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  • Lacy is shivering, clenching his shoulders.
  • The blizzard just came out of nowhere and everything was hard to see or feel.
  • So much for walking over to the store to grab something to eat and save a little money on gas, eh? He criticizes himself. He’ll probably freeze over before he finishes his three block walk.
  • He looks up instead of at the ground. Mostly a whiteout with the vague outlines of the buildings and objects out
  • But then he notices a bright light coming from a large window ahead.
  • He approaches it and notices it is a cafe! When was there a cafe here? He didn’t remember one being so close.
  • Still, the lights were on, he could make a humanoid shape out inside, and the sign was flipped to Open so it was salvation at least!
  • He hurried inside, trudging heavily through the almost knee deep snow and through himself inside.
  • It was a small place with a few chairs and tables, a large counter with tons of menu electronic signs. It was thankfully warm.
  • Though, what caught his attention was the server, a reindeer lady. A very curvy reindeer with snow white hair that had two large twin drill ponytails in the back.
  • She looked up from the counter, adjusting her sharp glasses and smiled brightly. “Hell-loooo, dearie! Welcome to my lovely shop~.”
  • Lacy shivered, giving himself a hug and squeeze to warm up before approaching. “Th-thank you.”
  • The reindeer smiles. “My name is Cindy Snowfall~. How may I help you this fine evening?”
  • Lacy explains his situation about heading to a store nearby and stuff when the blizzard happened.
  • “Yes! It did come out of nowhere, didn’t it?” Cindy remarks. “Hmmm, tell you what! How about some hot chocolate to warm up while you wait for the blizzard to blow over?”
  • “Tha-than you!” That did sound very nice to him.
  • Cindy gets him a cup and places it before him. He pulls out his wallet, but she says it is on the house. He takes the cup, but still drops a big tip of her jar beside the register
  • He takes the cup over to a nearby table and sits down. Yep, still falling outside. He might be there a bit waiting for it to pass. Who knows how long it would take!
  • Lacy sighs and takes a nice long sip. Hmmmm! That does taste really nice
  • He shivers slightly, fidgeting in place. His stomach feels odd for a moment, but it fades
  • His stomach swells slightly, gaining a little pudge there
  • He licks his lips, hair quivering as if a breeze rolled through
  • Hair color goes from brown to a peppermint red
  • Lacy takes another sip to soak it in, quivering some more. So sugary, warm goodness!
  • Feet and toes clench, toes then feet shifting into hooves
  • Boots slip and fall off to fully reveal that, even showing some brown fur sprouting above the hooves and going a bit past the ankles
  • Lacy sighed, leaning back into the chair. This is just what he needed. He didn’t even feel cold anymore!
  • Another drink and hands change. Hoof fingertips, daintier hands, and fur over them
  • Also, some extra weight elsewhere. Some more pudgy to the stomach and in the arms and legs
  • He glanced over at Cindy. She seemed to be looking at him, but maybe not? It felt like she was, but she was busy wiping the counter down.
  • He took another drink. Narrower shoulders and slight waistline decrease. Chest almost pushes forward a bit.
  • He takes another drink, pondering when the weather will let up so he can get to the store
  • Feels a marshmallow up against his mouth, fur growing on his arms and legs.
  • Swallows his drink and takes another sip, taking in a marshmallow.
  • POOF! Tail growth!
  • Not aware as he quivers. Ooooh, so soft and tasty! This choco is, like, delish!
  • A soft giggle escapes his mouth, much to his confusion. Eyelashes grow out.
  • That felt odd and weird. Maybe the cold did get to him despite warming up?
  • Well, easy fix for that: more cocoa!
  • Another drink, taking in a few more of the small marshmallows in the cup. Longer, curly red hair and more fur, growing over the torso and neck now
  • Lacy lets out another sigh when… “Looks like you’re enjoying yourself!”
  • “Eep!” Lacy cries out in a cute voice, surprised to find Cindy sitting across from him
  • Lacy’s chest warms and expands, forming small breasts.
  • “Oh, Miss Cindi~!” chimed Lacy, who giggled, “Sorry! I was, like, so enjoying this drink! It’s yummy!”
  • “It is~!” Cindy smiled warmly. “It’s more own, special blend of chocolate and seasonal spirit! It does wonders for the soul and body~.”
  • Lacy nods and shivers. He feels really really good.
  • And his body really picks up pace. Bulge vanishes and slightly more chub
  • “Especially the body in this case!” Cindy winks.
  • “Body?” Lacy feels confused. She seems to be implying something, but what? She needs another chocolate sip!
  • Cindy giggles and points down as Lacy drinks.
  • The new lady looks down and gasps. Her clothing feels so tight as her form expands.
  • Wider hips and bigger booty. Breasts swell again, making themselves known in her jacket
  • “Oh wowsies!” Lacy gasped, “Curvy! So curvy!”
  • “And soft!” Cindy giggled.”
  • Lacy finished her drink without even thinking and pokes her belly. “Sooooooft~.”
  • Antlers grow and then comes her muzzle as she smiles warmly. Everything does feel nice~
  • “Soooo, whatcha think of my hot chocolate over all then?” Cindy asks
  • “Wonderful! Like, the bestest hot chocolate evar!” Lacy cheered.
  • “Great!” Cindy applauds. “I’m glad you liked it! I sensed you needed some and came as soon as I could!”
  • The reindeer sighs. “Oooh, how I wish I could spread this lovely cheer to others. It’s so hard by himself!”
  • Lacy twitches. “Oh oh oh! Can I help? Pretty please”
  • “Awwwww! You wanna help little old me warm people up and give them a nice taste of holiday spirit? You’re such a sweetie!”
  • “I am!” Lacy’s stomach growls. “But I am soooooo hungie!”
  • Cindy giggles. “Well, I have some lovely sugar cookies I can share with you! After that, we can get straight to work with bringing our joy!”
  • “Yay!” Lacy cheered
  • “Buuuuuuut, first things first! We need a lovely name for you that fits the season. You can’t work here unless you have a cute name like mine!”
  • “Oooooh, gotcha!” Lacy scratched her chin. “Oh, like Sugarplum?”
  • “Splendid!” Cindy declared, patting her head. “Welcome to my wonderful shop, Sugarplum. This will be the beginning of a lovely winter, won’t it?”
  • THE END?


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