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“Sup, bro!”

Kaley turned her head, trying not to disrupt her pace. A man, well-built and clean-shaven, passed her just then. He gave her a warm smile and a wave.

Despite her best effort, her pace slowed seeing him. She felt so annoyed now. Her shoes felt awfully tight as well, suddenly pinching her toes.

Ugh, I just wanted to run in peace! The young woman’s pace grew slower, not helped by how awkward her shoes felt now. She waited. What was going to be the followup? What stupid line or compliment was he going to pull out.

She waited, but nothing came. The man kept running ahead, far faster than her. He was soon out of sight, disappearing around a bend on the wooded path.

A sense of relief washed over Kaley. That went better than expected. She felt better too. Her shoes didn’t even feel so tight anymore!

Though that might be due to how big they were, having gone up a few extra sizes. Now they fit her feet better, which had grown a bit too. They were a little wider, longer, and thicker too, a few hairs having grown on the tops of them.

Kaley sighed. Okay, back to it. She tried to pick up her pace again. He’s gone. Just forget about the weirdo. She relaxed. Just me and my time.

Soon, she was back at her usual pace once more. Just focus on the path ahead. She brushed some of her long blond hair behind her ears. Making good time. Her long fingernails shortened, losing their finely filed forms. Just burn those calories off.

Her hands tightened. A few hairs sprouted on the backs of her hands as her digits twitched with each step. A little mass was added to them. They grew thicker as well, their daintiness beginning to fade away until they were meaty and tough.

Just me and the road before me. Kaley smiled, the world seeming to fade as she ran. Just a nice, pleasant run in the morning. All to mysel-

Sup, bro!
Kaley frowned.

Sup, bro! Kaley grimaced.

Sup, bro! Kaley’s pace faltered.

Sup, bro! Sup, bro! Sup, bro! Sup, bro! Sup, bro!

Her teeth gritted as her heart raced. Her cheeks burned. That stupid phrase played over and over and over and over and over and…

Uuuugh, why did he talk to me?! Kaley huffed, gritting her teeth. Her top felt tight, adding to her tension briefly. Her shoulders rose up, broadening. Her waist widened as well, losing its curved shape.