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 I feel so sick and sick of everything. Nothing ever goes smoothly, nothing I can do can ever fix anything, I'm just along for the fucking ride. Looks like I'm going to have to move again because my mom decided to get into the fight with our landlord over some petty bullshit and refuses to compromise or understand things. I'm just so tired.  I'm so very, very tired. I keep trying to be positive and upbeat, because I feel there needs to be someone around in a group of friends to be that way. But I can't, I just can't. I feel so hopeless and tired and sick to my stomach. I just can't take this. I feel like I'm going to cry.

I'll continue working on things as best as I can since I owe it to you all, but just wanted to let you know where I am.
Should hopefully have something up rough draft wise soon.


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