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Here are some photos of the progress of the Basement.

The Floor is finally done, it took a little longer than we wanted mostly because half the flooring materials got damaged somehow so we have to wait almost another week for a new shipment of flooring materials to come in so they could finish the job.

Anyways, now that the floor is done, my brother and I could now start moving our stuff down there and get things set up. probably not right away cause as you could see the bathroom is still not finished (still waiting for the shower the be installed) and we thought it would be nice to have Thanksgiving dinner down in the Basement to celebrate finally being finished. Hopefully, the Bathroom will be finished by then.

Anyways I'm probably going to be busy for the next few weeks getting things moved and set up for Thanksgiving and settling in.

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It's been a LONG journey for you and your family on this. Glad it's coming to an end. And I really do hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving meal there.