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  • Mouse click noise
  • Rachel appears with a smile, sitting at a white table with a blank wall behind her. Hands and arms on the table, hands held
  • “Hello! This is Rachel Groves here with another episode of The Transformative Chew. Before we begin, I like to say this episode was sponsored by Miss Airbag. If you want to look your best, maybe get a little inflating boost to your self-esteem and in general, you simply must try out the best new, Indie clothing maker around. They have an amazing selection of dresses and outfits you’ll love to wear. If you’re not satisfied with your order, there’s a money back guarantee!”
  • Rachel winks. “But no one has ever wanted a return~. It’s amazing place to buy your clothes at, so be sure to check them out at their website today.” Website name flashes below Rachel in arial font.
  • “Now folks, let’s get onto the good stuff! Miss Airbag is sponsoring me not only because they’re sweet, curvy folk, they are also behind today’s newest treat!”
  • “Ta-da!” Reaches off the right and pulls out a small box of cereal. “Introducing: Cougar-O’s!”
  • It’s bright yellow with a cereal bowl pictures in the lower left. A cartoony cougar gal is dipping a comically large spoon into the bowl as she licks her chops. Cougar O’s are at the top as the logo.
  • “Yes, I know my lovely chewers, a clothing company making cereal? That’s so strange! Well, the fine folks there teamed up with Happy Feeling Co, a company that dips their paws into every little thing, and created this breakfast meal!”
  • Rachel shakes the box. “The idea behind the creation from what I’ve learned/been told is that Miss Airbag knows that while many people love their clothes, they may not be able to afford them unfortunately in today’s world. As such, why deny people such a wonderful experience they offer? Now they can have it for breakfast!”
  • Rachel licks her lips. “Well, it’s currently about 1 PM when I’m filming this, but I say, breakfast is anytime! Why wait?”
  • She reaches over to the right again and slides out a bowl with a spoon. “Let’s have a bite!”
  • She pops open the box and opens the bag. She leans in and sniffs it.
  • Nose turns black and triangular almost instantly. She sighs and relaxes, nose going back to normal.
  • “Mmmm, smells like Cheerios and I do like Cheerios~.”
  • She pours it out into the bowl and scoops up a little.
  • She toasts the audience with the spoon. “Here’s to our first, delicious taste~.”
  • She takes her first bite and chews. Nothing seems to happen at first
  • When she finishes, she talks about the taste and it being similar to Honey Nut Cheerios
  • However, as she talks, it’s clear her incisors are longer and more fang like. Teeth are bright white as well.
  • She licks her lips, her tongue looking rougher and pinker and after she finishes, there’s the start of some small whiskers and philtrum folds a bit inward like a cat’s
  • “Either way, it’s delicious and when it’s delicious, it’s easier to eat!”
  • Rachel has another scoop and sighs, hands tensing up and eyes closing. Claws on her fingers, short. First appear on hand holding spoon
  • Her ears then grow a bit and start popping out of her long blue hair on the top of her head.
  • Eyes open to reveal green irises cat eyes instead of her blue normal eyes
  • She smiles and says this cereal might be even better than Cheerios. It feels like every piece is the best piece in a normal Cheerios box
  • Says it’s hard to explain for her and goes back to eating. Her D-cup breasts wobble and grow more firm and higher on her chest, as if they’re being lifted up
  • Her top stretches and the faint outline of some word can be seen in her top, but it’s not clear yet
  • What is clear are her breasts expand and getting more round and orbish.
  • “Ya know, I’m sure some of you may question me on this. Why are you eating cereal without milk in it?”
  • Rachel has a casual chat about her reasoning as she eats another scoop. Light sand brown hairs growing around her mouth and nose
  • As she finishes her reasoning (doesn’t like soggy cereal and rather judge its taste on it alone), her face pushes into a short muzzle. Her voice is sweeter somehow, but also older and more mature
  • “And besides~” Eats another scoop, “Who knows what adding milk would do? Why, it may make my mommy milkers bigger~.”
  • Breasts expand to EE-cups, her low collar dipping furter and stretching out to show more boob… and boob sand colored fur
  • Her blue hair is turn brown at the top and spreading down her locks, which are also shortening
  • She giggles and then clears her throat. “My apologies for such lewd comments, my dearies~. Let us continue with this delectable treat~.”
  • She eats some more, hair shortening more as fur covers her arms and hands, pink pads appearing on the fingers and palms with small pops
  • “This is such a wonderful cereal and~” She looks at the box. “It has all the required vitamins and minerals you need for your diet. Oh, this will surely be good for my figure. A lady as myself needs to watch her weight~”
  • She stands up and shows her waist and hips. She eats another scoop. “My, I can already feel all those pesky calories and troublesome fat melt away!”
  • Waist gets cartoonishly thin and hips and thighs cartoonishly wide and thick like.
  • She sits back down, sand fur circles around her eyes while brown sand fur surrounds the rest of her face
  • “Oh, I’m sure my darling hubby would love a bowl of this… but then he wouldn’t be my darling hubby anymore, would he?”
  • She gives an airy chuckle and eats some more. Hair completely shortens into necklength, chestnut brown hair. A bit spikey on top but with a cute bob cut in the back
  • “Though my silly roommate, Melisa dear, could do with a bowl. Honestly, she’s like a child sometimes and I feel like a mommy. She’s so scrawny and needs to put on a little weight. Oh how I worry about her sometimes.”
  • Rachel eats another bite, fur fully covering her body.
  • “Hmmm… what was I talking about again?”
  • A cougar tail appears from behind her back and scritches her chin.
  • “OH!” Tail slips back and swishes happily behind her. “Oh yes! Cougar-O’s is so delightful of a cereal. My head feels up in the clouds eating it~”
  • She eats the last scoop and gently rubs her face. “Ooooh, yes, yes! With this cereal, breakfast will be so… so…”
  • “FILLING!” She cheers, pumping her fists into the air and pushing her chest out.
  • FABOOM! Her breasts rapidly to FF-cups, smacking the bowl away
  • The lettering fully appears on her top, which is showing her navel now. It reads: Candy
  • The new cougar toon woman pauses and clears her voice, sitting down politely again. Placing a paw on where approximately her heart would be, she says, “Ahem, I mean “fulfilling”, dearies. Fulfilling~.”
  • Looking down at herself, Rachel lightly chuckles. “My my, isn’t this such a boost? Such a marvelous, delightful change, was it not?”
  • “Oh honeys, I feel so fulfilled and complete now. I never felt so… womanly and with it before. I feel like such… such a-”
  • She pauses and looks around the room. She shakes her head and goes tsk tsk. “Dearie, when was the last time I cleaned this place up? It’s so dusty!”
  • She pauses again and chuckles. “Heh, I feel like such a mom~.”
  • “Anywho, my review of Cougar-O’s. I am thrilled to say that I give them an hourglass out of ten~.” She winks. “The results speak for themselves I must say. I feel like a whole new woman, a whole new wife and mommy. The experience of the cereal really is like fitting into one Miss Airbag’s wondrous gowns~.”
  • Arial Font appears below Rachel. “For my recommendation: Soft Chewification! You simply must join in the fun today if you can and figure the new you that is missing in your life.”
  • “This has been Candy Cougar… I mean, Mrs. Rachel Groves of Transformative Chew. I would simply be honored if you would return to watch another video in the future.”
  • “Follow me on Twitter at @TransformativeChew” Text appears for that. “Or become a Chewer at my Patreon: Transformative Chew Show” Text appears for that
  • “Please, if you would for me, click on the like button and be sure to subscribe, if you haven’t already, to get more sweet content as this! Every little bit helps! Have a changey, feely day!”
  • She stands up and bows. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I must tend to soon-to-be needy child, Mellie. She needs to everything ready for her special soccer game today. Oh, mommy is so proud of her~”
  • She waves as the video fades, a commercial playing.
  • “You don’t have to postpone feeling good. Be sure to schedule an appointment today at-” Click.
  • The End


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