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Giving you guys an update about our Dad and it's not good news. 

The reality is that he going into kidneys failure whether it was caused by his cancer or something else we don't know but we are faced with a dilemma if they can't get his kidneys going on their own he will have to go on dialysis if that happens they can't do the radiation and chemo treatment they were planning on doing this week, so the Cancer will just keep spreading fast and take him. If they don't put him on dialysis then the Kidneys will take him. So no matter which way we go he will die, so it will depend on which one will give him more time. 

In other news, the work on the Basement is coming along with the wiring and the plumbing now done they should start getting the walls and drywalls up this week. What sucks about this is that the basement should have been done a long time ago but with this stupid pandemic on top of other things that delay the process on it, now, it looks like our dad won't be around to see it finished which is the reason why we started all this so we could move him into my room while he recovers from the surgery, funny how life goes sometimes. Either way, the basement will be finished whether he is still here or not. 

With everything that is happening right now, the Patreon commission will be closed until further notice so if any of you guys are still pledging please cancel your pledges/subscriptions or move to a lower tier ($1 or $5) before the new month start. I will try to finish any commissions I still owe this month but it will take a while. 

Thanks for all the well-wishes and prayers for me and my family and our dad, I very much appreciate it 

Well, that's all I need to say and update you guys on. 
