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The ditzy girl sighed once more and walked towards the staircase. There was a bathroom upstairs that she could hide in for a while to relax. She hid in there the last time a party was held at that frat. The whole situation was annoyingly familiar.

As she took her first few steps up, she looked back at the living room. There were plenty of people partying and dancing away, including a bunch of pony people. They were becoming a familiar sight all over the place.

Two ponies in particular were really the life of the party. One was Bubble Berry, and the other was Grilled Cheese, male Pinkie Pie and lady Cheese Sandwich respectively if she remembered the show and its fandom well enough. Of course, they would be the biggest party animals there.

The couple were dancing with each other while mingling with everyone. All eyes were on them, everyone cheering the duo on. Looking closely between them, Grilled was getting the most “interest”. It seemed so aggressively smothering, though the party pony didn't seem to care.

Of course everyone loves her. She's adorable and has big boobs! Molly started her ascent again. She's just like me…

The second floor was far quieter. There were a few people lingering around, probably also trying to get away from the rush of the party. She ignored them and found the bathroom, thankfully empty.

Another fun party. Molly rubbed her face as she sat down on the toilet. She leaned back against its bowl, closing her eyes. Her thoughts lingered on all of the suffocating guys that flirted with her or just got in her face. It made her heart race until she pried her mind away from it.

Eventually, her thoughts went back to the ponies. I wish I could enjoy things like them. Probably don't have to… Her memories went onto Grilled Cheese and all of the guys hovering around her. No… they get hounded like me. Both of them d…

Bubble Berry was different. The pink pony definitely had attention on him, but he wasn't surrounded or swarmed. He was free to party, dance, mingle, whatever without any of that unwanted, aggressive, in-your-face flirting Grilled received.

Molly sat there, rubbing her head. Soooo, liiiiiiike… She blinked a few times, trying to get her airhead brain gears working. Despite bein kewl and colorful like the ladies, male ponies don't get as much attention or flirting? That train of logic made sense to her. Must be nice…

Then, her gears really started moving. She pulled out her phone and looked at it. Sure enough, the MLP-ified app was there. It had recently appeared on her phone a few days ago, like so many others before. She did her best to avoid it, but now?

An idea had formed. Maybe I could turn into a stallion! Her eyes lit up. Oh oh oh! No more unwanted attention and love for me! A wide smile formed. I'm sooo smart! This is perfect!

Plus, the genderflip thing had a certain appeal to her. She had always secretly wondered what it would be like on the other side. How would things change? Would it be easier for her? Would she still be conventionally attractive in the other way?

Even if she did change, would she become a stallion anyway? From what she understood, whatever you became was up to chance. She may still end up as a mare with big tits.

Yet, she still smiled. Random chance didn't bother her that much. Time for the best party evah! She tapped that app, wasting no more time on her thoughts.

The app started up, turning to an empty white screen for a moment. Soon, there were flashing colors with various symbols and images in the center. It zipped on by so quickly that it hurt to look at it for more than a few seconds.

Eventually, the flashing ended. A pink background remained with a curious image in the center, one with a sparkling, blue heart-shaped gem. Fancy gold markings resided on both sides of it, something that had a royal air to it.


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