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Knock-knock. His ears twitched and stood at attention. He looked up from the book and towards the bedroom door. It opened then and a familiar, blue-haired head poked in. Rachel, his lovely, sweet partner in life.

She smiled warmly, gently waving at him. However, he knew her very well. One look at her face and in that smile, he could sense something devious afoot in how she formed it.

“Heeeeeey JD, how’s my big, strong Umbreon doing? You tired?” That just made him even more suspicious. She was up to something.

Still, he rolled with it for now. He bookmarked his book and set it aside, giving her a smile. “I’m doing fine for the most part. Just getting some last minute reading before I clock out.”

““Clock out”, huh?”

“Yeah,” the Umbreon chuckled, “So, if you are planning something, like you probably are, you should do it now before I’m dead to the world.”

“Oh you~. You know me so well!” She grinned and ducked her head back into the hallway. There was some light ruffling he could pick up with his ears.

A second or so later, the door opened and she walked in. She playfully strutted, swaying her hips to the side, hands firm on them. She wore no pants and, very clearly to him, no bra either. All she had on was black underwear and a t-shirt, a very, VERY baggy one at that.

While certainly a stimulating and sensual scene that started to wake JD up (even a little down below), there was one thing off about it. The white t-shirt itself and in particular, the words on it: “World’s Best Hubby”.

She winked and pushed her chest out, cooing, “So, what do you think, handsome?”

JD snickered, admiring the view and while also puzzling over the label. “Well, you’re as beautiful and sexy as ever, but are you sure that’s not something for me? Seems a little big.”

Rachel laughed. “Oh? Is that all?” She strutted over closer, walking beside the bed. “Don’t worry, I’ll grow into it~.”

She winked, JD blushing beneath his fur. However, he couldn’t help but notice something off. He adjusted his glasses and squinted. There… there was this outline. It rested below her mouth, passing over her jaws and cheeks. It was almost like a dark filter was applied over those spots… and it was starting to get darker and puffier.

The Umbreon’s head tilted. Looks like he was right. “Say, Rach, is something up?”

Rachel smiled, her face warmer as the darknesses grew thicker… and fuzzier. “Why do you think something is up? Can’t the world’s best hubby just put on some nice clothes and be intimate with his number one hunk?

JD shivered, his ears standing on end. His heart began to race. “Mmmm…” He leaned in closely, “Is this what I think this is?”

Maaaaybe.” Rachel reached up and stroked his chin, gently through his scruffy, short beard. JD leaned into it, his foot twitching like a dog.


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