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With a calming breath and exhale, he put on an air of confidence and casualness. “Oh, you two must be the representatives for…” Dang it… what was it again? He did know that much at least. Oh! “Energy’mon, right! So, is the model here?”

“Oh, that’s us!” The long-haired man said with a proud smile. “We’re the guys!”

Ken frowned now. Okay, this wasn’t right. “Listen, fellas, I’m sure this is all funny, but I do take my job seriously. I’m not much for jokes, so I would like to get things moving if it is possible.”

“I understand.” The blond-haired guy spoke up, looking a bit embarrassed and bashful. “We were heard there was a change in photographers so you probably don’t know all the details. But, yes, we are the guys you are looking for.”

“Okay… but, well, ya know,” Ken scratched the back of his head, giving the two a look over. “Both of you are… well, human. This is being done for Musclefur Insider. Plus, being a bit frank, only one of you has muscle and both of you don’t have fur.”

“Oh!" the long-haired guy chuckled. “You don’t know much about Energy’mon, do you?”

Ken shook his head. He did a lot of photography work for Musclefur Insider and other various zines and websites, but admittedly, he didn’t know a lot about the jobs he took even when he had the information. Most of the subject matter he photographed didn’t go beyond the surface level of or details behind it.

“Well, it’s all cool! We are the models, so don’t worry. My name is Raphael.”

The shorter guy added, “I’m JD. Pleased to meet you.”

Things still didn’t make much sense for Ken, but he was at least happy his “models” weren’t the usual stuck-up-their-own-ass kind he got to deal with. He simply shrugged and played along. “Okay, sure. Well then, your fur is just invisible or whatever… along with your animal features. Guess we can get to shooting then.”

“Now now, give it another sec!” JD said, starting to smile.

Ken rolled his eyes. They may be polite, but they didn’t understand time management and scheduling. He wanted to get things moving already!

The raccoon tried to say something but stopped. He squinted. Was there something up with JD’s clothes? They looked tight on him and.. wait, wasn’t he chubbier a second ago? He looked fitter, especially with how his outfit looked on him.

“We’ll be ready shortly.” JD’s smile looked oddly… playful.

It must’ve been a trick of the light or something, Ken dismissing what he saw. He went back to sass mode. “Okay. Pray tell, when will you be ready?”


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