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Lily’s head turned to the right. “HONEYCOMB! Toasted honey!

Her head turned to the left. “MMMMM, me hungry! Me want toasted honey too!

Everywhere she looked, she saw it. Fuzzy puff balls with toon parts sticking out of them, running, dashing, and bouncing all around her. They all blurred together outside of some minor, small hair color differences. They all almost sounded the same as well, chanting about their favorite breakfast cereal/obsession.

Lily felt… anxious. How could she not? She was the last human left in the room. There were Honeycomb Cravers as far as the eye could see or the ear could hear. The employees and DJ were long gone too (did they change or get out of there?).

She was alone.

So very alone as the Cravers ate their cereal. Where did they get those boxes or cereal from again? Things were blurring in her mind, the sight just too harrowing at this point.

Or… was it? Despite everything happening, Lily felt something else. Something deeper within that was bubbling up. Maybe she had been there too long now, but…

Guuuurgle. Her stomach growled and rumbled. It wanted something. She had a feeling she knew what it was.

Frowning, she tried to maintain her composure. Okay… what now? Maybe.. Maybe I should just leave? I don’t feel like I belong here. She fidgeted, another low gurgle coming from within. Maybe… maybe she did? Everything was so confusing.

Her body moved automatically, taking a step backwards. It was the first step she took in what felt like forever. Her body felt so stiff and unwieldy.

But in that step, there was movement around her. Two Cravers bounced over to her, looking as excited and eager as every other. One jumped and bounced in front of her, the other landed perfectly on her shoulder, snickering and chuckling. Both reeked of cereal.

Her heart raced again as she looked between the two figures. What did they want? What could they possibly… That’s when something felt off to Lily. They looked pretty much like any other Craver, but there was this sense of familiarity and nostalgia in them.

It clicked. She cleared her throat, “Rox… Roxanne? M-Mary?”

“You hungry!” The one on the ground chanted.

“You hungry for Honeycomb!” The other whispered/yelled into her ear.

Guuuuuuurgle~. Lily’s stomach rumbled again. It… it was true. She was getting hungry. And, unseen by her, the elaborate, 18th century aristocratic hairstyle she wore was looking a bit off. Some of her elegant, platinum gold hair was coming undone and loose, going wild and spiking out in a few different places.

“Hungry!” “Hungry for Honeycomb!” “You so hungry!” “You want Honeycomb!” The two chanted louder, their smiles getting more manic.

Lily trembled, biting her bottom lip. No point in fighting it, was there? “Ma-maybe?” Though, it still felt somewhat difficult to just give in.

“Transform!” the one on the ground yelled.

“Crave it up!” the shoulder one declared.

“I… I possibly couldn’t!” Lily protested, her voice so unsure and weak.

A growing part of her wanted to. Her mind and being were starting to come around on it. She could belong. She wanted to belong perhaps?

But… but could she? Her entire life up until this point…

Watch your language, young lady!

That is not how the daughter of a prestigious family should act!

You are making a fool of yourself, your father, and me. For once, don’t act so childish and wild. Be a prim and proper woman worthy of this family.

“Transform!” “Crave it up!” The two Cravers chanted over and over. It was so easy to say, probably because they were so simple minded now. But after an entire life of that?

Lily hunched forward, some of the wild strands in her hair deflating again. “I… I can’t.”

“Na-ah!” Bonk. Suddenly, the Craver from her shoulder smacked a box into her face, a Honeycomb Cereal box.

“MMMM, toasted honey!” The Craver on the ground tried to jump up to grab it, but the one on her shoulder smacked them down with a hard slap!

“Na-ah!” The Craver said, “Lil… Lil needs craving. Lil needs Honeycomb!” The little beast opened the box’s top and shook it in front of Lily’s face.

Lily twitched. The soft, honey-filled aroma from the box spilled out. She gently sniffed them. The hairs on her that deflated came alive, followed by even more locks.

She took the box from the creature, lowering it below her face. The fumes from the cereal were stronger than ever, the very tip of her nose turning black and cold. “H-Honeycomb…” she mouthed as she reached in.

She pulled out a single piece of cereal and tossed it into her mouth. She chewed it slowly, soaking in its taste. Sweet. Little dry, but sweet.

But that wasn’t really it. BING! She quivered. She shook, pupils dilating. It was just cereal, she was sure of it. Yet, soaking it all in now… that piece… that sweet, tasting cereal…

SLUUUURP! A pink, comically large tongue slipped out of her mouth and across her chops before sucking back in. “Mmmm, it does taste like toasted honey~.”

She reached back into the box and took a handful. Pieces starting to drop, she opened her mouth… and opened her mouth. It suddenly stretched and expanded out, skin turning rubbery and orangish-brown. Her nose pulled forward with the stretch, flaring up and turning black and canine.

Teeth turned pearly white as the cereal pieces were tossed in. They bit down and chewed and chewed and chewed. Teeth turned more molar-ish and thicker.

GULP! Down they went, straight into her stomach. She broke out into more shivers. Ping-ping-ping-ping! More hairs went out of whack as she belted out, “Mmmm! Tasty~.”

Yes, tasty! Soooo tasty and yummy! She got it. She got why they liked this cereal. Looking around, most Craver eyes were on her now… or her box. Could’ve gone either way. Still, she felt on their wavelength.

And she needed more right then! She slammed her hands into the box, more pieces popping out when she did. She rummaged around in it, trying to grab as much as she could. She wanted it. No, she needed it!

She pulled out her hand, something new greeting her. Four-fingered like the rest of the little gremlins around her and with the same, toony-looking skin tone as her maw.

SLUUUURP! Not that it mattered. She tossed the scoop into her mouth and chowed down. Then she did it again and again and again. More and more scoops, more and more pieces flying all around. The mess she was making the whole time was something else.

Lily loved every second of it, slurping her huge mouth with her tongue and picking up all those crumbs. Each chomp slowly corrupted her. She herself started to shrink, inch after inch cut off. Her skin tone changes spread across her face and arms. More and more of her hairdo came undone and became wilder. Similar hairs began sprouting out long and wild across the sides of her head and below her maw too.

All the while, she feasted. Love Honeycomb~.

Pop-pop! Two canine ears popped out from her hair, wiggling gently and with two Honeycomb earrings hanging from them. Want Honeycomb!

POP-POP! Her heels burst off, revealing two bright yellow, small tennis shoes. Always want HONEYCOMB!

She shivered, slowly shrinking and shrinking, her head disappearing into her dress. Everything was black even as her eyes popped out into large, round eyeballs but that was fine. She knew what she wanted. Yes… me want… me want!

A wild rush of emotions and feelings swelled through her. She didn’t know how to explain or even could if she tried. Everything was fading out. Only one thing truly mattered.

ME! “WANT! HONEYCOMB!” Lily blasted out of her dress, her entire body now a fuzzy puffball with arms, legs, and a face. She did several spins in the air before landing perfectly on her feet. She snatched the box that had fallen in her last bursts of transformation and held it high and proud.

The final Craver had made her fashionably late appearance.

The two Cravers around her gave her a big hug, while the rest bounced about excitedly. Her mind was jumbled and going a mile a minute. Most of her thoughts were about Honeycomb Cereal. Mmmm, toasted honey. Me hungry!

However, through the wild mess and blur of everything, something did pierce through her mind. Rox… Mare… happy… Honeycomb good, Rox and Mare also good! Best night ev-

“HEY! MY HONEYCOMB!” Lily bounced back and held her box up high. One of her Craver pals had made a move, slowly reaching for it. She stuck out her tongue and let out a wet raspberry, hightailing it away from them.

“NO!” “Me want Honeycomb!” Toasted honey, come back!” “Honeycomb!” Her two pals called out, chasing after her. The trio ran and ran and ran and ran, going all over the room and up and down the walls.

And it was fun. Lily had so much fun. Being a Craver, being lost in the cereal, giving in to such animalistic, silly instinct, and more… she loved it!

This is what she needed. Embracing the wild, the craving within. She was born to be a silly Honeycomb Craver. She would definitely have to do another day like this again with her besties soon!



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