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“Tiiiiiiiiiiiiired.” Melissa moaned, “Sooooooo tired.”

One long shift after another long shift after another long shift. Melissa was done with this week. No more of this nonsense. The lady was plain sick of all these long holiday shifts every day with no day off in between them. They were draining the life out of her.

She thanked God for finally having a weekend off. The messy haired woman sighed, pushing her glasses up. Just need to relax. Finally get off my feet and have some nice-

Ding! Splurt. The appliance was done, squirting out the last of the warm drink in the mug. A wonderful, rich aroma was wafting over from there. She loved the smell of hot chocolate.

She leaned in and took in that scent. It was so good, so rich. She couldn’t believe she didn’t know about the bag of hot chocolate mix in the back of the cupboard. Her roommates were holding out on her.

As Melissa sniffed, her nose oddly twitched. The aroma was lingering, floating around and sinking into her nose. The peachy tone darkened, pores and more vanishing to a smooth, flat surface. The tone darkened further to a coal black, light giving it a glossy look.

Then came the swelling. The bridge widened as the nose tip pushed out, which was also growing. The nostrils sunk in towards it, flaring and reshaping themselves. Her glasses, curiously, readjusted themselves to better fit her enlarged honker. With a bit more push and width, she now sported an ursine snoot.

“ACHOO!” Melissa sneezed, rubbing her nose casually. Squeak-squeak. “Heh, enough sniffin’, gotta get drinkin’.” The words tumbled out of her mouth, sounding rather strange. Was she tired, around her silly roommates a bit too much, or both?

It didn’t matter. Hot chocolate mattered.


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