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“Y-yes,” Melody interrupted, quickly cutting the cat off before she completely folded in on herself, “I… I already know about your cart and everything. My sister already told me about you.” The silly cat you were, your weird cart with tons of odd things on it, everything…

“Sister?” The yellow cat’s tail swished eagerly. “Oooooh, what’s her name?”


“Tessa… hmmmmmmmmmmmm!” Catthy tapped her chin several tips. “OH! Nya remember her! She bought this nice perfume the other day! She was a sweetie!”

“Yeah. She’s why I’m here.” The human explained, trying to avert her eyes from Catthy’s chesticles, “She said that you have some incredible perfume and that I should get some.”

“Mhm! Nya do! Nya don’t remember what she got though.” Catthy sighed, her pointy ears bending back, frustrated. “Buuuuut, you can look at what nya have! Nya’m sure you’ll find something you’ll like~.”

Catthy drummed on a glass case attached to her large cart, oddly duct-taped to a wooden shelf. Melody peered into the case, looking at the many bottles inside. She really wished her sister told her what exactly she got so she could get out of there quickly. The whole situation was making her feel more awkward and low than she usually was.

There were many different perfume bottles on display, most of them from brands she had never heard of before. A few of them were even missing their labels. However, there was one that caught her eye the most: a small but thick glass bottle with pink liquid in it. Its logo was facing away, so she couldn’t read it.

She didn’t know why, but that one really spoke to her. She asked Catthy, “Can I look at this perfume?”

The cat looked where she was pointing and giggled. “Silly, that’s parfoum, not perfume. Parfoum has a higher degree of fragrance to it, meaning it’s super better than regular perfume!” She looked so proud about that fact.

However, Catthy had no interest in such a lecture. “Can I just see this bottle, please?”

“Of course!” Catthy giggled, unsheathing one of her claws from her pudgy, toony fingers and unlocking the case. “Though, just to let ya know, these bottles are a bit temperamental~. Nya tend to not just give these ones out like everything else unless asked~.”

Melody looked at her oddly, but paid her comment no mind otherwise. Toons were weird. She took the bottle from the case and read its logo: Poodlet N° 5.

She popped the cap and instantly, she smelled its fragrance. She gave it a small sniff… and her pupils dilated. Her irises suddenly went from their soft blue to a vibrant, bright pink.

SNIFF! She suddenly gave the bottle a stronger smell, quivering. Her nose twitched, the skin of it turning cold and dark. It seemed to inflate a little, nostrils flaring and reshaping itself. It completely turned black as it swelled into a canine snoot, pushing out away from her face.

“Sooooo, how is it?” Catthy asked, inching up close to Melody.

Melody twitched, looking up. “Well… it’s, ah, powerful, and heavy. It’s not something I would usually go for. Plus, you said it was a bit temperamental, right? Maybe it’s something that’s not for me…”

Catthy smiled. “Buuuut?”

Melody shivered, weakly smiling. “But, I guess, it sort of calls to me? …heh, like it YIP… yips to me!” She shook her head. “I can’t explain it, but I want it. Really want it.”


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