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  • DING DONG! DING DONG! Knock-knock!
  • “Yes yes! What the heck is it?” Virginia Connell, older woman in her late 40s answering door. Impatient due to the needless noise
  • Opens it up.
  • “Hell-LOOOOOOOOW!” “HIYA!” Giggles, higher, sugary sweet yips greet her ears
  • Virginia shivers hearing it, a feeling of nausea and disgust overwhelming her.
  • “Da name is Jessica Pupper, call me Jessie!” “I’m her bestie in da world, Val Floofier!”
  • “And weeeeeee’re…” Bluump. Boobs bump and mush together as the two toon dogs huddle close side to side. “PUPPER SCOUTS!”
  • Confetti blows out behind them as they wiggle their plump and plushe, oversized paws.
  • Yep. Virginia is disgusted. Such vulgar figures, especially for cartoons. Toons weren’t like this when she was growing up… they were also confined to TV and movie screens where they belonged, but that was beside the point
  • One was a short pink springer dog with glasses and the other was a taller orange husky. Both had huge tits, wide hips, and probably gratuitously big bums, stuffed into far ill-fitting, tight Girl Scout uniform parodies.
  • Horrible! Absolutely horrible! The Puritan woman feels a rage brewing seeing them. What if children were to see them? What if her child was home for this?! They would corrupt her poor, frail mind and lead her down a horrible path!
  • Virginia is about to tell them to leave when Jessie pulls out a cardboard box and holds it up. “We’re selling cookies!”
  • “Yuuuuuummy cookies!” Val opened it up and held out two, seemingly knock-off boxes of Thin Mints and Samoas. “All cookie profits go back to support fellow Pupper Troops and local community volunteer services, such as food pantries and shelters!”
  • “Eat sugary delights and feel good about yourself at the same time!” Jessie added. The two dogs sigh, their tails wagging. “Awww, livin’ the dream!”
  • Virginia remains angry and disgusted. However, instead of trying to send them away, curiosity eats at her. “Mrrumf, what kind of shelters?”
  • “Oh yes! This round of sales particularly raises money for Jennifer’s Welcome. If you don’t know, they’re-”
  • Virginia knew well enough what the shelter was. A vile place full of freeloaders and degenerates. They were there to try to corrupt her daughter by raising money for people that were certainly going to groom her into an unhealthy, immoral lifestyle!
  • The mom hesitates no longer and tells them to leave!
  • The dog toons looked surprised, Val asking her what is wrong?
  • Virginia says what’s wrong and the dogs go quiet, a weird, cold chill running through the air. Their tails freeze up and they stare at her.
  • Virginia feels a little anxious and nervous. What were those looks?
  • After a moment, Jessie looks at Val. “Well someone is being a grumpy, meanie, ugly pants!”
  • “Indeedie doo, Jessiepoo!” Val nodded.
  • Virginia finds her nerve again and tells them to leave, calling them hussies.
  • “Ahem, it’s Husky, not hussy.” Val giggled. “I’m a Husky!”
  • “So disrespectful!” Jessie added. “She’s many mean things!”
  • “Shut up! You two horrible, vile scum leave my premises at once! Take your stupid cookies and skanky clothes with you!”
  • “LE GASP!” The two dogs’ ears twitch, Jessie’s raising up. “Stupid and skanky?! Why I never!”
  • “Sounds like someone needs some non-grump cookies!” Jessie stated, snorting.
  • “Couldn’t agree more!” Val sets the box down and pulls out a special, rainbow box.
  • Virginia flinches and starts to close the door, realizing something was about to happen.
  • “Na-ah! Missy needs some cheer, even though she doesn’t deserve it!” Val swiftly opens the box and pulls out a frosted cookie with colorful icing stripes.
  • Just as swiftly as she gets the cookie out, she stuffs it into Virginia’s mouth.
  • Virginia was overwhelmed. so much sugar and sweetness in it! It felt like her teeth would rot away! However, they instead grew to canine fangs
  • Unseen, she tries to spit it out, however, her mouth betrayed her and started chewing it down.
  • She cartoonishly shivers and vibrates, sending waves from her head to her feet and back up to her head
  • POING-Poing! Ears turn into pointed dog ears with dark purple fur
  • GULP! Once she finished chewing, she swallowed despite everything
  • She vibrated more, though mostly in the head.
  • SLAP! She smack her hands against her face to stop her head from rattling like a cartoon
  • Hands immediately swell into big, puffy, four-fingered paws with pink pads and purple fuzz
  • “Oh sugar! What did you gals do to me?!” She spoke, her voice light and airy much to her shock
  • The toon puppers giggle, tails wagging
  • The shaking didn’t stop though, slowly vibrating down her body and coming to her feet
  • Slippers explode off with big Booms, catching her attention.
  • She has long, four-toed paws with pudgy toes
  • “Oh me oh my oh goodness me!” Virginia tried to swear, but couldn’t get the words to come out properly. “This is horrible!”
  • Jessica snickers. “What’s so funny?!” “Nuuuuuuthin’, buuuuuut, your tail sways otherwise!”
  • “Tail?” RIP! Out comes a fluffy tail that wags up a storm eagerly.
  • Tries to stop it, but her body shakes instead forcing her to let go
  • “This is poo!” Virgina barks, spooking her. Furry sideburns appear along the sides of her face.
  • “Awwww, but it’s so much sweeter and scented better than poo!” Val declared. “It’s just as sweet as the collar you got!”
  • “Collar?” Virginia feels her neck. Her necklace is now a pink dog collar. She cartoonishly stretched it out to see, finding a blank, heart-shaped dog tag attached to it
  • “Awwww, it is sweet!” Virigina blinks. “What am I saying?”
  • She lets go and it snaps back into place, causing to her to yip.
  • Her hairbun comes undone and her hair falls, falling long and down to her bum.
  • Her hair turns thick and elegant with a sparkly shine to it, turning green
  • Virginia is still shocked and moans about it, the two dogs insist it’s great.
  • The lady asks again what they are doing and Jessica explains it is de-grumpifying her and making her into a free, happy person instead of the bitter, ugly meaniepoo she is.
  • “I’m not ugly! I’m being real!”
  • “Is that its called, Valliepoo?” “Maybe to some.” The two canines whisper
  • Val slips up beside Virginia and puts an arm around her, pulling close in. Virgina thinks, “Her boobies are mashmallow soft! Hehe, must be nice” before admonishing herself
  • “Come now, you’re becomin’ sooooo much better! I mean, lookie at yourselfie!” She pulls out a hand mirror for her.
  • Virigina looks into it and gasps, dramatic music playing.
  • She looks… young! Like she was back in her early twenties. All the lines, wrinkles, blemishes, and more were gone. Even her eyes feel more alive and… happy and warm.
  • “So… so cute!” She says without thinking, “I’m so ACHOO!”
  • Her nose inflates into a light purple dark nose.
  • She’s shocked and nervously pokes it just to confirm. BOOP sound plays
  • She shivers and giggles happily. That felt so good and fun!
  • She pants eagerly, her tail wagging more. Her tongue naturally droops out her mouth, long, big, and pink
  • She sucks it back and tries to get back on track, but she’s feel so… happy and pippy. She’s having a hard time staying angry.
  • It was only natural to be angry and upset at this, right? They were transforming her into a hussy like them… or was it husky? Was she looking husky like Val?
  • She shook her head and demanded they fix her. The two toons look confused, question marks appearing above their heads.
  • “Turn you back?” “Stop the changes?” “Why ever would we do that?” “You are becoming a total sweetiepie!” “Why stop the sweetness and return to sourdom?”
  • Virigina tried to say something but couldn’t muster out the words. They were… right?
  • “Hmmm…” She cocked her hips to the right comically with a Ba-BOOSH! Hips widened, her waist getting very narrow.
  • “Go back to sourness…” She cocked her hips to the left. They grew wider.
  • Her rear also inflated, growing plumper and hugging her calf length skirt
  • “Or stay super sweet and kewt!” FWOOOOMP
  • She looked over her shoulder. Her bum is super big! She has supersized Pixar mom hips and rear, especially noticable with her cartoon thin waist. Her skirt slips to thigh high and blue
  • “Ummmm….” Virigina said, head tilting as question marks appeared above her head. “Welllllll, when I think about it…”
  • A voice in her head squeaks, “I, like, totally don’t wanna be a super hawty fluffer pupper with big old boobies and a big booty that everyone loves! Ummm… ah… why am I upset?”
  • I dunno! Virigina smiles and giggles. “Maybe you girls are right! I should tooooootally be like you!”
  • FLOOOOOF! Purple fur of different tones bloom across her body, removing any trace of her humanity.
  • “Tooooootally like us?” Jessica asked. She jiggled her chest. “Ya want big honkers like us?”
  • “ah-huh!” The woman declared. Her chest inflates, the top buttons of her shirt popping off
  • “You wanna be cute like us?” Val asked, winking
  • “Mhmmm!” Muzzle growth as her face shoots forward, last bit of fur growing over it
  • “And you wanna be totally sweet like us and be super nice to all kinds of people you were a total grouch too before?”
  • “Yes yes yes!” Oh yes she did! All of this lovely sugar and sweetness… why, it melted and destroyed the old ugly her! How could she believe or think such things?! They were totally evil and mean!
  • Virigina wasn’t going to be like that at all! Her breasts swell again.
  • Virigina declares she is a super good pupper just like them and will do right starting right now! Proudly pushes out her chest and strikes a pose.
  • Her breasts swell again to E-Cup, a little smaller than the two toons. Her shirt shifts to a t-shirt says “Best Toon Mom”
  • “Great!” Val declared, eyes sparkling, “So, can we interest you in some-”
  • “Cookies? YES!” Virginia pulled out her purse from behind her back. She was sure it was left in the kitchen, but did it matter?
  • Not even asking the price, she scribbled out a check from the purse and handed it to them. “WOWZERS!” Jessica declared, her glasses flying off her snoot into the air and landing back. “Are you sure?”
  • “Mhm! Gimme as many boxes of whatever that’ll get me. Anything left, consider it a big tip!”
  • “Yes ma’am!” Val declared, reaching behind her back and pulling out a new box of cookies. “Here, we’ll have to get a bunch from back at base, but you can have this box right now for being so nice!”
  • “Thanks!” Without even thinking, Virigina opened it up and opened her maw wide, dumping the entire box worth of cookies into her maw.
  • GULP! She swallowed. “Oh dear!” Val declared, “Careful! That’ll go all to your butt!”
  • “So?” Virginia's rear swelled further into a huge heart shape bottom. “They’re so tasty and big booty isn’t bad!”
  • “That is true!” Jessica looked at the check. “Sooooo, Miss… umm… Golly Mollie ByCollie?”
  • “Hmm?” Virginia looked at the check. Yep, she did sign that name to it.
  • And it sounded right. “Yeppers! That’s me! Also, please, call me Mrs. ByCollie!” Tail wags
  • “Okie-dokie!” Jessica said, taking the check back and stuffing it in her cleavage. “So, we’ll be back with plenty of cookies later!”
  • “Ooooooh, will they be all as yummy and sugary as the ones I had?”
  • “Sure, though less transformy! Those are only for grumpy grumps!”
  • Golly nodded, cringing on the inside. All of a sudden, all of her life up until now with all of its hatred and ugliness made her feel miserable. She had a lot to make up for now, especially at home with her kid and husband.
  • Though, there wasn’t going to be much she could do about friends and other family, knowing how deep down their badness went. It made her positively lose color!
  • Then, an idea struck. “Saaaaaaaaaay, I know a bunch of others who could use some of those rainbow cookies! They are super sour too!”
  • “Well, we just can’t give those out to you to give to them. They’re only for a offical Pupper Scouts!”
  • “Oooooh! Then can I join?” “Only if the people who give them to join as well!” “DEAL!”
  • Yes, this was right. This was exactly what she needed to do. Golly was going to spread the sugary, puppery love to all her besties!
  • It was time to make the world a better place full of puppers, one snack at a time!
  • THE END?


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