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  • “Thank you so much!” Rachel sighed, “You’re a lifesaver!”
  • “No problem,” Alexis replied. “Hope it helps.”
  • Alexis had stopped by to visit her brother after getting a call from his wife, Rachel. Poor guy was sick in bed and wasn’t feeling well at all. She asked her if she could pick up some medicine for him.
  • Rachel takes the bag full of different things. “I’ll pay you back, promise!”
  • “No, no. Given what’s happening, you don’t need to pay me back at all.”
  • Rachel nodded. “Ya know, you don’t need to be wearing a hazmat suit and stuff. It’s not like you’re meeting the patient.”
  • Alexis looked at her latex gloved hands and adjusted her mask. “Well, I can’t afford to be sick. I need to be at my best! Don’t want to miss any shifts this season. Money is tight enough as is.”
  • “As is? Well, it does sound like you need some money! I’ll go check in on JD and be back with some money! You just wait here!”
  • “N-no, I don’t-” Rachel is already off, leaving the older blonde alone in the living room.
  • Alexis sighed. Sure, money was very tight on her part, but she still could afford to help her brother out on this. She didn’t need to be paid back or anything.
  • Though, she did wish she had a shift that day. Maybe make some extra money for what she just spent and all that. Maybe she should check the app and see if there was any shifts she could pick up and-
  • Knock-knock-knock.
  • Alexis looked up. Wait, who was that?
  • She headed over to the entranceway and peeked through the peephole.
  • …there was a large fellow she couldn’t make out. Very wide and tall.
  • The figure knocked on the door again. “Hello!” A male voice came out. “Superstar? You in? I tried calling, but didn’t hear back. I leave ya be, but something’s come up at work and I reeeeeally could use some help here.”
  • Coworker, huh? Weird they would just come here. Must be serious. Too bad though.
  • Alexis opened the door, figuring it would be okay. “Sorry sir! JD is unavailable. You’ll have to-”
  • Alexis trembled. Her eyes hit the figure’s chest before having be diverted up.
  • It was a large, large grizzly bear anthro. Hefty build, big gut, thick arms, and soft fur. He also wore a black top hat and bow ontop of the clothes he had on.
  • He seemed so familiar to her, but she couldn’t place it right away. He had a friendly smile looking down on her. “Is that so?” the bear spoke with a husky tone. “Hmm… mind if I come in?”
  • Alexis wanted to say no. She didn’t really know who he was after all… but there was something about him. That aura, the glint about him, something that said he was just a big, sweet teddy bear and not trouble at all.
  • Plus, that scent to him… that was enticing her more than she wanted to admit or even acknowledge.
  • She invites him and he strolls inside, patting her on the shoulder appreciatively with his big paws. His touch felt oddly nice.
  • Alexis shook her head, closing the door, and tried to get herself together again
  • Alexis led him into the living room, the bear sitting down and making the sofa creak
  • Alexis calls out to Rachel, saying she has a visitor.
  • “Visitor?” Rachel calls back, sounding unimpressed. “Really, you should’ve turned them away. Don’t want anyone else getting sick.”
  • “Well ah…” Alexis looks at bear, who smiles back. She blushes and shakes her head. “This guy invited himself in.”
  • “Invited himself in? Who is-OH!” Rachel appears and is shocked by the sight of the bear.
  • Then she smiles brightly, greeting the bear with a wave. “Oh! Hello Freddy!”
  • Freddy tries to stand up, but she insists he stays there just in case. “What brings you here?”
  • Freddy said he was looking for JD. He needs some help down at Icons. Sure, not really a worker traditionally, but all “cuddlebears” need paws on deck.
  • “Cuddlebear?” Alexis asks, confused by that.
  • The two ignore her and Rachel explains that JD is sick. He’s not in the best shape for whatever is needed.
  • Freddy nods, looking disappointed. “That’s a darn same! That big belly of his woulda come in handy.”
  • Alexis feels more confused. JD is chubby but not that chubby.
  • Freddy asks if Rachel would be interested. She’s been to Icons plenty of times and while she’s not usually like JD, she could with some proper fixing.
  • “Can’t either!” Rachel sighed, explaining she is busy taking care of him.
  • Freddy sighs, looking glum for the first time. “Dang! Bug’s been takin’ out everybody it feels. We need at least one more burly bear if we’re gonna pull this off?”
  • Burly bear? Alexis stars to suspect this has something to do with JD and Rachel’s… transformation habits. Probably best to leave since this sounds like a private conversation on a subject matter she has no interest in.
  • She starts to leave, Rachel thinking about maybe asking Melissa, the roommate, for help.
  • But then she notices Alexis is starting to leave and walk past her. Her expression brightens up instantly.
  • “Oooooh! Alexis would be perfect for the job!”
  • Alexis stopped and immediately shot back, “Don’t volunteer me for things I’m not interested in. I’m not my brother, ya know.”
  • “Alexis, eh?” Freddy said, stroking his chin and looking the blonde over. She ignores him, but feels his gaze on her and… oddly doesn’t feel bothered by it.
  • “Oh come on!” Rachel huffed, poking her. “You definitely need some more money in your life. I can read in between the lines.”
  • “I’m not that desperate to go for whatever… this is.”
  • “What “this is” is a good opportunity… right?” Rachel looked at Freddy. Alexis could tell she had no idea what he was even suggesting.
  • “Oh it is!” Freddy declared with a hearty chuckle, getting up. “Icons is a wonderful little restaurant all about offering the finest, most special dining experience that adults of a certain taste can enjoy. We also are proud to hire people from all walks of life and provide them with great pay and benefits most places are too cowardly to provide. Even part-timers or outside talent hired for one off events are paid very well~.”
  • “Nice sales pitch, but no thank you.”
  • Alexis is blushing hard, Freddy right before her now. She tried not to look directly at him, feeling like putty around him. Something about him was so hypnotic and entracing, like… like she wanted to be held in his arms.
  • Alexis ignores it and tries to walk away.
  • “It is a nice pitch, but I suppose it doesn’t tell you what you want now, does it?” Freddy chuckled. “The pay itself, right? What I need is at least one helpful entertainer, no experience really needed, for one performance. You would be paid $1000, plus tips as well.”
  • Alexis twitched. That was a lot of money.
  • She stopped in her tracks and looked back at him. “That is… something. What would I even have to do?”
  • Freddy’s smile grew wider, a little devious, but still tender. “All you have to do is follow the group, follow your heart, and put on several extra hundred pounds~.” He playfully gropes his belly and shakes it.
  • Alexis trembles, a warmth striking her loins. She should say no. She should say no thank you. This could only lead one way. It would lead her down the path her brother and Rachel often go.
  • However, she opens her mouth and all that comes out is a nervous stutter.
  • Rachel smirks, having been watching on the side. “I believe she says she would love to help.”
  • Alexis… cannot say no to that.
  • -Scene Cut-
  • Alexis trembled, trying to keep her eyes on the ground. The sights around her made her a mess, not to mention the musky, enticing scents
  • She was at Icons with Freddy now, heading down one of the back hallways with him.
  • Some of the large bulky to dad bod anthros politely said hi to Freddy and her as they passed, some snickered, amused by her sight.
  • If she looks up even one, she might lose it. She was starting to have a deep realization of what she may want in her life… or just wanted to avoid ogling the dressed to not-so dressed employees
  • Freddy talked with her as he led her, asking how she was doing and if she was enjoying the sights. She tried to avoid discussing it.
  • Freddy just chuckles and says to enjoy herself. The place is meant to be enjoyed whether you work there or not.
  • Alexis weakly states that this is a one time gig and she won’t be back. Just needs a little money help is all.
  • “Who doesn’t need a little help every so often? However, that doesn’t mean you have to fight it! Come on, Alexis~. This is a golden opportunity for you that doesn’t often come around. Just breathe and drink it all in~.”
  • Alexis didn’t say anything. He could be right about it being a good opportunity for her or, at the very least, something to enjoy.
  • However, she didn’t have it in herself to do so. She wasn’t into transformations and that was that.
  • At that time, they come up to a dressing room. Freddy knocks but no reply.
  • Opening the room, it appears to be a regular old dressing room. Nothing too special with some outfits on racks, mirror, and chair & table for it.
  • Alexis’ heart started racing again. This was it. She couldn’t back out now even if she wanted to.
  • She was still anxious and nervous. The pay was good, but again, this was all too out there for her.
  • The two of them step in, Freddy’s stretching and rolling his shoulders. “You can get ready in here! Just lock the door if you don’t want any interruptions~.”
  • Alexis nodded, still nervous. “S-sure… but… I don’t get it. What do I even do?”
  • Freddy chuckled and leaned in, stroking her chin beneath the mask. “It’ll come naturally to you in a moment. It’ll be alright.”
  • Alexis finds herself leaning into it. She couldn’t help it.
  • She couldn’t help the purple fuzz growing on her chin now.
  • Freddy gives her a beaming smile and takes her hands, giving them a firm, but gentle grip. “Now, I gotta go check on the others for the show. You just grow into your new self and I’ll be back to check in on you.”
  • Alexis nods, still not quite getting it.
  • Freddy leaves, closing the door gently behind her.
  • Alexis finally feels like she can relax and stop tensing up. If she was around that bear any longer, she would’ve exploded!
  • “So, I guess I just…” Alexis’ words drifted off. There was a weird tightness in her ears and her hands.
  • She looked at her gloved mitts and… they did seem a lot bigger now looking at them.
  • SHe grits her teeth as her gloves get tighter and tighter, eventually tearing along the sides and fingers breaking through.
  • Thick white fur digits with stubby claws, thick pads, and pink fur around the rest of the hands.
  • Alexis’ heart raced, looking at her. They… they looked just like Freddy’s and almost as big.
  • Gripping and wiggling them, they felt heavy and strong, but also soft and tender
  • She brought it to her face and rubbed it. She quivered. It felt like getting gently caressed by that bear.
  • Alexis shook her head to get a hold of herself, her heart starting to racing again.
  • That’s when she notices something out of the corner of her eyes. Blue and fabric
  • Her mask was stretching? But how did…
  • SNAP! Nope. Her face was. Mask tore as soon pink was revealed now
  • Nose is inflating and turning black, turning ursine
  • She hurried over to the mirror and looked in. She had bear muzzle now with full fur and nose
  • She felt it up, taking in its shape and girth. Definitely real as the hands.
  • She sniffed her paw her new nose when she brushed it against it. A new masculine scent to it, musky and powerful. Kind of like Freddy.
  • Even pulling it away, her nose could pick up more scents like that in the air. So many big guys came through this room before.
  • She thinks about how her scent and how soon she’ll be fully smelling like them. Looking the mirror. She’ll soon look like them too
  • I wonder if I’ll be just as handsome as Freddy? The thought makes her cringe but only for a moment. It doesn’t seem so bad or off to think it now
  • Two front teeth grow out at the tip of her mug.
  • The first thing she thinks is she looks like a dork. Though the longer she looks, the more she finds some charm in them
  • It helps me look more unique to Freddy I guess besides the fur…
  • White furred ears with pink fuzz inside grow through her hair.
  • The longer she looks, the more she kind of likes it. Though… her hair feels so off now.
  • Then her long blonde locks shorten to jaw level.
  • Part of Alexis is upset by this. She put a lot of work into making her hair nice.
  • On the other hand, part of her doesn’t want it. It doesn’t fit her, or who she’ll be.
  • She reaches up to brush some of it, but finds her clothing tight when she moves an arm.
  • Looking down, even with her jacket on, it does seem like her clothing is tight. Her stomach looks pudgier and her waist line was wider.
  • I’m gonna be big. Very big, aren’t I?
  • She was going to be a bear. She knew that, but it felt so real seeing her move towards it now
  • I’m going to be a big bear. …the thought was nice.
  • Her butt slightly wiggles as a nub pops out. White bear tail grows
  • Well, I guess this will be… oof! Clothing getting tighter, but her feet are worse. Shoes really like they are three sizes too small.
  • She sits on a chair, which creaks a little as she does, and struggles to pull her shoes off
  • On the last shoe, there’s some tears in the leather as she gets it off.
  • Her socks burst then, Alexis unable to save them. Awww, another thing i’m gonna have to buy.
  • Her feet were swelling out into large feetpaws with four, fat toes. Pink fur with dark pink pads and stubby claws.
  • She sighed and wiggled her toes. Again… they’re not bad. There’s something charming about them she was liking.
  • She winces as her clothing tightens even more on her. Her belly pops out a tiny bit from under her shirt, pink hairs visible
  • Can’t deal with this anymore. Alexis snorted, struggling to take her jacket off. Rip. Sleeve near the shoulder rip as her shoulders broaden further.
  • And another thing I’m gonna have to get fixed. She thinks as she tosses it aside.
  • Alexis looks at herself without the jacket. She was really looking thick.
  • Those arms and legs were definitely thicker and chubbier than before, filling the pants legs and sleeves a lot. More of her ankles and arms were showing, her height having increased shrinking everything more on her.
  • Even her belly was more visible… then it got more visible when it expanded more, giving her a soft gut that made her belly button visible.
  • Big. the thought was nice. She was big and getting bigger. Maybe she could be a big bear after all and like it.
  • It still didn’t feel quite right… but so was more clothes ripping. She pulled off her shirt (which thankfully wasn’t hard)
  • As she slid off her pants, she struggled getting them down her chunky hips and thighs. White fur was also growing and causing trouble as well.
  • Eventually, she pulled them off, now standing their in her underwear. She didn’t remotely have her feminine, womanly look anymore. She was a more stocky, heavy guy than anything.
  • Big emphasize on the guy since she sported a bulge in her pants. Alexis scratched his chin and shrugged. Guess I shoulda expected this. Those two did like their guy tfs after all and this place is guy focused, so why wouldn’t it be the same for me?
  • Though, it didn’t make him feel all that upset. He felt oddly at peace and comfortable, a paw going down and adjust his underwear to make the bulge more comfortable.
  • Looking at himself in the mirror, Alexis examined himself. He wasn’t there yet, but there was something oddly handsome and rugged about himself. It made him feel more optimistic.
  • Rubbing his stomach, he chuckles. Add on a few more hundred pounds, more fur and a few more features and I bet I’ll be as handsome as Freddy~.
  • Trembles at the thought. Maybe he shouldn’t deny or ignore these feelings or thoughts? He found Freddy attractive and… and kind of wanted to look more and more like him… a big old daddy bear.
  • Big daddy bear. Alexis trembled at the thought, panting a little.
  • Rear expands, getting chubbier and thicker. Breasts deflated a bit and fatten up.
  • Fur is sprouting over her body quickly, spreading from his stomach and limbs. Pink over chest and belly while white over the rest
  • Alexis trembled. Yeah, big daddy bear like Freddy! Hair shrink and fades away.
  • Big daddy bears don’t need bras~. Unhooks it as his breasts fully turn into moobs
  • Big daddy bears don’t need girly underwear like this either~. Yanks and rips off underwear with one padded finger
  • Balls and sheath fall out. Much bigger now
  • Mmmm, Freddy will like this! But could be better though. Freddy probably likes his bears to be on his size~
  • Alexis trembles as head reshapes to be a bear
  • More growth and fur growth all over with a final boost to the gut.
  • Alexis grinned. A new bear stood in the room, reflected back in the mirror
  • He playfully rubs his belly and feels himself up. He’s so big and heavy, but so cuddly and comfortable.
  • Alexis shakes his hips a bit, enjoying the weight of them.
  • As he turns to wiggle his rear at the mirror, the door opens and Freddy walks in.
  • Alexis blushes harder. Freddy is only wearing a black speedo and his trademark top hat and bowtie now. He smirks seeing the new bear, sizing him up
  • Alexis is incredibly turned on, getting a bit erect at the sight. Sure, he found Freddy attractive before, but now the bear was out of this world to him.
  • Freddy is pleased with the sight, circling him. Good size, weight, and charm. You’re going to be perfect for the show, Helpy.”
  • “Heh, Helpy?” “That’s who you are. Do you really look like an Alexis?”
  • “Please, I don’t even need to look at the mirror to know I’m beyond that. I’m just a big, huge, cuddly bear looking to help and please~.”
  • ‘Good to hear!” Freddy strokes Helpy’s chin, the bear leaning into it. “You’ll be joining me on stage soon. I’m sure the audience will love you.”
  • “You me like you love me?” Helpy says without thinking. Instead of being embarrassed by admitting that, he just leans into it and playfully winks.
  • Freddy laughs and kisses him on the snout. “Yeah… yeah, just like me.”
  • He leans in close and whispers into Helpy’s ear. “And if you do a good job, I show my affection in a more private place if that’s okay.”
  • Helpy grinned. “I like that. I like that a lot.”
  • “Seeee? The job wasn’t so bad, was it?” Rachel chuckled.
  • Alexis and Rachel are out together a week later for coffee. JD is back to normal health and Alexis is normal again.
  • “It certainly was an interesting job, I’ll say.” Alexis said quickly, eyes looking off to the side.
  • “Come oooooon, spill! Hit me with all the deets!”
  • “I will not. It was a job that paid a lot of money and now, I don’t need to do it again.”
  • “Never ever ever again?”
  • Alexis blushes, looking at her mug. “Well, probably never. Things could change…”
  • “Ha! I knew it!” Rachel chuckled, shaking her head. “You’ll be back there soon enough”
  • Alexis doesn’t answer. It was certainly a ride. Performing and dancing on stage with a bunch of big bears, caught up in the moment, shaking her biggified moneymaker
  • Then the afterparty with Freddy. Her hands clench the mug at the thought. It was… an experience. He was amazing.
  • However, she couldn’t do it again. She wasn’t up for such a wild, free, adult lifestyle.
  • “Once was enough. That’s all I’ll say.” Alexis said firmly, taking a drink.
  • “Sure, whatever you say, big bear!” Rachel winked.
  • Alexis cleared her throat and was about to change topic when there was a buzz at her phone. Text message
  • She answered that. It was from Freddy. “Up for another show?”
  • Alexis trembled. She quickly typed. “No. No more.”
  • Response back quickly. “Fair! Wanna catch dinner with your big daddy bear?”
  • “…” “Something wrong Alexis?”
  • “ …no. Everything is fine.” Alexis quickly typed a message. “Maybe. Where?”
  • While she wasn’t up for doing anymore shows… spending more time with that big bear did sound like a lot of fun~.
  • It’s not like it could lead to anything in particular… right?
  • THE END?


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