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Melissa didn't want to move. The thought of it sounded incredibly exhausting and pure draining. Yet, curiosity was getting the best of her. Who was making those noises?

Summoning the last bit of willpower, the woman got up from her seat and onto her feet. Huffing and muttering, she trudged out of her windy living room and into the kitchen. She reached the sliding door there that led out into the back and peered out.

For a moment, she thought the heat was getting to her more than she thought. What she saw was jaw-dropping.

Then she remembered who her roommates were, and the scene became a whole lot less shocking. Bracing herself, she headed out into scorching sunlight. “Seriously, this is what you guys have been up to?”

Heh, look who finally noticed!

Yeah, someone’s lookin’ all hot and sweaty.

My kind of person… though a bit too scrawny.

Oh, don't be rude, dude!

A large inflatable pool was laid out in the middle of the yard, several coolers next to it. Stuffed into the pool were two anthro Pokémon. It was the duo of Blastoise and Feraligatr, both large, bulky, packing muscleguts, and wearing only speedos.

Melissa shook her head as she stepped up to the pool. “I have so many questions.” Her eyes went to the pool. “How is this thing not exploding with… everything it's bearing?”

You mean with all of this muscle and fat?” the Blastoise laughed, rubbing his stomach.

She's just being sensitive, even though we don't care.” Feraligatr snickered, patting his tummy too. “But to answer you, the pool is reinforced to handle turtle bulk and gator spikes…” He turned, showing some of the frills on his back. “…by our lovely neighbors.

“Ah-huh…” Melissa looked back at the large mons. She focused on their faces, doing her best to ignore their heaving, massive bodies as difficult as it was. “So, what are you two even doing like that?”

Beatin’ the heat, obvs!” The Blastoise took a sip from his can and smiled. “Being a water Pokémon is the ticket to being all cool.

“Wouldn't it make more sense to be an Ice-Type though?”

You'd think so.” The gator monster frowned, grumbling as he looked off to the side. “Tried that before. Doesn't work as much as you'd think it would in this heat.

And don't even think about suggesting Fire Type!” The Blastoise huffed. “Sure, heat won't bothah ya but you might spark something. This neighborhood does not need a wildfire to liven things up.

So, we're just gonna chill out here in our pool, have some drinks, and wait til the repair guy eventually wanders over. Probably take a while, so we'll be like this for some time.

I don't mind all of this extra water bulk when I'm with you.” The two nuzzled and softly kissed. Despite the adult energy they extruded, it was a very tender, sweet moment.

Melissa could care less, rolling her eyes. “Yeah, yeah, you guys do that.”

Well, it's not like you have to fry yourself!” Blastoise smiled, sitting up. “We wouldn't leave you hanging, Mel!” He reached over his cooler and pulled out a can.

Join the fun!” He tossed it into her hands. It was nice and cool in her palms, a little bit of ice stuck to it. Looking at the logo, it read, “Energy'mon: Big Wave”.

“Seriously?” Melissa asked without missing a beat. “You want me to… be like you?”

Well, I'm mostly suggesting it for health reasons so you don't pass out, but…” The blue turtle stroked his belly. “Being like this is pretty great.

“Thanks but no thanks.” Melissa shook her head. “I'm really not interested in putting on several hundred pounds here. Seems like too much trouble.”

Your loss!” The Blastoise reached over and yoinked the can out of her hand. “We'll just continue staying wet and bulky then.” He cracked it open with one of his claws and started chugging it.

Let us know if the repair guy ever shows up! We'll be here!” Feraligatr chimed, getting his own can and downed it.

Later Mel!” The two mons waved goodbye as she headed back inside, wiping her sweat drenched face.


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