. She recentered herself and meekly raised her hand. “Umm, that would be me.”

“Well hello there!” The dog walked over and held out one of his paws. “I am Terry Pines, one of our specialized job trainers. It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss…?”

“Oh!” She quickly took his paw and shook it. She never had shook an anthro’s paw before. It was so fuzzy and kind of rough with his thick pads. “I’m Briana Kyles. Just call me Bri please.”

“Of course!” The two shook. “Now, there’s no time to waste! Let’s get this special meeting started! Follow me to one of our rooms.” Tail still wagging, he waved his paw over to one of the many side doors nearby. She followed closely.

They stepped in, Terry closing the door behind her. The room itself was a little cozy office space. It had a table, computer, a few cabinets, and even a water cooler. The dog took a seat behind the desk, Bri quickly sitting across from him.

Even with how relaxing the environment oddly felt, there was still a sense of anxiousness in her she couldn’t shake. He seemed like a friendly, warm sort with a helpful demeanor and aura. Yet, she couldn’t feel comfortable, not quite sure what to do or what was proper.

Taking a chance, Bri started by saying the first thing that came to her mind. “S-so, do you help me build a resume or offer career-”

The dog cut her off, but politely in doing so. “No no! We do things a little different here than your usual job centers. We can work on a resume if you wish later. Right now, I want to get to know you first. Tell me, what brings you here today?”

“Oh, where to start!” Seriously, there was so much for Bri to go on and on about with her job. “Well, I am a cashier…”


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