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Yeah a update with our Home Internet problem as of now we still have no internet connection at home. The replacement modem did came in last Friday and it we got it hook up to the main line but still no connection so this means there something wrong with the main line. we did scheduled a technician to come by today and they didn't show up we don't know what happened if they got tied up with something or what but ether way we going to have to rescheduled, my brother is not very happy about it he took the day off to wait for them and they didn't show. 

So we don't know when and if we are going to get our home internet back the only internet connection we have is through our Mobile Phones and that every limiting on what we can do. So until we get our internet back or figure out what to do next cause we are thinking about switching providers if we are still being strung around like this, I will not be streaming cause there nothing I can do right now.

I will still be working on commissions I just won't be able to stream them like I do.  Of course this mean I will have to work on the commissions that was requested to be streamed I'm sorry but I did try to hold off in the hopes that we got our internet back up today but that didn't happened so I have no choice but to start working on these I can't hold onto these forever. 

So until we know what happening with out internet I just won't be very active online I'll try to get stuff posted and all but our limited Mobile connection it just going to be a little difficult to do. 


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