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So, I'm thinking of bringing back the old third tier, but revamped. The idea for this one is simple. You still get access to all the stories as before, previews and important notes and what not. I might even dabble wit the Early Access feature.

However, you now get access to my behind-the-scenes outlines. What are outlines? They are bullet point lists that detail each step of the story I'm writing from start to finish. This method helps me keep track of things instead of just writing as I go like I used to. It also helps me know where to take breaks and what can be modified.

The outlines are in Tier 3 since they basically tell a truncated version of the story, so you would be getting spoilers of what'll happen. I'll provide an example out you can download to get an idea of how they go.

The tier price would be $3, so not a higher price or anything. It's just by providing outlines, I can provide more content for you all to enjoy throughout the month. Just give the attachment a read and let me know what you think by voting or leaving a comment.



I'm too drunk to read this So I'm just gonna say I love.youe writing. It's nice. It makes me feel good. It gets my cock hard and helps me achieve orgasm Which I suspect is your goal. But hey I see you I see you and Iove you. May your diamond shine as much as you wish to polish it and not an iota less


I'm down for this change.