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  • “Oh? What is your wish, Miss Rachel?” Aslan, the golden haired genie spoke, floating away from JD over to her.
  • JD stops tensing up, however his heart still beats quickly. He looks at the genie, feeling a sense of… loss that he isn’t as close as before.
  • Rachel begins to speak her wish, but JD interrupts her. “Wait, are y-you sure about this?”
  • “Sure about what? About having fun?” Rachel chuckled. “You and Manny seem to be enjoying yourselves.” Her eyes narrow with a smug smirk. “Especially you, loverboy.”
  • JD’s heart skipped a beat.
  • “Why not get in on the fun?” Manny jumps in, putting an arm around Rachel’s shoulder. “Yeah… dude~. Why not let her get in on this?”
  • “I… I mean…” JD couldn’t really argue against it. Something in him was growing louder and hungrier. It wanted this.
  • “Then it’s settled!” Rachel to Aslan. “Aslan, my wish is that I wish to be just like Manny and JD~.”
  • Aslan gives a small bow and polite smile. “As you wish, Miss Rachel.”
  • He held out both hands again and snapped fingers, gold and silver smoke coming from them.
  • Rachel leaned into them and snorted them both up, silver into the mouth and gold up the nose
  • “Mmmm, bring it on~.” Rachel is quivering, shoulders tensing and face blushing.
  • The last words turn deep, adam’s apple expanding.
  • Rachel’s hair shakes, long lock on the left her face shrinking away from her collar to just past her chin and partially covering her eye.
  • Locks get a little thinner, but also wavier and a lighter shade of blue
  • Rachel lets out a deep breath, JD asking if she is okay.
  • Rachel nods and says she is in a male voice. It feels… pleasant and invigorating.
  • Her shoulders broaden and waist widens, hips contracting so her body frame is closer to the guys
  • As her eyebrows thicken, Aslan remarks and says “that is good”. The changes should be pleasant and very invigorating. Especially for those who embrace their changes
  • “Mmmm, good to hear~.” Rachel’s face gets redder as she grows in height, now over six feet like the rest of them.
  • Rachel grits her teeth, biting her bottom lip as her lips become less plump and full. Hands and toes are clenching.
  • Arms and legs buffer up.
  • Rachel lets a slow breath, looking at her arms and liking their beefy looks
  • Rachel boasts a little, flexing an arm. JD quivers again. That muscle power. How hot was Rachel gonna turn out.
  • A hand of his is almost slipping down towards his crotch, but he realizes what he is doing and pulls it away in time.
  • “Yeeeeeah, getting so big and strong~.” Rachel moans. Her flat tummy gets toned and bulges a little, showing some muscular.
  • JD tries focusing on her face for a moment. She is… definitely getting turned on. Though, despite his reservations and concerns over everything, she is happy. Maybe he should try being happy for her and being cool with everything? Maybe be calm and at peace with…
  • Manny chuckles, arm still around Rachel pulling her in closer. “Speaking of big~. Looks like someone is getting bigger downstairs~.”
  • JD’s eyes instinctively darted downward, like they wanted… no, needed to see.
  • Sure enough, a bulge was forming in Racel’s bikini bottom. Small bulge and bigger bulge below that one.
  • It grew to about… JD’s old size. It then tented below
  • Rachel pants a little, looking down herself. “R-really… humph. Can’t really see it though…. Boobs in the way.”
  • As if listening, her breasts retracting from their D-cups to Cs and then Bs.
  • Rachel looked again and grinned. “Oh… yeah. Got my own equipment now~. Nice.”
  • Her hands slipped down and stroked the tip of the tent. She moaned as the bulge grew bigger all around, her bottom struggling to hold it in together.
  • JD twitched and felt a chill up his spine. His cock was throbbing excitedly, the area feeling damper than before.
  • He… he wanted that. He wanted that badly.
  • “That’s the spirit, dude~.” Manny chuckled, smacking Rachel on the ass. “Having a cock and balls does feel great, doesn’t it?
  • Rachel let out a small moan and hopped back to the side. JD could see her rear… losing its perky bubble butt and becoming tone and manly fit.
  • “Ooooh, Manny~. This is a new attitude for you~.” Rachel remarked.
  • “Heh, yeah!” Manny chuckled, groping his package. “I dunno, just feels natural and… like, right to act and feel this way.”
  • “Because it is~.” Aslan spoke, floating over and placing a hand on their shoulder. “It is an improvement over your old selves. You’ve been given a wonderful opportunity and perspective. Live it up, act and be true to who you are in and out~.”
  • “No problem~.” Rachel chuckled, placing her arms behind her head and stretching her chest out. “Be… be who I want to be… be who I truly am to be~.”
  • Breasts retract and fade further and further. JD’s heart is beating quickly. Here it comes.
  • Breasts fully retract as the chest bulges more, widening and turning into dense pectorals
  • God, Rachel is so fucking hawt. JD thinks, blushing and getting even more erect. His swimtrunk feel so tight and tent so much
  • Rachel loves his pecs and feels them up. His body feels so great and looks great.
  • Rachel moans loudly. Manny suddenly reaches down and gropes Rachel’s package. Package grows even bigger, cock popping out and balls spilling out the side.
  • “Wha… what are y-you doing, Manny?” Rachel moaned.
  • Manny pressing himself into him. “Just… just doing what feels right and natural, dude.”
  • “Really?” Rachel’s cheekbones thin and eyelashes thin, “Then… then I should do the same thing, bro~.”
  • Rachel’s face fully changes. It’s now masculine and-
  • He’s so goddamn hawt! JD’s body quakes with pleasure. No more Rachel. Just a handsome stud that used to be his girl.
  • “Go for it, Raphael~.” Manny cooes. The two dude leans in and start kissing, pressing pec to pec and bulge to bulge, Manny’s cock popping out.
  • The two kiss and kiss, making out and groping each other hard.
  • JD’s body is on fire, jaw dropping. Holy crap, the whole sight is making him horny. He just wants to jump in and get in on the horny action.
  • Part of him still says no. The genie wishes caused all of this. They are getting out of control, acting like a bunch of horny idiots… but it feels so appealing.
  • That’s when Aslan appears behind him, arms wrapping around JD’s waist and pecs pressing into his back… among other things.
    • Is… is that his dick?! Soo big and thick…
  • Aslan is smiling and leaning his head over the shoulder. “So, what do you think? I say the wishes have made you all quite happy.”
  • JD moans. “This… this is… is wild. I… I don’t think… I don’t think this is what… what I wanted?” Saying those words sounded so wrong and untrue.
  • “Oh? What is it that you want, Mister JD? What is in your heart? I can grant whatever you truly want. If you wish to fix something, just say the words. I will do whatever I can to make us all happy here.”
  • JD feels so warm. Flashes in his mind come by of doing something. Doing something to that genie right there and then on the sand.
  • He tries to ignore them and focus on Rachel and Melissa… but all he sees are the two horny himbos going at it, humping each other now. So fucking hawt.
  • JD trembles. Need… need to do something… anything.
  • “Come now, surely there is something you want. Come Mister JD, make your first wish. Make it a good one~.”
  • JD gulps. Fight this losing battle his inner, gay horny himbo or go back?
  • Biting his lips briefly, he says quickly, without even really thinking, “I wish that all of us were happy!”
  • “But of course~.” Snap.
  • JD wakes up in bed, eyes weakly opening. Uuuugh… what happened last night?
  • Flashes are vague, blurry, and unhelpful. He rubs his forehead. Party last night? …always was a party, right?
  • JD tries to move, reaching around for his glasses, but feels something very heavy on him.
  • He notices a large, naked, blue-haired buff man on top of him, his head in his chest. On his right arm and against his side, a brown-haired nude buff man.
  • Oh, Manny… Raphael… god, you guys are heavy in the morning.
  • JD sighs, slipping out carefully from underneath one and away from the other as the two sleep soundly.
  • He sits on the edge of his bed, rubbing his face. Looks down at himself. He is also pretty buff and nude. No morning wood this time at least. That might have woke one of those horny bastards up when he sneaked away.
  • Something feels… off. But he doesn’t quite know what. He grabs his glasses from the table and gets up, leaving the room.
  • He’s stll nude but doesn’t care. His house. He can walk around nude if he wants. Why cover up his nice frame?
  • As he walks out of the hallway, he smells something nice.
  • He enters the kitchen area and finds a long-blonde hair buff man. Also nude except for his apron. He’s making breakfast.
  • The man turns around and smiles. “Morning, stud. Hungry?”
  • JD trembles. Aslan, his other roommate.
  • …ASLAN!
  • The shock knocks sense into JD. “Wha-what’s going on?”
  • Aslan smiles. “Nothing but breakfast. Hope you’re hungry from some eggs and bacon~.”
  • “N-not that!” JD is blushing harder… his cock is getting erect too.
  • “Oh, someone remembers, do they?” Aslan chuckles, finishing putting the food on various plates. “You wished that everyone was happy? Well, what’s happier than this?”
  • JD’s heart beat quickens. Happy… happy…
  • “I… I guess that was a pretty vague wish, wasn’t it?” JD remarked.
  • “It was, but hey, we’re happy, aren’t we?” Aslan explained. “Just four himbos living together, happy and horny as can be. Four himbos working in our equally happy, horny jobs.”
  • JD shivers. He remembers… the club. He dances at it, performs. Raphael is a fitness coach at a gym. Manny does adult streams.
  • Aslan… dances with him too. The two really perform together.
  • JD shakes his head. “Y-yeah… that’s… that’s something.”
  • “Something wrong?” Aslan asks as he sets the dinning room table. “Are you not happy?”
  • JD pauses. He looks at Aslan, thinks of his “girlfriend” and roommate, he looks down at himself and a surge hits him.
  • “I… I am. I just… I just didn’t realize this is what I wanted.” JD smiles smally, “I… I guess I am happy being a big horny himbo.”
  • “That’s the spirit!” Aslan chuckled.
  • “So…. do the others… do they-” “Nope. They don’t remember a thing. Only you and me do… and only you know that I am a genie. Please keep it that way if possible. I think I would like to retire in peace a bit, ya know?”
  • “Of course.” JD nods, looking over Aslan. His balls pulse as he watches the guy bend off as he puts down the last plate.
  • Well, like he said, act and be true to who you are~.
  • JD gets behind him and presses his rod as Aslan’s rear. The genie shivers and chuckles, asking if he is sure about that.
  • “I’m more sure than ever.” JD snorts. “I’m fucking horny man. I need a quickie right now.”
  • “Whatever you say~.” Aslan chuckles.
  • The two fuck and moan
  • THE END?


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