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“My name is Emiko Urasawa, and I will be the one in charge of today’s product testing. Just follow me, and we can get started.”

The two women left through the door and entered a sterile white hallway, Emiko leading Suzuka down it without any problem. “Alright, let’s discuss today’s test,” the scientist said, “I’m sure you already read the documents provided earlier, but this is just as a reminder because higher ups don’t trust people to remember anything.

“You will be having a bowl of Tasty Rolls. It’s a sweet, fruit flavored cereal of ours shaped like rings. It’s-”

“It sounds like Froot Loops,” Suzuka chimed, picturing the cereal in her head.

Emiko went quiet, just walking along almost as if she didn’t hear her at first. Suzuka chose not to say anything more. With a grand riding on it, it was best not to annoy the person in charge of that.

Eventually, the duo came to a small room and entered. Inside was a nice table with chairs and a fridge. There was already a bowl with utensils and a cereal box laying out. It simply had the words, Tasty Rolls, scribbled onto it. A tripod camera was set up facing the table.

Suzuka was directed to sit down by the food while Emiko headed over to the fridge. She opened it up, inside filled with different varieties of milk jugs. “Need anything to drink here?”

“Umm, 2%? Wow, you’re all super prepared, aren’t ya?”

“We take this testing very seriously,” Emiko said as she took a jug and set it beside the testee. “We want to make sure that we study everything from every angle.”

Even studying milk on the cereal? Gees, science is so complicated, Suzuka thought as she watched Emiko pour milk into the bowl. “Well, is there anything else I need to know?”

“All you need to do now is take some spoonfuls of cereal, eat them, and tell me how it tastes each step of the way. The current reports are good from our past tests, but we still want to see how other people react to our cereal’s special, evolved taste.”

Evolved? Weird word to use as far as Suzuka was concerned, but then again, she wasn’t a scientist or whatever you call someone documenting food tasting tests.

Emiko put the milk away and grabbed a notebook from nearby. Turning on the camera, she sat down across from Suzuka and smiled. “And now we begin. Miss Suzuka Ono, you are Taste Tester #108. You may begin eating Tasty Rolls.”

Suzuka nodded and took a scoop full of the cereal with her spoon. The second it was scooped up, a soft aroma wafted up from the cereal. It slid up to her face, flowing into her nose. “Hehehe! Yummy!” Suzuka giggled. It smelled so good.

But she almost as soon regretted that, blushing intensely. That came out of nowhere. She looked at Emiko, but the glasses-wearing woman didn’t say anything. She just simply writing something down in her notebook.

Suzuka shook her head. Gotta focus. Lots of money on the line here. She shoveled the food into her maw and chomped. Sugar hit her like a ton of bricks. So much sugar, so powerful and cold. It sent shivers down her spine, goosebumps breaking out across her body.


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