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Here's a short preview of a multi-part story I've been working on!  Enjoy this sneak peek and look forward to the coming week for more!

       Cathy’s eyes creaked open.  Feeling returned to her body.  Dreams faded away and the room started to come into focus.  Her body stretched and bent as she shifted around.

A second later, she snapped awake as she nearly tumbled off the sofa.  Her heart raced as she threw herself against the soft, cushioned back.  'Gees, gotta… gotta be more careful.'

The young woman sat up, sitting on the sofa edge and stretching her limbs.  Looking ahead, she found her thick-rimmed glasses resting on the table next to her.  She put them on, blowing some of the long blue hair from her eyes.

A quick glance of her surroundings and her memories came flooding back.  'Right right,' she thought, rubbing her eyes, 'Rachel’s place…'

The other night, Cathy was passing through to visit her sister and her husband.  It had been a touch awkward given certain things, but pleasant enough.  Just when she was about to leave, a massive storm rolled through.

Feeling uncomfortable driving home with the massive rain and lightning, she decided to hunker down there, crashing on the sofa.  Blinking her eyes a bit, she stood up and glanced towards the window.  Sunlight was peeking through the closed blinds, the sound of birds chirping off in the distance.

She smiled and yawned, happy to know things were over.  'Better check the weather and make sure there isn’t any flooding', she thought, sitting down and grabbing the remote now, 'it sounded like I'd need a boat out there last night…'

A loud, heavy yawn filled the room as a deep voice followed, “Gooooood mornin’ Cath’~  Sleep well out here?”

In stepped a towering figure that stood at least two feet taller than her it felt.  It was a large bull, with shaggy chocolate hair and chin-strap beard.  His body was bulky with impressive musculature.  He was only wearing a pair of boxers, which barely did anything to obscure his massive bulge.  A soft, musky, animal-like smell was coming off of him.

Cathy looked at him, her cheeks warming up.  She cleared her throat, eyes cocking to the side, and said, “Good m-morning, Rachel.”

The bull snorted and chuckled, scratching one of his large pecs.  “You don’t have to call me that,” he said, “Raphael is just fine when I’m this big burly beast.”

“I-I know, but it still feels weird not to call you by your name,” Cathy explained.

This was the exact reason for why things were awkward last night.  She had visited her sister and her husband after they got back into town from working a long shift in the next county over.  She thought it was some big project that needed them both.

Instead, it was at a farm helping with crops and heavy lifting; a farm that only hired on big, strong anthros to work at it.  Instead of being freaked out by it, the two had volunteered to undergo some “changes” to make them better fit for the job.  It seemed weird, but according to her sister turn manly bull brother, it paid really well and they needed the funds.

The bull laughed, stretching a bit before scratching at his chin. “I get that, but really, Raphael is my name for the time bein’, so chill out lil’ sis.”


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