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Unfortunately, I have bad news. Very bad news.

Not long after I posted my status update for last month, the company that owns my apartment complex is threatening to evict me in on the 21st of October. They gave no warning or reason why this would be happening. They just said that our lease would not be renewed and we had to be out.

However, they claim our lease is month to month when it reality, it is a yearly lease that's up in March. We have all the documentation, notes, emails, and more to prove it, but yet, they refuse to listen. It's not on "their end" so it doesn't matter.

I'm not sure what to do, but I do know this is fucking with my brain horribly and my stress is out of control. I'm not going to be able to write much right now, so I hope you all understand. Things are going to be slower until what comes comes.

I am sorry from the bottom of my heart. I did not want things to turn out like this but I'm screwed so badly right now.



That sucks. Yah, take all the time you need to get thru this, JD.


My condolences. ;_;