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Yeah, once again I have to work this Saturday (June 25) so once again I probably won't be able to stream that day, sorry, and just a heads up I do have to work a Saturday in July as well I'll let when that get closer. 


Ask far as I know she doing okay we can't go and see her yet cause of Covid prevention to stop the spread. 


So far they haven't put up the drywall yet don't know if they are doing it today or tomorrow or next week hopefully they didn't ghost us like the last contractor but we'll see.

Patreon Commissions

I still have three big commission projects I still need to start and finished but having to work on Saturdays and stuff happening with the family and the basement and everything it's making it very hard for me to find the time to work on these but they will be done they just taking longer than usual. 

Growth Drive 

By the way, I did get enough donations to get to the next goal for the Mr. Wolf Growth Drive but with everything that happening right now, I won't be able to make the next part until this Sunday at least.

Anyways that is it for now I hope you all have a good weekend.


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