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First things first, today is my 30th birthday! Woooooo. Here's hoping it goes well!

Now, more importantly for you guys and gals, a news alert with me. At the end of the month, I will be moving into a new place. It's only two doors down for me, but it's still a move and it's been really hectic so far. Between packing, moving small things over there, writing, and working at my regular job, I've been nonstop stressed this entire month.

As such, for the final week and half of March, there will be no new stories or rough drafts coming out. I will share one or two things with you, but for the most part, I need to focus a bit on this for the time being.

There will still be one last story since its in the final stages of proof-reading, but that's it.

Come April, things will hopefully pick right back up for all of us. Got a lot of good things planned from more FtM tales to some delightful anime girl TF romps~



Happy birthday, JD! :D I hope your move goes well.