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  • The Adventure Begins…
  • “Okay, the road to 100% begins now!” JD said, snuggling into the back of his sofa, holding his controller.
  • It was time to knock another game off the list. He couldn’t believe he hadn’t done this sooner! Spyro the Dragon, the Reignited Trilogy version! He had this game forever, but still hadn’t fully completed it.
  • Familiar music played as the screen opened to showing Spyro in the Artisans World, facing the first dragon incased in crystal.
  • Jd starts to move Spyro towards it, thinking about how his optimized route.
  • KABOOM! Lighting flashes and huge roar of thunder rattles the entire house. The screen fizzles briefly.
  • JD is taken off guard and accidentally moves Spyro off the bridge and onto the ground below it, facing a different dragon.
  • “damn!” Jd’s heart is racing after that. That blast really through him off.
  • Raphael appears and checks in on him, asking if he’s alright.
  • The two chat a little about the coming storm, Raphael thinking maybe to stop before he gets too deep into it.
  • “Awww, but I just started!”
  • “I know, but I checked out the weather channel quickly. They’re saying there’s like an ionic disturbance in the vicinity of the Van Allen belt! Everyone is saying to be super careful!” “Do you even know what that means?” “No, but maybe you shouldn’t be playing a game right now? Maybe just break out the 3DS or Switch for a while if you wanna game.”
  • “Look, just keep an eye on the weather and if it sounds rough, I’ll stop.” Raphael looks grim. JD suggests he just finishes up the main world and then he’ll hunker down with her and Melissa downstairs.
  • Raphael agrees to that and tells him to hurry up! JD insists it won’t but take him a few moments to wrap up since this is a small area in the game.
  • Raphael leaves and JD returns to the game. The rain sounds harder outside, so he thinks he may have a point and vows to wrap up quickly.
  • Looking at the screen, he remembers falling off and not too far from a dragon upahead. He jokes about how he may be one of the only people not to get Nestor right away in the game and instead, a different dragon.
  • He runs Spyro up to it, getting Delbin. The dragon is large, orange, buff and a painter. He gives the spiel about how Sparx works, JD half-paying attention.
  • Once Delbin flies away, JD turns his attention back to moving up to get Nestor.
  • “Okay, take 2 on this guy…” JD jokes to himself. “and here we go…”
  • Spyro hits the dragon pedestal, dragon shakes, JD yawns a bit.
  • KABOOM! That lighting and thunder is louder and stronger than ever. The entire room shakes, the lighting and electronics flickering on and off, the screen doing the same.
  • The game glitches and fizzles, Nestor appearing and oddly not appearing, the cutscene not seeming to activate or does with him in and not in it.
  • JD is confused when purple and green electricity circles the screen, flickering around the TV before shooting and hitting his controller.
  • JD is zapped, everything going numb and haywire. He can’t focus or think.
  • His body and mind feel numb fully and he falls onto his side, passing out.
  • -Scene Cut-
  • JD almost immediately wakes up, sitting up.
  • However, his surroundings are completely different. He’s… wait, this can’t be!
  • He’s outside in the Artisans World, the main area where you first start playing. The sky is bright and sunny, a gentle breeze out. He can hardly believe what he is seeing right then!
  • He tries to reason that this is due to being zapped. He must be fried or really out of it.
  • Part of him goes to dead and thinks Isekai, but he quickly puts it out of his mind.
  • Getting to his feet, wobbly, he looks around and tries to figure out what to do next. No one seems to be around that usually would be there, like the enemies. That’s good at least?
  • “Okay, what do I do here? Maybe find one of the dragons… would they hurt me? Maybe just sit here and ride it out until I get a sign? Ugggh, I’m never playing games again during a lightning storm.”
  • As he ponders maybe finding the balloonist, he hears something faint growing louder. It sounds hard and swift… like the flapping of wings.
  • He looks up and around, his eyes going over to the fountain and waterfalls. Wait… is that..
  • It is! It’s a dragon! That’s Delbin from the game, carrying his easel and everything.
  • The dragon doesn’t seem to notice him, landing a bit away and facing the water. He’s sitting up his equipment, humming to himself.
  • Well… not like I have any choice or idea on what to do here…
  • JD approaches and nervously calls out to him.
  • The dragon twitches and turns around. He looks confused and then smiles at JD
  • JD is a bit relieved, but then twitches himself when he gets an actual good look at the guy.
  • Delbin looks a lot defined and ripped than the game, with protruding pecs, abs, and biceps. He has his vest and belt on… but holy crap!
  • He has large red, scaly balls and a dick. What the… is this porn parody of the guy? They’re almost as big as his head.
  • “Ah! There you are Nestor! I’ve been wondering where you’ve been. Here I thought you were going to make me paint a waterfall or some boring nonsense like that.”
  • That only made JD confused. Wait… Nestor? He sure as hell wasn’t Nestor
  • He looked around. Still no sign of the green dragon. As such, JD said he didn’t see him.
  • He tries talking to Delbin about his situation, but the dragon laughs him off. “Ha, funny man. Both a handsome sculptor and a handsome storyteller & comedian.”
  • JD felt his heart beat quickly at that, his face warming. Handsome? Why was he called that and why did he appreciate that?
  • He tries again to speak and correct the dragon, but Delbin walks over and puts his hand on his shoulder. JD is barely at navel length with the dragon, his equipment far too close and exposed to the human.
  • Delbin tells him to stop being silly and come on over. He promised Delbin could paint him and it would be rude to go back on it.
  • JD wants to protest, but… the dragon has a strong, enticing musk and aura to him. He seems so… handsome himself.
  • JD eventually slowly nods and agrees. He doesn’t know why but he doesn’t want to try to protest him. Maybe if he goes along with the dragon he’ll figure out something next.
  • JD breathes him in and shivers, taking him in more.
  • His nose changes, nostrils flaring up and nose growing & gaining green scaling.
  • He trembles, his sense of smell strengthening. Delbin feels so much more… girthy.
  • The dragon invites him to follow him over and JD compiles, almost hypnotically entranced by him.
  • As he walks, he grows taller, reaching six feet.
  • His walking slows briefly when his socks feel tighter but the feeling fades as he walks. Four sharp dragon claws ripped through the fronts of his socks, attached to four green toes attached to normal human feet
  • Delbin has him stand a little bit away from him near the easel setup, near the water, JD compiling.
  • His clothing feels a little loose as he gets into place. Extra fat had melted off, his figure more toned and fit now.
  • “There we go!” Delbin says, getting his paints setup. “You stand there being handsome for now, Nestor~.”
  • JD trembles, dark green, scaly spots appearing on his body. Why does he like being called that? Sure, Raphael calls him that, but coming from this dragon… it feels so much better.
  • JD appraises the dragon. While he hasn’t quite gotten used to his large, swaying equipment between his legs, JD does feel he is pretty handsome too. Those muscles, that muzzle… yeah, that equipment.
  • JD’s pants tent… and bulge a bit more. JD shakes his head, feeling a bit embarrassed. He can imagine his boyfriend teasing him about this.
  • But right, he rather not think about them. Just focus on the now and figuring out what to do next… maybe listen and do whatever Delbin needs~
  • Delbin looks up from the easel and asks him to give a smile. He looks so sour today and its killing the art mood.
  • JD doesn’t feel too much like smiling given his situation, but does so. Teeth turns to fangs, two of which get long enough to stick out of his mouth
  • Delbin compliments him, saying that is better. “You look so much more attractive like than frowning~.” He winks.
  • JD’s heart races some more. Tail nub, grass green on top while bottom is a sandy, light yellow.
  • Without thinking, he thanks him for the compliment. “Heh, what are bedmates for?”
  • JD taken aback by this. What… what did he mean by that?
  • He scratches at his face and flinches. That felt oddly sharp.
  • He looked at his hand and gasped. His fingers have claws, green, scaly skin around them.
  • His other hand has them as well, though finishing transforming from nails to claws.
  • With the claws settling into place, green scales move over the fingers and onto hands, turning into powerful mitts that grow a bit in size.
  • JD is lost staring at his hands, heart racing. What is happening to him?! Why is he…
  • Delbin interrupts, saying if he’s down gawking at his hands, maybe he can strike a pose for him. He’s ready to paint now
  • JD’s fear subsides slightly, though he’s a bit anxious. He’s want to please Delbin is pushing down some of the fear.
  • He asks what kind of pose anxiously and dragon says give him a pose to show off his incredible power!
  • JD nervously lifts one arm up and flexes it, giving a half-hearted smile. Part of him starts to question if he should be questioning this more…
  • But he tingles as wave of warm pleasure courses through him. That flex felt good.
  • His musculature expands a bit, slightly broader shoulders, bigger arms & legs, and wider torso. His clothing feels like it fits again.
  • Delbin shakes his head. “Are you not feeling well? Where’s that energy, that passion I see every night?”
  • JD blushes. Passion every night? Is that… Images flash in his head of being taken by that dragon… and it feels so good
  • Jd shakes his head again and says that he’s just a bit… out of it. No point in telling him what’s going on since he’s not going to believe him.
  • Delbin walks over and rubs his head, sliding his clawed hand over his head and along his face. JD leans into it, green scales beginning to appear across his face.
  • Hair is falling out now as Delbin lean in and cooes, “Is that so? Well, does someone need a hug or cuddle for a light cheer?”
  • JD trembles, green scales going down his back as faded, sandy yellow scales appear along the front of his neck and go down it and onto the front of his torso.
  • “Y-yes…” Delbin chuckles. “Yes what?”
  • “Yes… I want a hug. I want a… a hug from you.”
  • Delbin grins and hugs him, bringing him into his pecs. JD blushes. He’s tough and sturdy, but completely soft and pleasant. He presses himself into him.
  • JD grows larger, his head bumping into the bottom of Delbin’s muzzle. His clothing gets tighter as his muscles build more with a far broader, dense frame with pecs, abs, and biceps that bulge now.
  • JD is so comfortable and relaxed now. Mmmm, so good to be held by such a handsome, striking dragon. Delbin is such an attractive dragon. His pants bulge more.
  • Hmmmm… bedmates… Nestor’s bedmates with Delbin… I’m bedmates with Delbin.
  • He trembles as the his pants crotch burst open, the top button and zip breaking. His crotch is much more protruding and thick, popping out in scretched out underwear.
  • JD doesn’t mind and Delbin lets go. “Better?” JD nods happily. “Of course you are~.”
  • Delbin strokes JD’s face again, the human leaning into it more happily. Ridges sprout in the center top of his head and go down his neck.
  • “Think you are ready to give me a good pose now?” JD eagerly nods, horns growing and ears turn to frills
  • Delbin returns back to his spot, JD ogling him. He watches his rear intently, taking in its fit shape, and the balls between his legs. What a hunk.
  • His tail nub fully grows out into a tail with diamond fluke end and some ridges along the top half of the tail. It sways about, eager and excited.
  • God, Deblin is so goddamn handsome and hot. He… he wanted to do things with him… sexual, erotic things. He couldn’t help it. He wanted him so badly.
  • “So, ready to give me a proper pose now?” JD chuckles, his voice shifting. “Of course. Anything for the Artisans’ best painter.”
  • JD grins and flexes his arm again, trembling from the power surge of it. Oooooh, it felt even better to do that!
  • The back of his shirt tears open as powerful wings grow out. They flap and send a burst of wind, Deblin holding his easel in place.
  • The painter dragon laughs. “Someone is excited.”
  • “Mhmmm, yes. I feel great now. Do capture my best side.” “That’s every side, Nestor.” “Damn straight it is!”
  • It feels so natural to talk to him now, like he’s known him forever!
  • Delbin says that if he wants to paint his best side to maybe get rid of those obnoxious clothes covering him.”
  • JD doesn’t even flinch. “But of course. He rips off his shirt and pants with ease, letting out a sensual moan. His green and yellow scales were fully revealed. No trace of his old humanity left
  • With them gone, it felt like something was lifted. He grows again, getting just a bit taller than Delbin now and feet finishing their changes
  • Muscles bulge and swell in his legs and arms. His pecs bulge and turn very squareish, abs bulging out a lot too. His rear tightens up, underwear still on.
  • “That’s much better. Now I can properly capture that artistic, horny beast I fuck every night~.” JD shivers. Yessssss… he fucks Delbin every night. That sounded like heaven.
  • He moans loudly as his underwear finally snaps, his cock fully erect and so long. His balls are basketball size and churning.
  • The dragonish man huffs, licking his chops. Now that’s a dick!
  • He grips it and gives it a good pump, pre squirting out a little and dripping. Mmmm, so good!
  • Delbin chuckles. “Easy there. Just keep it together so I can actually paint you. I don’t need to be… distracted.”
  • The green dragon cared not, pumping his rod. He grows buffer again. He’s so jacked and thick now with tree trunk legs and arms & biceps wider than his head almost.
  • Neck muscles expand as his head fully changes, smoke coming from his nostrils as he huffs. He was a fucking dragon and dammit, he was going to enjoy it.
  • Muzzle grows out as green flames leave his maw in his excitement. He is complete
  • “Goddammit Nestor, look at what you did!”
  • “Nestor” looks up, seeing Delbin standing away from his painting easel with a large, equally erect dick pointing out. Pre is dripping from it too
  • “Now I’m all riled up. I can’t paint like this. You’re gonna have to help me out here.”
  • Nestor snorts and approaches with swagger. “Like you need to ask me. I was probably gonna to mount you any second from now anyway.”
  • Their dicks touch and rub against each other. The dragons moan and grin. “Well, maybe one of these days I’ll finally be able to get you a nice portrait.”
  • “But not today.” Nestor chuckled, leaning in and kissing him. “Now, we fuck.”
  • “Heh, damn straight.” The two kiss and make out, pressing themselves against other.
  • dicks rub against each other and their torsos, pecs pressing and rubbing together too
  • Hands are grabby, feeling each other sides and some rear gropes.
  • Nestor makes his move, moving around the back swiftly and pressing his rod against Delbin’s rear, rubbing it between his ass.
  • Delbin moans, red flames coming from his maw. “Don’t tease, fucking go for it!”
  • Nestor, gripping Delbin’s hips, thrusts in and pentrates the dragon. Both of them moan and snarl lustfully.
  • Nestor pulls out slightly and thrusts back in, balls smacking against each other.
  • Cum is already dripping out the rear, Nestor snarling more. Fuuuuuck, this fucking good!
  • They go act it for a while until Nestor hits his limit. This was the life
  • He finally comes and roars out, shooting green flames out as Delbin cums too, fire blasting as well
  • “JD…” The voice is quiet. Hmmm?
  • “JD!” The voice is louder.
  • -Scene Cut-
  • “Dragon boy, wake the hell up!”
  • Nestor wakes up, spread out on his couch. He’s still a dragon and nude
  • He looks around, the enticing scent of sex in the air… and cum about. His dick is erect and dripping.
  • Beside him, Raphael is there, looking annoyed. “Well, you’re okay at least.” There’s cum splattered on his t-shirt and skin.
  • Nestor scratches his head, sitting up. “Man, I was just having the best dream ever and-”
  • “and now you’re a big dick dragon, I can see that.” Raphael remarked, using some tissue from a box nearby to wipe his shirt and face. “Thanks for that.”
  • “Heh… sorry man!” Nestor remarked, licking his chops. “Guess I shouldn’t play games in ionic whatchamacallits, huh?”
  • Raphael sighed and looked to say something, but trembled, his cheeks getting red.
  • Nestor sighed the air. A familiar scent had entered his nostrils now… coming from Raphael.
  • He looked at his boyfriend, seeing some familiar red scales forming on his hands and face, his nose getting bigger.
  • “Hmmm, looks like someone is about to get the same experience I did~.” Nestor chuckled.
  • “Y-yeah…” Raphael holds out his hand, watching it gain claws. “Guess I am now.”
  • “Hmm… whatcha wanna do?” Nestor puts his arms behind his head and stretches out on the sofa, opening his legs out as his dick gets hard again.
  • Raphael sees it and starts to smile, flashing fangs. “Well, maybe I can think of a few things.”
  • THE END?


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