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  • Opening Words from Royal: Hey, you’ve been stressed out a lot lately. Just take it. You need it more than me.
  • Mogg still felt guilty, sitting in the room on the chair. Royal deserved it more. I don’t deserve it.
  • He rubbed his face, pushing his glasses up not to smudge them.
  • Maybe he did need it? Work was getting to him so bad. Crabby managers, other employees, customers, the work itself, the whole nine yards. Maybe he did need to relieve stress on some level
  • He still felt guilty of taking Royal’s free massage spa win. Apparently his boyfriend won it recently, a free massage to the newly open spa in the area. It wasn’t like they could afford that kind of thing normally, so it was excitedly.
  • Mogg sighs some more. Royal deserves this I’m sure. He always is stuck dealing with more nonsense than me.
  • He looks down at himself, feeling awkward. It was nice that they let him special shorts. Even though the masseuse was surely a professional, he did feel awkward being naked around the person.
  • He also felt a bit guilty about his look, being on the chubbier side of things. Probably didn’t matter to them either, but still. Maybe he had been eating too much lately as-
  • The door creaks and Mogg gets up closer to the table. Wait, was he supposed to be on the table already? Oh man, he didn’t ask or-
  • Thoughts are interrupted again as a large, really heavy brown toon bear strolls in with a table on rollers
  • Mogg is taken aback. Toons? Here? Seems weird to him
  • The toon bear smiles and introduces himself as Smokey Steve, professional cigar maker, salesman, masseuse in whatever order he prefered. The large fat brown bear certainly has a smokey scent to him, but its not overwhelming.
  • Mogg takes his hand and shakes it, still taken aback by the beast. He gets out his name at least
  • Steve frowns, noting there’s a ton of tension and troubles in Mogg from just a simple hand shake.
  • “You can tell?” “Of course! Imma professional, bub! Nows, youse lay down there on yours belly ands let’s fix ya up!”
  • Mogg lays down, a little anxious feeling exposed to the bear.
  • He feels the toon gloves on his back, finding them rather soft but odd with them touching his skin. He couldn’t quite describe it.
  • Steve says he’s getting a feel for things and figuring out how to tackle stuff. He asks if Mogg wants to talk about it
  • Mogg doesn’t, feeling too awkward and embarrassed. He thinks that toon couldn’t possibly understand. They seem so free, happy, and loving life itself all the time. It was like they didn’t have a care in the world
  • “I’s see… wells, let’s get started den! I’s think I’s sees what ya need!”
  • Mogg feels the gloves dig into his back and start massaging the base of his spine above his rear.
  • It’s quite relaxing and suddenly melts into it.
  • White fur appears where the toon is massaging. A tail nub appears above his rear, turning into a short bear tail
  • Mogg doesn’t notice, just in complete bliss. He feels so good, like his worries are melting away.
  • Steve asks again if he’s sure he doesn’t want to talk, gloved paws moving up Mogg’s back and even sides.
  • Mogg still isn’t sure, but chills out and sighs happily. The toon’s gloves feel like magic. Maybe… maybe it wouldn’t hurt to tell a professional?
  • He thinks that as he starts to widen
  • “And… that’s it.” Mogg glumly sighed, even though he felt good. “I just feel completely and utterly stressed!”
  • “I’s get ya, I’s get ya!” Steve said, lifting his hands and cracking his fingers.
  • Mogg feels better that he told someone his troubles, like a weight has been lifted… despite oddly feeling heavier
  • His body is bigger and wider and longer, his back frame thicker. What once was a large table he comfortably fitted fully
  • “Still, it’s just so… frustrating. I wish things didn’t get to me. I wish I worked somewhere better. I wish I didn’t constantly eat. I wish I… I was not me.”
  • “Awwww, dat’s not fair to yourself!” Smokey says, rubbing Mogg’s shoulders.
  • Shoulders get broader now, fixing the last mismatched part of him.
  • “Well, I miss I was at least a little thinner and fitter. That might be nice…”
  • Smokey Steve snorts. “Thinner? Pffffft, ain’t nuthin’ wrong with chub, little guy!”
  • “But isn’t it-” “Bah! If youse say unhealthy ands mention sumding ‘bout doctors, I’m gonna barf!” Steve says. “Being chubby is great! I’s mean, look at me!”
  • He walks around to the front where Mogg can see him better and runs his paws down his body. “Ain’t all dis just grand?”
  • Mogg blushed. He didn’t really get it but the bear’s enthusiasm was exciting and a joy.
  • “Well, I guess being big isn’t bad for a toon, but I’m not-”
  • “Youse stop being so upset ands just relax!” Steve went back, now taking Mogg’s arms and giving each a rub.
  • Arms inflate and get heavier. “Bein’ big is grand! In fact, youse could stand ta put on sum more weight to be extra cuddly and soft!” Mogg still remains skeptical
  • He tries to say something but starts chuckling when Steve works his feet
  • Feet in inflate to fat three-toed white bear paws
  • As he does that, Steve talks up about how there’s nothing wrong being oversized and heavy. It’s just natural. Sure, for some, it’s fine to want to slim down and he encourages it for those who do, but don’t feel so pressured or down in the dumps about it.
  • As Steve does the legs, he says, “After all, I’s see a big, heavy bear in ya wantin’ ta play ands come out. Why deny whose you really are? Don’t let sum peeps and society tell ya otherwise ‘bout what you wanna be or what ya are.”
  • Mogg doesn’t feel right about that. He doesn’t want to be big or heavy. It seems unhealthy still despite how positive Steve is.
  • However, as his legs swell and thicken, there becomes an appeal and happiness in embracing that line of thought. Would it be so wrong to not care about that and just enjoy yourself with who you really are?
  • “W-well… that… that does sound nice, but I dunno.” “Dunno what?” “I’m not sure about a lotta things. I’m not if oooooh!”
  • The toon bear starts massaging Mogg’s bum, the guy’s face turning bright red. The bear is getting really handsy! He should stop him… later.
  • He feels even more relax and sinking into the table. Smokey Steve keeps talking things up about being true to himself and saying that might be another underlying thing causing stress.
  • He says to try repeating after him: “There’s nothing wrong with being a big, fat, toon bear.” Mogg doesn’t get it. Smokey Steve says saying it outloud always makes him feel better and sure about himself when he has doubts so Mogg should try.
  • Mogg is surprised that the toon bear might have some self-confidence issues with brief bit of opening so he say the phrase as well.
  • He suddenly feels a whole lot better, his rear fattening up and stretching out his shorts.
  • White fur sprouts out the leg holes and top of the shorts.
  • “You’re right, that does feel good!” “Say it again!” Mogg does so and sighs, feeling blissful mentally
  • “Now dat you’re feelin’ good, howse ‘bout you flip over for me?”
  • Mogg does so, finding it a little difficult with his new weight and girth.
  • Flipping over does he finally realize how big he’s gotten. He’s a chubbier human with splotch of white fuzz visible and with big paws.
  • His heart is racing, sitting down and looking down at himself. He tries asking about it.
  • Smokey Steve smiles and lays him back down, saying his massage isn’t over. He’ll soon be feeling better and stress free completely. He’ll also feel much better about himself.
  • Mogg blushes and looks down his stomach lying down. He’s big… and getting bigger soon. He knows it but… Steve was right, right?
  • “Okay… keep it up.” He wants to see where it goes. while shocked, the longer he sees himself, the more fine he feels. However, there’s also something missing with it
  • Steve smiles, squirting some substance from the table he brought in into his gloved mitts and massages one hand.
  • Hand swells and turns into a thick paw… followed by a glove.
  • Mogg is shocked and in awe looking at it, lifting it up.
  • He repeats the mantra of “There’s nothing wrong with being a big, fat, toon bear.”, realizing what it truly means… and he’s accepting it.
  • There’s nothing wrong with this. It feels right!
  • Steve, as he works on the other hand, asks him how he’s feeling. Mogg insists he goes on.
  • “Youse got it!” Finishing with the glove mitt, he works the arms, massaging and rubbing carefully. They swell up and get plump.
  • Then comes the white fur cloaking them. It’s fur, but its hard to tell fully with how flat and single layer it looks on him.
  • Mogg knows this is what he was missing.
  • Steve works the legs and getting them thick and furry.
  • Mogg closes his eyes and smiles now, feeling at peace. It’s all feeling right now. This is what he was missing. He needed to be a big fat toon bear!
  • “Someone looks peaceful!” Steve says and he massages up Mogg’s sides and chest.
  • Fur growth there for a wider frame and heavier chest with slight moobs.
  • “Yeah, I get what ya mean! I feel a lot better now!”
  • “Wells, youse ‘bout ta feel a lot beddah now! Dontcha go sleepin’ through da fun!”
  • Mogg’s eyes open and he blushes, seeing the toon’s mitts on his stomach.
  • The toon bear rubs and massages belly, which starts sprouting white fur over it. His frame seems to be pushing out on the sides and his shape is getting… rounder.
  • Mogg is feeling excited. He wants to get bigger… no, he needs to get bigger and be right!
  • Smokey Steve asks if he wants to take over, put those big gloves to use of his. Finally experience the joy of having a big, heavy gut!
  • Mogg nods and places his paws on his belly and rubs and massages it himself. It feels natural and right to do so.
  • His gut gets bigger and wider, his shape and structure turning pear-shaped
  • Smokey Steve smiles looking down on him. “Youse almost done now! Let’s finish this ding ands complete yours session!”
  • Steve reaches forward and rubs his thumb to Mogg’s neck
  • The growing bear coughs a bit, voice getting deeper and sillier as his neck thickens and grows fur
  • “Well shucks, don’t I sound goshdarn goofy!” Mogg chuckled, still rubbing his belly
  • Steve stands behind his head and brings his paws to Mogg’s face, rubbing his hair and shrinking to a sharp, dark gray cut
  • He rubs his cheeks, stretching them out as white fur erupts
  • He rubs more of his face and turns it more ursine.
  • Then, he squeezes Mogg’s nose and yanks on it, pulling his face out into a pudgy muzzle
  • Steve smiles, placing paws on hips. “Dere we are! One special, toonifying massage over! Howse y’all feel?”
  • Mogg blinked and sat up, rubbing his tummy more. “Hyuck, I feel darn tootin’ good dere! You got sum mighty fine, magic gloves dere, fellah!”
  • “Ah danks, Mogg!” He pats the new polar bear toon on the shoulder.
  • Mogg smiles and feels amazing. It feels like all of his problems, worries, concerns, and issues melted away. Sure, he knew they still remained, but with his toony head and new love for himself, why, it hardly mattered!
  • Mogg slipped off the table and onto the ground with a big Kaboom! Everything bounced in the room. He smirked. That was fun!
  • He looked off to the side, seeing his old clothes. That wasn’t as fun. He needed new stuff.
  • Smokey Steve seemed to notice the issue and brought him over, handing him his shirt and saying give it a flap.
  • Mogg does so and the shirt supersizes. It’ll fit him now!
  • “Heh, well ain’t that dandy! I won’t be needin’ ta buy a whole new wardrobe! I’m sure Royal will be happy about dat!”
  • “Royal… oh, yours boyfriend you mention!” “He’s a handsome fellah!” Mogg chuckled, dopely day dreaming about him, a thought balloon appearing near his head and showing him.
  • “Aww shucks, he does look dandy, don’t he?” Steve nodded. “Ya know, I’s hope he likes bears!”
  • “Ah-huh! He does, he does!” “Hmmm…” A light bulb appeared above Steve’s head. He reached into his pocket.
  • He pulled out a large, colorful coupon. “Here ya are!” “Oh, what’s this?” “An extra free session! Maybe he would like ta unwind a little and feel beddah about himself!”
  • Mogg grinned. Oh! That was even better! He was sure he could talk his lovely boyfriend into a big bear lifestyle.
  • He was so worried earlier about Royal’s own stress and concerns by taking his trip. The two could share in all kinds of fun together then… maybe find something new and better as bears too. Surely someone could use some nice tubby bears in their lives and workplace.


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