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  • JD wakes up and yawns, noticing the clock. He gruffly mumbles about oversleeping
  • Rachel in bed mumbles back half asleep about how he doesn’t have work today and to just sleep in with him
  • However, he insists his writing is important and wants to get right to it so he can get some pages done
  • She mumbles something about going back to sleep and slips further under the curves
  • JD shrugs and slips out of bed, collecting a new, nonsleeping in shirt and fresh underwear from the drawer
  • He thinks about the kind of works he needs to get done and sighs, feeling a bit stressed out already
  • So much to write and so little time. People would be patient if he took a day off, but part of him doesn’t want to.
  • He strolls into the bathroom and tosses his clothes off and to the side, setting his glasses down on the counter.
  • He glances at the mirror and sighs so more, feeling his pudgy belly and cheeks. He really needs to work out or cut back on the snacks
  • He shakes his head and tries to put the thought from his mind for the time being. Being upset won’t make him feel better, especially when he has work ahead.
  • Getting the towel out and everything set up, he slips into the shower and looks for his shampoo.
  • He doesn’t see it right away but finds a new, gigantic bottle that acts as both body wash, shampoo, and conditioner. It’s green and the label reads: Kingly Refreshing
  • Never heard of this brand, he thinks. Guess Rachel did some shopping recently. So much for being more observant of what she does
  • He thinks about looking for his own brand he usually uses in the cabinets, but decides to just go with it. What did he really care? Shampoo was shampoo, no matter what bonuses it had
  • With that, he started the shower up and let the water roll over him. He sighs and relaxes
  • After a spin in place, he grabbed the shampoo and squirted it into his hands. Quite warm, very very warm!
  • He rubbed it thoroughly and got his hands covered in it. The feeling is pleasant, very pleasant and engaging.
  • His hands also began to swell and enlarge, gaining more girth and broadness to them. Fingernails are grayish and a touch longer
  • Once satisfied, he brings the body wash covered hands to his arms and starts there, rubbing and sudsing them up
  • His arms quiver and gain some bulk and girth as well, match better with his hands
  • Rub the shoulders carefully and they broaden as well
  • The feeling is really, really becoming enjoyable now. ‘Mmm, Rachel really picked a good shampoo here. So warm and nice on the skin.’
  • He was about to just wash his body with what was ever left on his hands, but took the time to squirt more into his hands
  • Fully covered, he slathered and cloaked his torso and belly. He quivered quite a bit. That wonderful feeling was growing
  • Chest hairs turned red and more abundant, a trail forming from below his belly button to his crotch
  • Body fat is melting off, his figure looking a lot more fit and strong. No more moobs, but reasonable size pecs.
  • Toned stomach and maybe the trace outline of abs
  • His torso is a bit wider as well for a larger, fitter shape
  • He washes his thighs as well, which grow thicker and less soft
  • Shampoo pours down his legs, body hair there vanishing as they get fitter. Feet enlarge a bit too
  • However, he doesn’t notice that. He’s too caught up in this exciting feeling. The body wash so close to his crotch awakens it, starting to get a stiffy
  • He shivers and thinks he should get back to washing, drenching some his hair a bit to focus
  • More shampoo in hands and he starts working on his hair.
  • His locks become less curly and thicker, spikier… and then redder instead of blond
  • Suds dripping down over his eyes for thicker brows and onto his chin, reddish five o’clock shadow appearing for a goatee look
  • As he scrubs, his mind gets a bit… hornier. He feels so energized and worked out… a quick rub out wouldn’t hurt… including some of that body wash.
  • He squirts a little in his hands and and starts scrubbing his crotch, hairs redder now
  • His balls swell just a tad as a hand, coated, grabs his cock and starts to pump
  • Oooooooh, that feels really really good now. Sooooo damn good
  • He pumps and pumps, snorting and grunting and twitching. His rod gains a few inches, his balls growing bigger more as seed filled them
  • Pumping, his hand grows larger and thicker even more, nearly double its original size!
  • Skin is turning yellow and smooth scaly, fingernails jutting out into cone-ish claws.
  • As pinky merges with ring finger, he blows his load and moans gruffly
  • Other hand quivers and changes too as he squirts.
  • Eventually, he finishes and his cock goes limp. He speaks in a growly voice, “Mmmm, good. Just what I needed~.”
  • He thinks about finishing his shower… but now gets a devious thought about going longer, especially now that water was feeling very very warm and exciting.
  • He smirks and squirts a lot of body wash into his clawed hands. He notices briefly the size and look, but is more interested in feeling good and enjoying this shampoo
  • Getting up his arms, they grow even thicker and more powerful. So much extra width and girth in them.
  • That he noticed and man… he loved that. He felt so… horny. So big and horny, especially when he flexed them.
  • He needed more… more! He got his shoulders, which broadened further. Trapezius muscle and clavicle expanded and bulged quite a bit, his neck thickening up.
  • He was becoming like a body builder but even bigger and better in his mind~
  • And to be better, he just took the bottle and squirted it onto his chest and tummy. He really went full in and started to rub and scrub away
  • He snorted and panted, feeling his torso growing bigger than ever
  • Yellow scales over the shoulders, neck, sides, and collar bone as tannish ones appear over his chest and tummy
  • Small line ridges appear across the chest and tummy, nipples deeper darker tan and wider
  • He especially rubs and gets into his chest, which really inflate and swell until bulgy meaty, wide pecs, almost as big as his face
  • He loved how big and dense they were spending time massaging and feeling them up
  • Eventually, he moves to his tummy, abs vanishing as he gains some slight, wide gut. Just a nice musclegut ultimately
  • He feels and loves it, feeling bigger and more powerful than ever. Having a little extra weight wasn’t too bad, right? He still felt like a king~.
  • Mmmm, king~. Yeah, I am a king, aren’t I? I’m the ruler of this house, this castle~.
  • He loved that thought, his cock stiffening again and growing thicker and longer
  • Balls swell as the suds wash down his legs. Thighs and legs grow dense and powerful as well, plus scaly yellow
  • Feet really swell into thick, three digits beastly clawed feet.
  • At this point, JD is almost wider than the shower itself, but still wants to keep going.
  • Mmmm, haven’t treated my back well~. He squirted a ton of the bottle onto his back and sighs
  • He gains some bigger back muscles at first until skin begins to bulge and swell.
  • The area rises and rises, circular ridge along the edges as the center bulges out into domes with diamond shaped plates
  • A large turtle shell, quite form fitting and easy to move around in, pops out, from the top of his back to just above his rear, which has tightened into a firm buttocks
  • In the open space between shell and butt, a large tail pops out and smacks against the shower wall, giving it a dent.
  • JD quivers and moans, grinning away. He feels so goooooood.
  • He cums a little bit, spikes popping out of the shell and along the top of his tail
  • He shivers and rubs his face. Oooooooh, what a wonderful feeling this all is. A king should feel like this. He should always feel like this.
  • Rubbing his cheeks, skin bubbles and jaws expand, giving him a wide, tan, bulgy round muzzle
  • Teeth sharpen to fangs and the nose deflates and turns into nostrils (area still bulging out a little), combining with his wide mouth muzzle, a goatee at the tip
  • JD is panting at this point. Need more.. Need more!!!
  • He squirts the bottle, basically emptying it onto his head and scrubbing briefly… before feeling the need to jack off again.
  • Either way, skin is fully scaly, area around his eyes and scalp green and bumpier.
  • Ears collapse into his head, but he can still hear.
  • He jacks harder and harder, cocking going almost a full foot in length. His balls swell into just about grapefruit in size
  • He grunts and huffs as he jacks, body quiver as two large bumps appear on the sides of his head.
  • Yeeees, I am powerful. I am strong. I don’t need to worry about anything. The king can do whatever he wants and work whenever~. The king is in charge and all will OBEY!
  • He bellows as his horns grow and his cock erupts, splattering the entire shower in massive cum
  • He goes on for at least half a minute before his cock goes limp again and his balls empty
  • The gruff new King Bowser snorts and smirks. He felt incredible!
  • And looked it too! He flexed and posed a bit, feeling his form up again. Now this is what he could get used to.
  • He turned the shower off and stepped out, the ground shaking slightly from his heavy step.
  • Looking at the mirror, he carefully wiped the steam away (he may be a powerful king, but he didn’t want to spend much)
  • He saw himself and nearly got erect again. God, what a handsome looking beast he was~
  • Familiar too, like Bowser. But better looking, he thought as he stroked his goatee
  • And with that thought and on the changes, he looked at the empty bottle in the shower and remembered who bought it
  • He strutted back to his room nude and proud, walking past Melissa, his extra roommate’s room.
  • She peeked out the door and saw him. He gave a wink and flashing grin of his sharp teeth.
  • Melissa sighed. “Too early for transformation weirdness” and closed her door
  • Her loss. He thought as he entered his room, finding Rachel still sleeping and snoring
  • He strolled up and cleared his throat. He spoke in a deep, booming voice, “Your king requests your attention.”
  • Rachel jolted up and gasped, looking him up and down. “Sooooo big!”
  • “Fucking straight I am~.” He chuckled, flexing an arm and running a hand down his burly torso “Gotta say, that stuff you bought was incredible.”
  • “What makes you think it was me?” He chuckled and gave her a look. “Eh, no use in lying then.”
  • Rachel sighed. “It was some new, specialized shampoo I ordered. I thought it would be fun to try it out, but it looks like you already got to it before I could surprise you. I hope you saved some.”
  • “Nope! This kingly bod needed every last squirt of it.”
  • “Well, fine. Good thing I bought another bottle.” JD trembled and twitched, his cock starting to awaken then.
  • Rachel curiously eyed. “Oh, someone’s up~.”
  • “Hrrrrmmm… another bottle?” He snorted, “Then I command you use it now.”
  • “Oooooooh~?” JD nodded slowly, looking her up. She was a sight for sore eyes with those breasts, curves, and heavenly figure.
  • But everything told him he needed a king, not a measly, human princess right now.
  • “But it’s my gift to you~.” “Don’t care. Need a proper king to fuck. Your puny self couldn’t handle my godly rod.”
  • Rachel shrugged. “But what about your writing?”
  • “Writing can wait. Plus, this has proved to be very inspirational. A little more experience and I’m sure I’ll have something delightfully horny to share.”


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