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  • “Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!” The pink toon dog declared, hopping up and down (her chef hat bouncing with her) as her tail wagged. “Customer customer customer!!”
  • Katsura wasn’t sure how to react to that. She was just out for a pleasant jog through the park when she spotted something that made her stop.
  • A pink toon dog had set up shop with a small push food cart next to some of the park’s public grills. She had a sign that said, “Now Serving Lunch!”
  • The odd sight of the chef dog certainly had made her curious enough to approach, but that was it.
  • “Oh, I’m sorry. I think you may be mistaken.” Katsura said. “I’m just passing by.”
  • “WHAAAAAAAAT?!” The toon gasped, “You’re not hungry?” She sulks forward, arms loose, tail limp. There’s an odd cold breeze in the air.
  • Katsura immediately felt bad. “Oh! I’m sorry. I… ah, maybe I could have a small bite?”
  • Dog immediately perks right back up. “Reeeeeally? Okie-dokie!”
  • She hands her a menu, technically shoving it into her hands. “Da name is Jessica the Toon Pupper! Let me know what you’ll like and I’ll cook it right up!”
  • “Ah…” Looks at menu. “Anything that’s not bad for the stomach? I need to finish my jog and I don’t want-”
  • “Jogging?!” Tail wagging. “Ooooooo, time for a kick to the system it seems!”
  • Jessica gets into her cart and pulls out many different things, some frozen food, spices, pants, the whole works.
  • Then a series of rushes, she starts cooking. Katsura tries to follow, but the toon moves in a blur that is almost impossible to follow.
  • And just like that, the toon is standing right up in front of the woman, holding a plate with a sizzling sandwich
  • “Ta-da! The Kicker Chicken Sandwich!” Basic looking sandwich with hamburger buns, grilled chicken patty, and lettuce.
  • “Oh… I dunno.” Katsura says, “I’m not sure if this will set well with my stomach.”
  • “Nonsense!” Jessica declared, “You’ll be fine! It’ll give a total good boost to your running too!”
  • Jessica leans in, her eyes looking sparkly and sweet. Is she doing this on purpose, trying to manipulate me? Katsura wonders, taking the sandwich.
  • Still, she tries it, taking a bite out of the sandwich.
  • Sweat starts pouring, her body feels warm and gets warmer by the second.
  • Her skin turns red from her feet up to her face, the sound of a tea kettle blaring is heard, steam blowing out her ears.
  • HOOOOOOOOOOOOT! She opens her mouth… and flames blast out! Jessica drops down, her poor hat incinerated though
  • Her mouth shoots forward as well, turning to a night shade of black. Nostrils shift, bottom jaw turns blue, and fangs
  • She pants and pants and pants. The steam vanishing from her ears… which turn long and pointy, skin turning black and smooth scaly.
  • Red tone vanishes and she is left with a dragon muzzle and ears
  • “Holy crap! What the hell is in this thing?!” She snaps at the dog
  • Jessica giggles, pulling out a new chef hat from behind her back. “The kick silly! Extra extra extra dragon hot spices to give your speed and form a proper boost!”
  • “Spicy?! That was more than spicy, you stupid mutt!” She snaps, poking the dog on the nose
  • “Ouchies! Careful with that claw, missy!” Jessica declares
  • Katsura gasps and notices that her fingernails have grown out into longer, pointy claws.
  • Hands change, gaining black scales on top and blue on the undersides, going down to four digits.
  • Katsura gasps again, more dramatically, dropping her sandwich as she looks over her hands. Scales run down her arms.
  • “What the heck is happening to me?!”
  • “I told you, the extra spicy kick!” Jessica said with a shake of the head. “Also, you almost dropped your sammich!” Holds up the plate with her sandwich.
  • “I don’t want a “sammich”! I want an explanation!” Katsura huffs, smoke coming from her maw. She gasps, now realizing her muzzle.
  • She feels the front of her maw as bumps appear on the back for wings.
  • Her ponytail done hair shakes, hair tips gaining a fiery purple color.
  • “Okay, but let’s not let this get cold!” Jessica picks up the food and stuffs it into Katsura’s mouth
  • Katsura shakes and quivers, a big GULP sound effect happening (neck stretching a little longer and gaining scales) and a big bulge going down her neck like a cartoon
  • Sploosh sound effect when the food hits her stomach.
  • RIP! Tennis shoes burst open in the front due to claws. Then the rest of the three toed feet pop out, destroying the rest.
  • That red coloring come again, starting at her feet and going up. It goes much faster this time
  • Her legs lengthen and turn shapely, hips really widening as the red goes up
  • Narrow waist, MUCH narrower waist as the red overtakes her body
  • Fire alarms start blaring, tears streaming from Katsura’s eyes. SO GOSH DARN HOT!
  • BOOOM! She turns her head up into the sky and a huge pillaring tower of fire spews up into the sky from her maw
  • Horns grow and a partial, thick tail pops out, stretching down her shorts.
  • Ponytail comes undone as her hair fully grows out into a thick, fiery purple mop
  • As the fire slows down, Katsura is left dizzy and woozy. Her brain feels toast after that!
  • The red coloring drops… but reveals her body is fully black and blue scaled
  • Her breasts also a full cup size larger.
  • “Ooooh, brain so warm and fuzzy.” She mumbles, “What… what are we talking about?”
  • Jessica giggles, fanning herself with a paper fan. “Oh, talking about how you stopped by for a spicy kick of flavor?”
  • “Spicy kick… that sounds familiar.” Her brain is still murky and heated, a SIZZLE coming off her head. She needed things cleared up
  • “Mhm! You were out jogging and stopped by for lunch. It sounded like you needed some extra energy and power in ya to keep going, so I figure what better power is there than dragon spice power!”
  • “That… that makes sense.” Does it? Does it really? Katsura wasn’t sure, but didn’t feel like arguing.
  • Especially with how pleasant and nice she felt~.
  • Streeeeech. Big booty growth that stretched out her shorts more. Super Pixar mom figure there
  • “Mhm! Dragons have lots of power and energy! How else do they carry ‘em big tails around with problems?”
  • Fwlooomp! Tail turns big and heavy, smacking down on the ground behind Katsura. She looks over her shoulder and wiggles her bottom, the tail raising back up and curled a little
  • “That is true~. I do feel more energized and powerful!”
  • “Annnnnnnnnd, what other beings have tons of energy to get you through a simple run, jog, or even all of life? Toons!” Jessica explained.
  • Katsura nods. Makes sense, makes sense!
  • FWOOOMP! Breasts expansion with even bigger feet and hands to follow
  • “So, combine dragons and toons… and BOOM! Perfect lunch to make any jogger ready to run or fly to the next county over without a problem~.”
  • Katsura nods faster. Yeahyeahyeah! That sounds good to her!
  • SPROING! Nodding stretches out the muzzle nice and long, an extra foot in length
  • Katsura stretches and rolls her shoulders. She feels rejuvenated and energized! She’s ready to go the distance!
  • Blink-blink.She blinks her eyes a bit, turning bright white, round and with simple black pupils.
  • “Thanks for lunch, doggie!” Pats Jessica on the head, who wags her tail. “You know how ta help a gal out!”
  • “Of course!” Jessica giggles.
  • Katsura stretches a little more and turns to walk away. Time to get back on the road.
  • She starts to run… and then FWOOSH! Her wings burst out of her back and send her flying into the sky.
  • Awwwww, nothing like a morning fly to get the heart pumping~.


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