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Yeah, letting you guys know I have fallen behind with Patreon Commission this month (February) I still have one week left for this month to try to get everything caught up but I'm afraid I won't be able to get everything done.  I still have about 13 clients with at least 1 to 3 commission projects each (which I'm thinking of lowering that down to two per client but I'll talk about that later). 

I do have today off from work for President so hopefully, I get most of these commissions finished today but I'm going to say this now if you are still waiting on a February commission from me by the end of this week and if you are still pledging by then and if you don't want to get charged again for March I would strongly suggest canceling your pledge or move to the $1 or $5 tiers. if you still want to keep pledging that's fine but keep in mind I can't work on your March commission until I get your February commission is finished.



I think you are doing a great job so far.