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“Excuse me, Miss Samantha?” The woman flinched, noticing Eisen was staring at her. He held out some documents and a pen with his furry paws. “Sorry, but I think we’re finished now? Just going to need you to sign these, and we can begin.”

“Oh-oh… right!” She could feel her cheeks getting redder by the second. How embarrassing to be spacing out like that. She quickly grabbed the papers and signed wherever she could find a spot that needed signing.

“Mmm, eager, are we?” Eisen chuckled, taking the papers back and putting them away. “Can’t say I blame ya. We got a great product for you to try out today. Though, not often we get any ladies volunteering for this… well, outside of that one time~.”

Samantha frowned. That twinkle in his eyes seemed to say this might go on a while. “Ummm… if it’s not too much trouble, I kind of would like to get on with this.”

“Oh, of course!” Eisen sat up and walked over to the fridge in the corner of the room. From it, he pulled out a plastic cup and a rather tall, pink tin can.

“Sure, we could spring for something fancier,” Eisen joked, playfully wagging the plastic cup as he brought it over. “Something like glass would be better. But, from experience, drinking our product can result in some… cramping and clenching of the hand. No one wants to deal with nasty glass shards, right?”

“Ah… sure.” Samantha watched as he placed the glass in front of her. He gently poured, revealing a light pink liquid, much lighter than the can’s pink.

Samantha took the cup, giving it a small sniff. It smelled very much like pink lemonade to her. Not her favorite by any means, but she could deal with it.

“Okay, let’s get down to business!” Eisen took his tablet from his “desk” and took her over to a nearby, metal stool. “Now, you’ll just drink this like normal, and we’ll go from there. Relax, have a little fun, and hopefully, the results will be good. This is our last flavor we’re testing for this line, so we kind of need it to be a success.”

“Heh, no pressure then, right?” Samantha joked, brushing some of her red hair behind her as she sat down. Eisen laughed, nodding as he started writing on his device.

She looked at her cup one last time and took a deep breath. Here we go. She took her first drink of it, taking in a decent gulp. Yep, it was definitely pink lemonade, but with more sugar and… something else in it she couldn’t describe.

That’s when the kick hit her.

Her pupils dilated. Hairs stood up on end, goosebumps broke out across her. Her body shook, her arms especially getting it the worse of it. It was like downing tons of coffee and energy drinks all at once.

Crack. Her hands clenched tightly as the shaking came to its end. The cup cracked and split in several spots, pink liquid leaking all over her hands.

“Heh, see?” Eisen chuckled, writing something down. “Told ya! This is exactly why we don’t give out glass cups… though maybe we just spring for something a little stronger? …eh, just drink the rest of that cup before it’s all gone at this point.”

Samantha nodded. Right, this was still a test. She quickly brought the drink back up to her lips. But then, she stopped.

Her fingernails… her fingers… Her fingernails were longer, bulkier, and at the tips of her fingers. They were stretched and pulled into silver-ish claws. Then, surrounding them and spreading down her digits, there was pink. Dark pink hairs were sprouting up.


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