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Lacy hurried inside, though with difficulty. He trudged through the almost knee deep snow and pushed himself through the door. Thank heavens it opened inward.

He quickly closed the door behind him and sighed, taking in that warmth. He took a look around the small cafe. A few chairs and tables were set up with a large counter on the side of the room. Several menu signs were above the counter, the smell of coffee, chocolate, and baked goods tipping him off on what they offered.

However, Lacy’s attention was on the biggest thing in the room. The server, the only visible employee around was a reindeer woman. She was a very curvy reindeer with snow white hair, done up in two large, twin-drill ponytails.

The reindeer looked up from the counter, adjusting her sharp glasses on her snoot. She gave a warm smile and sweetly spoke, “Hell-loooo, dearie! Welcome to my lovely shop~.”

Lacy shivered, giving himself one last hug and squeeze to warm up. He approached, graciously saying, “Th-thank you.”

“My name is Cindy Snowfall~.” The reindeer pushed her chest out with a sly wink, indicating her nametag on her left breast. “How may I help you this fine evening?”

“J-j-just need refuge.” Stuffing his wet gloves in his pockets, Lacy rubbed his face. “I was just going t-to the store when that bl-blizzard showed up!”

“Oh yes!” Cindy nodded, looking concerned. “It did come out of nowhere didn’t it?” She tapped her chin. “Hmm, tell you what! I suspect it will take a while for the blizzard to blow over. How about some nice hot chocolate to warm up while you wait?”

Lacy’s heart positively leapt. “Tha-thank you!”

He hurried over to the counter as Cindy began prep work on the drink. He pulled out his wallet and opened it. “Oh-oh! Now, put that thing away!” Cindy had spun around, wagging a finger in his face. “This is on the house, dearie!”

Cindy went back to making his chocolate. Well, it’s not like I’m not going to be grateful here. He slipped a few dollars into the tip jar. The reindeer woman paused briefly when he did that, almost like she noticed. However, she went back to work without a peep.

A moment or two later, she turned around and handed him a big cup. “There you go! Please enjoy!”

Lacy smiled and took the cup over to a table near the window. Sitting down, he glanced outside. Yep, still falling. …probably gonna be a while. Plus, who knew when the city’s snow plowers were gonna get out and start their work.

He took a sip of his cocoa, and then a longer one. “Mmmm,” he sighed, slumping into his chair. This tastes great!

His body felt warmer already, that delicious, sugary goodness rocketing through him. He shivered, toes tapping the ground rapidly. A low gurgle and odd feeling came from his stomach, but it faded. How strange!

Nothing as strange as that swelling though. His stomach expanded a little, rising like bread in an oven. Just a little pudge dipping over his jeans, barely noticeable under his outer winter layers.

Lacy licked his lips, taking in more of that lovely taste. His hair quivered as he did, like a breeze rolling through despite being indoors. His brown hair began to brighten, turning to a bright, peppermint red.


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