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  • “How bad is it? *COUGHCOUGH*”
  • Cassidy shakes her head, pulling her hand away from her apprentice, Eve’s head.
  • “Super bad. You really need to spend more time expelling magic and working on your spellcraft. Magic backup is serious stuff, especially if you’re overworked or tired.”
  • Eve is in bed with a huge fever and dizziness. The witch gal sighs, looking exhausted
  • She explains she has been busy a lot so there hadn’t been much time to do magic and stuff.
  • “Well, I hope this is a lesson you learn.” Cassidy puts a hot pad on Eve’s head, saying it’ll soak up the excess magic. Just stay in bed.
  • Eve weakly says she will and Cassidy shakes her head, walking away.
  • She starts to think about some projects Eve can do for the coven when she feels better so this doesn’t happen again.
  • However, Eve pipes up “OH! Oh no!”
  • “Oh no what?” Cassidy looks back.
  • “My shift today! Uuuuuugh, my head is so scrambled that I forgot about it! Today is supposed to be super biggie day!”
  • Cassidy is confused briefly before she remembers. Right… Pizza O’Clock…
  • She feels a soft gurgle in her stomach but she shakes it from her mind. Needs to focus on her witchly duties today and has no time for… filling situations.
  • “Well, I’m sure they’ll do fine without you.”
  • “No no! We’re apart of the food fair today! We need somebuddy runnin’ da place ands I’s can-OOOF!”
  • For a brief moment, her hair turns dark purple and her nose black and shimmering, even grow thicker and wider as she tries to sit up
  • However, too exhausted, she falls back and sighs, the changes vanishes from the dark-haired green witch
  • She looks glum. “Everyone was looking forward to this! Everyone else is busy at the pizzeria, so it was up to me.”
  • Cassidy nods. Does sound like a shame. A food fair can be a big place to get your product and food known. She grumbles. That dang owner should hire more-
  • Eve pipes up again. “OH!” She looks at Cassidy sweetly and weakly, “Could… could you fill up for me?”
  • Cassidy does a double take. “Excuse me?”
  • “You’d probably be able to do it. You’re super smart with businesses and promotion. You could easily show off our pizzas!”
  • Cassidy twitchs, a picture of Pizza O’Clock’s pizzas appearing her head.
  • Her mouth starts water, her pointy witch chin retracting. Her striped stockings and shoes feel… tighter now.
  • She shakes her head to focus. “Really now, I couldn’t possibly do such-”
  • Eve adds, “And people do like pigs!”
  • Cassidy trembles. SPROING! A curly at the start, but straighter chocolate brown tail pops out, very puffy at the end, of her gray dress
  • Dang it, leaking tooniness already. Hand is casually reaching behind and feeling her tail. Need ta focus!
  • She clears her throat, feeling peeved at the comment. Her cheeks red. “It’s actually boar, but I digress. I am not sure about this.I’m very busy today, Eve. I’m not sure if I could do this. Plus… I will probably be really distracted from my duties for a while if I do this.”
  • “I know, but… but I really need help. There’s no one else I can turn to!” Eve says solemnly. “I know I shouldn’t ask for favors from my master… but… I just need help. I promise I won’t ask you again for this! Please fill-up for me!”
  • Cassidy sighs. She tried to have a more relaxing, non strict policy with her apprentice witch (though maybe it needed to be more so she wouldn’t get sick with magic backup?), but asking such a thing was huge.
  • Being a master and a coven leader was a lot of responsibilities, especially with their own brewing business.
  • But… (her sleeves feel tight and brown hairs are popping up on her arms) she wouldn’t be a good leader and friend if she didn’t help out Eve with problems she felt were serious every so often. Even if it meant “big” things.
  • “Alright, I’ll do it! Just this one time though. I’ll fill-up” “Oh thank you, thank you!”
  • Cassidy jokingly says, “Just be happy I nail the big, fat belly look~.”
  • “And many other things~.” Eve giggled.
  • Cassidy… felt some pride and warmth at that. Her black hair is shrinking as brown hairs appear on her thighs and legs
  • Leaking a lot of tooniness now… but let’s speed this up.
  • She closes her eyes and focuses. Pizza O’Clock pizzas. Garlic bread and breadsticks. Specialized cigars to go with their smoked pepperoni pizzas
  • GUUUUUUUUUUURGLE! There’s a loud cry from her stomach with rumbles and shakes cartoonishly. An overwhelming need to be filled fills her
  • But first, a different urge hits her.
  • Cassidy lets out a huge belch with a goofy grin. That felt good!
  • Nose and nostrils lift up, reshaping into a rounded, triangular snoot. Pink at the front but chocolate brown elsewhere.
  • Her mug pushed out with her new snout, giving her a long muzzle with more fur covering it. Chin-strapped beard appears along the jaws and bottom of it, tusks popping out too
  • Ping! A nose ring appears, pleasantly bonking the nose as it falls into place
  • “Humph, nots bad!” Cassidy remarks, feeling her nose. Voice is very gruff and deep now
  • Eve applauds and coughs, settling down.
  • “Youse littl’ lady just relax ‘n focus ons gettin’ yourself beddah while I’s focus on gettin’ handsumer!”
  • She really just said that? But… she did feel that way about what she was becoming.
  • Handsum ‘n bigger! She took a deep breath and stuck her thumbs into her big muzzle.
  • Fwomp! Blew and grew big, thick, four-fingered white toon gloves
  • FWWWWOOOOOOMP! Blew again for big, chunky, brown furry arm. Sleeves vanish on her black jacket. A pizza pie tattoo, somehow completely visible appears on her right shoulder
  • Beddah! Flexes and squeezes arms happily. Perfect for holdin’ tons of pizzas~
  • Gurrrrgle! Stomach rumbles again and bulges out, stretching her grey dress. There goes her thin waist line too!
  • Ehhhhh… bigger is better anyways she thinks. She pauses, reflecting on the incoming toon thoughts coming forth. It was always hard to think about her old values when they came in… yet it was fun to embrace them.
  • She remembers being such a stuck up spoil sport when she first dealt with big fat toony toucan Eve before and not thinking it was prim or proper for a lady to be like that.
  • Then she had some pizza and started singing a different tune~ Mind changing a bit? Perhaps, but so intoxicating and wonderful to be so big, free, happy, squishy… crude~
  • She belches again, vibrations running from head to feet
  • RIP! There goes her shoes and her bottom stockings as big fat feet with two large hoof toes on each one appear
  • She never fully got why part of her clothes vanished and others tore when she changed… but she did like showing off her big, chunky parts. Nothing to hide or be ashamed off. More for people to see and be jealous of~
  • So jealous of handsome me~. She ran gloved hands through her hair, which shrank and shrank until she just had chocolate brown hair.
  • Head reshapes a little bit to be more boar fitting
  • Eve interrupts to point out Cassidy needs to know something. “Listen up!”
  • Cassidy stretches ears out into pointed, fuzzy boar ears and says, “I’ms all ears, doll!”
  • Eve explains that Cassidy will have to go down to Pizza O’Clock to check in with Hefty McOrckee or Memphis Ratterton to fully approve of the fill-up. Plus, they can fill her in on the extra details of what she needs to do at the booth. “You remember them right?”
  • “Oh sures!” Cassidy rolls shoulders, getting them nice, big, and broad. She remembers the orca clearly when she was invited there before and that rat…
  • Images of Memphis fill her mind and she finds her heart suddenly aflutter
  • Cassidy is amused. Does she… or her toon self (or would that be really her super deep down?) have a crush on Memphis? Oh silly toon crushes
  • However, she doesn’t fight and rolls with it. She just needs to finish up so she can be ready for the big tubby rat… filling up for her dear apprentice
  • She closes her eyes and focuses again on pizza, piles and piles of pizza boxes. Soooo yummy in her big, fat tummy and body~
  • Her legs swell up, bursting out her stockings. her dress splits in two. The bottom half below her stomach merges and shifts into very stretchy, dark greenish shorts that cling to her form.
  • As breasts deflate and get droopy into moobs, Cassidy looks down and feels them up. Big and handsome~. What kind of toon guy wouldn’t want this?
  • She chuckles gruffly. Can’t deny it! She loooooved big fat toon guys so much. So squishy and heavy. She just wanted to bury her face in their moobs or bellies!
  • Again, her feelings or her toon self? Both seemed so close and the lines so blurry at this point. She had to admit, there was something admirable and inspirational in being so happy to be big and large. She kind of wanted that self-confidence in a person.
  • And those big bellies did look nice to rest on… lay on… smoosh their face into~.
  • Oh, maybe she really did have a big crush and couldn’t properly say it until now. Why try to rationalize it as being a part of her change?
  • Cassidy wants big toon guys… especially that handsome rat manager~
  • “Saaaaay, dat manager of yours, Mr. Ratterton~. What does he like in… his employees?” Fur is covering every inch of Cassidy now
  • Eve giggles, seeming to get what’s going on but plays along. “Ooooh, he likes big, crude, large guys~.”
  • “Guys, huh?” Cassidy quivers, eyes rolling back briefly.
  • Big, huge bulge appears in his shorts crotch. Oh man, did he looooove dat feeling!
  • “CRUDE guys~,” Eve emphasized with a wink
  • “...crude, huh?” Without missing a second, Cassidy casually scratches his large package like it was a natural habit of his. “I’s dink I’ms dat.”
  • “You think that Cassidy?”
  • Cassidy huffed. His name sounded so wrong now! And, yeah, why think? He knows he’s crude and rude!
  • PFFFFFFFFFT! He let out fart as his rear expanded and stretched out the back of his shorts into a huge, wide, chubby butt
  • He let out a big belch as well, his stomach rumbling and expanding rather big on his frame.
  • The rest of his jacket vanished as the top of his dress looked more t-shirt-like with white spots
  • The boar chuckles and says, “Da name is Porkchop, toots, ands I’ms totally one hundred precent a big, large, crude dude~.”
  • Porkchop… yeah, he loved that name. It was so him. No, it was him. He was Porkchop, a fat, pizza loving boar.
  • “That’s good… but really… is that the best belch you can do?”
  • Porkchop knew Eve was merely teasing and testing him, but he didn’t like his belches being underestimated.
  • “Pul-leeeeaze! Dat wasn’t me even tryin’! Dis is me tryin’!”
  • The room and building shake and vibrate. Porkchop’s belly and frame expand a bit more. His t-shirt turns white with sweatstains and a phrase that reads: “Big Belly 4 Life!”
  • “Howse dat?”
  • Eve laughs and coughs, scooting a bit more under her blankets. “That’s great. Thank you so much for this Porkchop. You don’t know how much this means to me.”
  • The boar toon chuckles and gently pats her shoulder. “Youse just rest up ands leaves everything ta Uncle Pork~. When youse feelin’ beddah, howse about wes get fifty pizzas and get dat big gut and beak of yours out?”
  • “Sounds nice~”
  • “Dat’s sum good pizza dere!” A fat kangaroo toon says.
  • “Mmm, I’s could eat dis all day!” A pigeon toon say.
  • The two toon belch and rapidly shrink back in an middle age, business official-looking couple. “My word! I didn’t know toon pizza was so filling and amazing!” the woman remarks
  • “Youse betcha it is!” Porkchop chuckled, looking proud of himself, “Pizza O’Clock has dis and plenty of oddah appetitzin’ meals youse two would love!”
  • “Well consider us fans! We’ll definitely stop by the main place in the future and, if I must say, mention your workplace to other people in the business bureau~.” The man said
  • Porkchop grins. Now that’s some good news. Hefty is gonna like that!
  • Porkchop waves good-bye and sighs. That’s some more people, especially higher up people! This had been a good food festival… though it has been hard to not sneak away and stuff his face
  • He rubs his belly. Thinking about it, he hadn’t had time to fill up with food yet. He’s only eaten breakfast and lunch as his witch self… and man, it did it feel more apparent than ever that his witchy self didn’t eat enough
  • Gotta spend more time snacking when I slim down later. Once I’m off, I’m stuffing my face for three days straight! I’ll thank myself later~!
  • Though, he did have important meetings with other covens to discuss-
  • “Heya dere, Porkchop! Youse doin’ good?”
  • The boar shivers and looks back. Memphis is there! For how big such a large rat he was, he snuck up on people very well.
  • Memphis is just there seeing how things were going and observing the food pile. “Hmmm, youse didn’t eat any of dis, did ya?”
  • “NOPE!” Porkchop saluted. All temp dishes went into potential customers' maws! Deys got ta feel da Pizza O’Clock spirit fors a bit! Happy ta report lots of potential new customers, includin’ sum business folks!”
  • Memphis grinned, lightly applauding the boar. “Dat’s what i’s like ta hear! Told Hefty dis sort of ding would be good for business. Dang orca needs ta be more flexible ands stop worryin’ about dings!”
  • Porkchop nodded and stared at Memphis as the rat went on about his boss. Seeing him up so close now… That rich, pizza and cigar aroma… that big belly, charming mug and snoot, large bulge in his shorts… ooooh, he was a dream!
  • “Now or never me!” Cassidy’s voice comes in loud and clear, Porkchop saying, “Yes me!”
  • Porkchop cleared his throat. “Say, after I’s finish up here ands youse get done… ya wanna… I’s dunno… hit a buffet or sumding?”
  • Memphis’ eyebrow arched. “Ooooooh? Youse wanna hit a buffet? Kinda figure a big important fella like yourself as other important duties dat need a doin’.”
  • Porkchop thought briefly. Wait… wasn’t there something about ordering new potion ingredients tonight? Also, didn’t he have to-
  • No. No he didn’t have to do that. Other people could handle that. He could live a little. He was a toon.
  • And he needed to act and think like that~. He shook his head and smacked it, Memphis amused. “No sir!” Porkchop laughed, “Don’t knows whys youse dink dat! Alls I’s was plannin’ on was headin’ back home, layin’ on da sofa with a several buckets of popcorn, watch movies, and scratch myself~.”
  • Man, that sounded like fun too. Maybe when this was over he could do that too… no! There was no over. He was a toon through and through
  • A faint lady voice said, “Yeah, I am a toon. Just a dumb, fat, silly toon boar not some gal who needs to relax more and will come back later~. I’ve always been a big toon!”
  • Ma conscious is right! …dough, it sounds pretty girly.
  • Oh right. BUUUUUUUUUURP! Howse dis, me?
  • Yeah, dat sounds right!
  • Porkchop said, leaning in, “Sooooo, youse wanna go out or what?”
  • Memphis chuckles and says, “Sound good ta me! Swing by da pizzeria after 5. Den we can hits Catty’s Curiously Countless Cuisines ands stuff our mugs dere!”
  • “We’s have a date!” The toons laughed and belly bumped with a loud THUMP
  • Memphis gives him a shoulder pat and says he has to get back to work now. “See ya tanight!”
  • “Yeah, see ya den!” Memphis strolled over, careful not to bump anyone or the tables on the way out… but grabbing a few samples as well
  • Porkchop grins. Breaking character for a moment, he sighs, “I need to do more fill-ups for Eve in the future~!”
  • THE END?


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